Glasses and Cups Should be Stored Upside Down, That’s Why

Now We Know The Truth!

Written by Olivia Paxton. Updated on glasses and cups should be stored upside down

Now we know the truth, should glasses and cups be stored upside down or not?

Should glasses and cups be stored upside down?

This issue has many pros and cons.
But we are convinced that glasses and cups should be stored upside down.

How to store glasses?

Of course, we try to take care of all the dishes and storing glasses right in our house.

However, some items require special attention.

Large glasses of red wine brought from a trip will undoubtedly require more care than a massive colored glass tea mug. When preparing dishes to put them in your cabinet, wash them, and look for cracks and chips.

Throw damaged objects immediately so that you or your kids will not be injured.

The most vulnerable parts of the dishes are the edge, the leg of the glass and the thin handles of the cups.

Keep in mind

Dust, mites, and anything else that floats around us in the air may appear in dishes that were kept bottom-down.

how to store cups

How to store glasses and dishes?

The choice of the place where the long-term storage of your favorite dishes and drinking glasses will take place should be сhosen with special attention.

The air temperature should be constant, without excessive: heat and cold.

Also, avoid damp areas, as water can leave stains on the glasses and ruin the appearance of glassware. Thus, an unglazed balcony, wind, and the scorching sun are not suitable for responsible storage.

A cabinet or pantry located far from drafts and heating devices will cope much better with this task.

glasses storage

Honestly, there are several good reasons why cups should be kept in a clean and dry place.

When the cups do not get completely dry, moisture may get inside. If the cups are kept upside down for a long time, mold and bacteria can grow very fast.

How to store crystal glasses?

To save your crystal glassware from damage, we suggest to follow these recommendations:

  • products can be washed at 55 degrees Celsius (gentle mode) in the dishwasher
  • do not use abrasive products when washing
  • wipe dry with a flannel cloth

Usually, you can damage your crystal glasses when washing in a dishwasher while loading and removing it, and the glasses should be placed so as not to touch each other.
If you have crystal glassware, you need to know that the crystal glass storage must be in a dry place, and be always unpacked. 

crystal glasses

How should cleaned and sanitized cups be stored?

There are plenty of ways to store cups. Traditional cabinets or cupboards are good to keep the cups clean and in order. But you may also use:

  • open shelves,
  • hooks,
  • trolleys,
  • rails,
  • wire baskets.

Pretty cups may serve as a decoration element to add some coziness to your kitchen. 

If you store your cups openly, make sure they are placed away from spills and splashes that often occur in the process of cooking. Cups should be stored far from the cooker so heat and fire won’t damage them. 

Best way to store wine glasses

To storing glasses right put the fragile glasses on their feet. If you store wine glass upside down, then the fragile edges of the glasses will have pressure, and an unpleasant odor of dampness may also appear.

Put cups one in one are a rather unstable idea. If you keep them that way, the risk of cracks increases many times.
Special plates covers will protect them from dust and save you from having to wash the dishes before every party.

wine glasses

Wine glasses are designed to reveal the taste of the drink and let you enjoy it.

If you are a wine lover it is important for you to care for your glasses and to store them properly. Experts recommend storing the fragile wine glasses upright on the cabinet shelf.

Dry the glasses before putting them to the cabinet to prevent the stains on the bottom of the glass. Put them on the shelf upright.

This will help to protect the rim and the fragile edges of the glass from damage. Keep the distance between the glasses to prevent the chipping.

You may also store the wine glasses in the cardboard boxes if you don’t have enough storage space.

Basic tips for saving your  glasses during transportation 

Use additional protection

Regardless of whether you have chosen a heated basement or storage box for your dishes, there are cups and glasses that require additional protection.

Glasses made of the thin glass must be filled with paper, and their legs should be wrapped in bubble wrap. After you have placed the dishes inside the box, empty spaces must be filled with polystyrene or paper.

So the dishes will definitely not move and will not split during transportation.

how to store glassware
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Main rules how to store glassware

Glassware should be stored in a clean dry place. Open shelves or cupboard is a good decision for storing fragile glasses. Storing the glasses on the shelves will keep them clean and prevent them from breaking.

Glasses with long should be stored upright while glass mugs or rock glasses may be stored upside down.

Wine glasses may be stored on specially designed rails upside down.

Keep in mind that the glass is fragile and may be dangerous for children and pets, so choose the place where the glassware can’t be reached by a small child.

