What happens to our health if we don’t get enough sleep all the time.

Healthy sleep is really vital to us. Whatever happens to us during the day, at night, it is worth sleeping sweet and soundly!

Written by Meredith Hayes. Updated on don’t get enough sleep all the time

Proper sleep, as well as the satisfactory amount of it, is essential for everyone. Of course, everything is very individual and we can’t say that every single person on Earth must sleep no less than eight hours a day! If you hear someone saying that, you’d better not adhere to this person much.

See, each person’s body is created unique. And it is not only about some external features like eye color, body type, or the texture of hair. Each and every one of us need a particular amount of time to sleep in order to feel active, healthy, and well toned.

This is why, if you want to figure out how long you need to sleep to be able to operate effectively during the day, we recommend you try to sleep longer or spend less time on sleeping, on the contrary. Like this, you will manage to find your very own duration of sleep that suits you personally.

However, no matter how long you need to sleep, having enough time to rest in a sleep is vitally important! Without proper sleep, our body will pretty soon get tired and exhausted. It may lead to overall loss of energy and thus to illnesses.

Most of us need 8–9 hours of sleep for a good rest. Moreover, the dream must be strong enough, and the phase of deep sleep – as long as possible.

Lack of sleep does not only lead to a bad mood and reduced working capacity: numerous studies confirm that regular lack of sleep adversely affects our health and even life longevity. 

This is what happens to our health if we don’t get enough sleep all the time.

Reaction becomes reduced

The less we slept, the more time it takes for us to concentrate, and it is more likely to make the wrong decision. Driving a car, strength training, and other activities that require a good reaction, it is better to postpone them if you do not get enough sleep.

Your Memory worsens

Didn’t sleep all night, trying to prepare better for the exam or important performance? We have bad news: most likely, the test will pass worse than it could.

Lack of sleep affects our ability to remember new information, as well as retrieve information that you already knew.

Immunity become weaker

During sleep, we not only relax but also recover. A study two years ago confirmed: sleep really accelerates recovery from respiratory viral diseases, such as flu.

During sleep, the immune system produces protective substances, such as cytokines, that fight bacteria, and viruses. If we sleep not enough, cytokines become insufficient to deal with aggressors effectively, and we become ill.

What happens to our health if we don’t get enough sleep all the time
Credits: aleksandrdavydovphotos, via Canva.com

Increased risk of heart disease

A full night’s rest helps to control blood sugar and blood pressure – the latter factor is especially important for the health of the cardiovascular system. Many modern studies confirm the direct relationship between insomnia and an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

Increased risk of depression

A 2017 study, in which 10 thousand people took part, confirmed: the risk of developing depression increases in five-times in those people who have insomnia. Moreover, sleep loss is one of the first symptoms of this disease, and lack of sleep only worsens the symptoms.

Gaining excess weight

The less we sleep, the lower the level of leptin, which regulates metabolism, and the higher – ghrelin, the so-called “hunger hormone.” In addition, if we slept less than we need, we often choose junk food, trying to cope with stress in this way.

What happens to our health if we don’t get enough sleep all the time gaining weight
Credits: Image Source, via Canva.com

Diabetes risk increases

Good sleep helps the body to process glucose. If we constantly sleep less than we need, the cells process glucose more slowly, and the risk of diabetes increases significantly.

Sexual attraction decreases

Less energy, more stress – is it any wonder that chronic lack of sleep affects our libido, in especially difficult cases, lowering it to zero? The less we sleep, the less attractive any postures seem to us, except “I’m on my back, a blanket on top, and nobody next to me.”


Well, now you know what can be the results of the lack of sleep. If you don’t have enough time to rest during the night, your body will respond with tiredness and the overall loss of energy. In its turn, it may lead to worse aftermath, such as worsening of your memory, weaker immune system, gaining excess weight, and even depression!

So we strongly recommend you to make sure you get enough sleep every night, as well as calculate how long you need to sleep to feel active and full of energy in the morning. Like this, you will not only remain productive at work but you will also invest in your health and even the duration of your life!

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Meredith will assist you with your health and family problems. She is a professional therapist who has huge experience in the field of family health care.
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What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep | The Human BodyWhat Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep | The Human Body