Want to Spruce Up Your Living Room? Here’s What You Need to Do

Cool tips for your living room

Written by Camilla Moln. Updated on Want to Spruce Up Your Living Room Here’s What You Need to Do

Living rooms are one of the most important parts of a home. It’s where you go to relax and socialize, so you want it to be inviting and cozy. If your living room is looking a little drab or outdated, don’t worry! Here are some tips and tricks that will help you achieve just what you’re looking for in no time at all.

Paint Your Walls

Paint your walls a color that makes you happy. Here are some colors with meanings and what they might make you feel like when looking at them in the space of your home:

  • Red reminds you of passion and warmth
  • Blue evokes feelings of serenity or tranquillity
  • Green brings about relaxation and nature
  • Yellow symbolizes happiness

Choose something that will have the impact you’re seeking for this part of the house.

If it’s too hard to choose just one hue, consider painting three different wall panels with three different hues so that each time guests enter the room in your home, they’ll see something new and different.

This will encourage you to spend more time in your living room. The goal is to make it feel like home!

Paint supplies are inexpensive and many apartment complexes provide free painting services if there’s not enough money for painting yourself.

Paint Your Walls
Credits: gerenme, via Canva.com

Add A Rug

If you don’t have a living room rug, then this might be the perfect opportunity to buy one.

Rugs are an inexpensive way of adding texture and character to your home’s décor. As some professional interior designers say, to make any floor feel warmer, try adding a high-quality rug. Specifically, you want to buy a rug that matches the colours of your furniture and other decorative items in your living room.

There is a range of rugs to suit every décor, and you may have trouble finding exactly what you’re looking for if you don’t know what colour scheme is already present in your home’s decorating.

That means it’s important to determine which type of tone or style best suits your needs before shopping for rugs online or at an outlet store nearby

Your first step should be taking note of the different tones throughout the room (e.g., neutral whites, warm yellows, cool blues). Next, decide whether to invest in expensive high-end pieces or go with budget-friendly options so as not to overspend on key pieces just to have a room that’s not cohesive

Once you’ve figured out what colours to include in your rug, the next step is thinking about how much texture you’re looking for. Textured rugs are great if you want something with some more interest or patterns while polished-textured ones work well for spaces where people gather frequently like living rooms and dining areas.

If it feels difficult to choose between two options, then go ahead and buy both! Having one of each will make sure all tastes are satisfied and offer a little bit of variety when entertaining guests who might be coming from different backgrounds.

Add A Rug
Credits: KatarzynaBialasiewicz, via Canva.com

Add Plants

Bringing plants into your living room is the perfect way to spruce up an otherwise bland space. It’s a quick and easy fix that can go with any style, from rustic and country to modern chic.

If you’re looking for ideas on what type of plant to add, consider something like a fern or some trailing ivy vines that will trail across surfaces in search of sunlight. You could also do succulents or even cacti if you want them as decorative pieces instead of sources for fresh oxygen!

You can always look for plant ideas and inspiration online. There are plenty of images from interior designers to help get your creative juices flowing!

Remember to pick a plant that is not too invasive and will work for your living room’s light conditions. Find an appropriate place to put the plant (i.e., next to a window or on top of bookshelves).

Add Plants
Credits: KatarzynaBialasiewicz, via Canva.com

Hang Up Artwork Or Pictures

If you’re looking to spruce up your living room, think about hanging artwork or pictures on the wall. This is a quick and easy way that can make a big difference in your home!

Most people put their artwork away in storage because they don’t know how to display it without cluttering up the walls. However, there are a number of ways that you can show off your art and photos while still leaving plenty of space for other items.

Hang shelves above or below windows.

These shelves will allow you to place decorations on them as well as hang pictures from hooks screwed into the wall behind the shelf. Mounting these shelves high enough so that viewers can see what is displayed helps prevent clutter by eliminating any unnecessary eye contact with shelving units built too low to be seen easily. This also allows light fixtures mounted directly over the shelves to cast light directly on the items

Consider hanging a mirror over your fireplace.

This is an excellent way to add depth and space to a small living room. Hang it high enough so that you can see yourself while sitting, but low enough for shorter people (like children) not to hit their heads. You’ll love this quick fix! When hung at eye level or higher, mirrors reflect more natural light into the room which helps brighten up any area and also doubles as art when they’re framed with the artwork.

Hang Up Artwork Or Pictures
Credits: DAPA, via Canva.com

Replace Old Furniture

Replace old, worn-out furniture with new pieces. This will perk up your living room in a big way! It doesn’t have to be expensive either. Thrift stores and garage sales are great places to find deals on brand-name furniture that still has lots of life left in it.

If you’re handy with a hammer, screwdriver, and drill- try refurbishing your furniture. This can be done by stripping the old paint or varnish to reveal the wood underneath, adding some color (paint), and stenciling on design elements. Or better yet- cover it with fabric!

Making your home look more like a cozy place to live is an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety. You don’t have to spend hours painting the walls or replacing furniture, but just adding a few simple touches can make all the difference in how you feel when you walk through that front door. If you are looking for ways to add some life into your living space without spending too much time on it, then consider these quick fixes.

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Camilla is an experienced Consultant with more than 20 years of preparing professional articles for numerous online resources. She has done a tremendous job and has learned a lot during her career. Camilla will advise you on the latest trends and give amazing tips on how to decorate a house.
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