Also, make sure the glasses can’t accidentally fall off the shelf and be broken

  • Do not store glassware in places were is the unstable temperature (for example, in a garage or in the attic) – this can lead to microcracks.
  • Cover the boxes with glassware with a soft cloth or white paper
  • Glasses and cups should be stored upside down
  • Wrap each glass or plate in a sheet of white paper (do not use the newspaper – letters can be printed on the plates).
  • Obviously. Do not put heavy items on the box with your glassware

Sign your Kitchen Boxes with FRAGILE Mark

fragile storage

For the sake of space, we put boxes on top of each other.
Cardboard walls may not withstand the pressure of several boxes or one very heavy.

The weight of other things can crush favorite cups.

To avoid such misunderstandings, be sure to mark all the boxes with dishes and indicate that the fragile glass objects are inside.

glasses and cups should be stored upside down

Glasses And Cups Storage Tips To Keep In Mind. FAQ

Whenever it comes to storing different vessels that we use for drinking, we often get confused since not all of them can be stored the same way.

For instance, massive tea or coffee mugs and fragile wine glasses require different attitudes since the latter ones are far more vulnerable.

Naturally, everyone would like to keep the mugs and wine glasses safe and sound, and we can tell you how to achieve that goal.

How do you pack wine glasses for storage?

How do you pack wine glasses for storage
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

We sometimes take our wine glasses to the picnic or bring them with us when we go to visit our friends or family. Or when we are moving to the new house.

How to protect these fragile vessels from breaking?

Despite the common belief, long-term storage in the upright position is not the best option since the stemware will become dusty very soon.

Another option is to pack them.

To do this, wrap each glass with a paper carefully (note that the item must be wrapped in several layers so take a big sheet).

Then prepare a box divided into sections spare enough for a glass to come in. Place the glasses vertically and cover them with a sheet of carton.

Put more padding over and close the box securing the top with the tape.

How do you store extra glasses?

Here everything hangs upon whether they will be used or not.

If they will, then placing them to the cupboard is fine only make sure you wipe them with a microfiber cloth regularly to delete dust.

But if these glasses won’t be used on a regular basis or at all, we would advise you to stock them in carton boxes, wrapped with paper and tightly sealed.

Where should drinking glasses be stored?

Where should drinking glasses be stored
Photo by Mathias Lövström on Unsplash

If the storage means that the items will not be used for a long time, then you’d better place them into a firm box previously wrapping each glass with paper and putting some paper inside of the glass, too.

They can be stocked on the shelf or in the basement, it doesn’t actually matter, only make sure that the vessels are placed upright to avoid cracks.

If the glasses are regularly used, then keeping them close to you will be wiser.

It’s good if you have a special rack for glass storage, however, even there the items will get dusty.

As an option, just place them on the shelf or to the bar with the rim-side up to prevent cracks or chips.

How do you store bar glasses?

Bartending storage is a bit more complicated compared to the home-stored items.

Always use a clean and even surface to make the glassware stable.

Glasses must be turned upside down and stand on the proper netting. It will provide proper ventilation.

Also, remember to rotate the glassware from time to time to protect it from the fast dusting. 

It is also advised to keep glasses away from any smoke since its impact can form a sort of dusk film on the glass surface.

How should cleaned and sanitized cups be stored?

How should cleaned and sanitized cups be stored
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

The more proper we store our drinking vessels the longer we will keep them clean. After we wash and sanitize our mugs and other items, it is useful to follow certain tips to keep them tidy longer.

Such actions will prevent the vessels from cracks and breaks, and the cups will remain clean longer.

Do glasses dry faster upside down?

It is a real point of concern since some say that storing them inverted does indeed help to dry the vessels faster.

Others insist that it doesn’t matter how to put them.

The fact is that when we turn the glass upside down, the liquid that remained after washing runs down easier and evaporates faster. 

If, on the contrary, we leave it upright, there will be a small pool inside of the glass making the liquid evaporate slower.

That is why inverted glasses indeed dry quicker!

When glasses have been washed how should they be stored?

Have you ever noticed that the recently washed glasses have those ugly dusty marks on their sides? Have you ever wondered what it could be?

Well, the thing is how we stock them. Pay attention to how you place the freshly washed glasses.

Are they upright or inverted?

If they are upright, then be ready to find those chalky marks that evaporating water leaves. You see, when glasses are drying upright, excess liquid remains inside and evaporates slower. 

But if we turn them upside down, it will run down much easier leaving no traces on the glass sides! That the secret.

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Olivia shares all she knows about the hotels, houses, and home cleaning with Beezzly readers. And she knows a lot! 15 years of work experience as a Manager in a former Four Season Service gave Olivia an exceptional base of professional knowledge and practical experience.
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