How Long Can a Mouse Live Without Food?

You will find some interesting facts about these animals that can help you

Written by Meredith Hayes. Updated on Do mice need water

Mice can become a true disaster once they get into your house or apartment. Sounds of running feet at night, scratching behind the walls – how to stop this nightmare and not to get crazy? And the worse that can happen is to find a dead mouse where you live!

We will tell you how to spot a mouse in your apartment, dead or alive, and what actions to take to make it leave you forever. Also, you will find some interesting facts about these animals that can help you, too.

Enjoy the reading!

Rodents In the Household. How to Spot and How to Get Rid of Them

Finding the traces of mice in your household is one of those bad news nobody wants to receive. But what is even worse is that one day you can suspect that your small “dweller” has died.

When dealing with alive mice, you can make them leave by having a cat, using mouse traps or poisons. But what to do to take away the dead rodent?

  • Want to know the way how to find a dead mouse? One of the ways is to follow your nose. What does a dead mouse smell like? Dead mouse smell reminds a rotten egg’s smell a bit, it is very unpleasant, stinky and strong. So to spot the victim, simply smell everything around till you find a place where the odor is the most unbearable.
  • However, all the rodents, when they are dead, smell the same so this variant may not be exact enough. Instead, try to find any alternative signs of the dead rodent. As a variant, you may try to trace the mice’s feces near the sources of food and water (bathroom, kitchen, pantry, etc.). The mice’s excrements are very small, hardly longer than one-quarter of an inch, so you won’t confuse them to anything else.
  • Another variant is to follow the insects. Dead bodies attract flies and beetles so be attentive!
  • How long does it take a mouse to die after eating poison? If you used poison recently, you must know how soon it will work to find and discard the dead animal before it starts to stink like hell. Usually, after consuming poisonous food or being poisoned in any other way, mice die within four to six days.
How Long can Mice go Without Food and Water?How Long can Mice go Without Food and Water?

So, after you applied the toxic “treatment”, ensure you examine your house or apartment for any dead rodents during this period of time.

How to get rid of a dead mouse smell?

How high can mice jump
Photo by Yunu Dinata on Unsplash

Mice, even though being so small, can spread a heavy and stinky odor when they die, especially if they find their end near the water.

How to get rid of dead rat smell?How to get rid of dead rat smell?

To destroy the awful odor, find the dead rodent and cast it away as soon as possible. The best that can happen is the rodent died in the easy-to-reach place, you will be able to discard it yourself, but usually, it takes much more effort and time together with money, of course.

When discarding a dead mouse on your own, put on protective gloves as rodents can carry dangerous diseases!

How high can mice jump
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
  • How to get rid of mice in the apartment? The easiest fastest and the most expensive way is to call a rodent control service to deal with the problem. 

Another method that some may like more is to have a cat. Even a small kitten can scare away the mice in the apartment once and for all, and even if some rodents remain, your fluffy killer will destroy them with no external help.

You may also set the mice traps of course, but then you will have to deal with the dead mice on your own or, again, call the rodent control service to come and extract the body, especially if a mouse died in a hard-to-reach place in the wall or under the floor.

  • How high can mice jump?

Some people are afraid that mice can get to the dining table or their clothes hanging on the hangers in the wardrobe. So how high can these animals jump? Mice can jump as high as one foot and climb the walls up to thirteen inches.

 How Long Can a Mouse Live Without Food?

If you are not into using poison and can’t have a cat to scare away mice, you may wonder whether it can help simply to remove all the food and block the ways to food and water for the rodents to make them leave.

Well, let’s find it out.

Do mice need water?

They actually do but a very little amount of it. When mice have access to water, they use it of course, but most of the time they can live with very few or with no water at all as they get it from the food they eat.

And, how long can mice live without water? Mice can live for 4 days without water in the wild world and not more than 3 days in a cage. Mice can easily find water inside the house. In a wild world, mice get water from fresh herbaceous plants. Mice are much more dependent upon food than water.

Mice receive water from the food they eat so they can survive without the source of it for several days for sure.

  • How long can mice live without food?

Unlike water, food is needed for mice daily as they digest it very fast. Without access to food, mice can survive no longer than four days.

Dead mouse smell
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

How long does it take for a mouse to starve?

Mice depend on food a lot as they receive both digestive elements and water from it. So, if you want to starve the rodents to death, block the access to food for them and they will not last more than four days.

We hope that this information will be useful for you whenever you need to deal with rodents in your home and, thanks to these tips, you will be able to not only clean your house or apartment from the dead animals but also to prevent them from getting inside and dwelling there.

All the tips given here are simple to use and they can help you to make your home cozy and safe again with no mice, rats or other wildlife.

Be attentive and careful, and remember to protect yourself when dealing with rodents, no matter dead or alive.

Take care!

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Meredith will assist you with your health and family problems. She is a professional therapist who has huge experience in the field of family health care.
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