How to Get Rid Of Brassy Hair With Vinegar

Recipe of the vinegar toner for brassy hair.

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How to Get Rid Of Brassy Hair With Vinegar

If you have blonde chevelure, then you are definitely informed of how sensitive your chevelure is to anything that affects it from outside. Since blondes are extremely assimilating for external influences, brassy tones is not a seldom problem.

But the brassy effect can appear even on the dark chevelure that was dyed fair or blonde!

Of course, all the owners of the blonde mane, no matter whether it is natural or colored, want to know how to get rid of brassy hair easily and fast.

Well, below you will find a lot of useful info regarding this issue together with the recipe of the vinegar toner for brassy hair.

What Makes Hair Brassy?

5 Best Tips to Prevent Brassy Hair5 Best Tips to Prevent Brassy Hair

First of all, before we dig into this problem, let’s figure out why our hair including blonde, in particular, are so vulnerable at all.

You probably know (or, maybe, not) that unlike the darker chevelure colors, fair locks have much more porous structure which allows them to intake nearly everything that gets onto it and absorb it easily. This is the major reason why the locks of this shade are affected by external factors more than other colors.  

how to get rid of brassy hair
Photo by Jane Sundried on Unsplash

So what about the other reasons that turn the chevelure brassy after a while?

  • All the blonde girls who have ever dyed their chevelure are aware that the new shade doesn’t stay on the locks for long. After several washes, you usually find out that the result is not quite what you expected it to be. 

What is even worse, after a while, the first signs of brassiness appear!

  • But changing the chevelure palette is not the only cause. The daily chevelure care methods which are applied have an effect on the appearance of the yellowish shade greatly.
  • The natural shade also matters. The darker it is the more visible and significant the brassiness will be.
vinegar toner for brassy hair
Photo by Gardie Design & Social Media Marketing on Unsplash

We are absolutely convinced: ladies are interested in how to get rid of brassy hair and forget about this nightmare forever. 

You could buy expensive curing products or do even more expensive salon treating procedures to remove brassiness from hair. Nevertheless, we can suggest another, much more effective and affordable way to solve the problem.

How to Get Rid Of Brassy Hair Naturally 

get rid of brassy hair
Photo by AndriyKo Podilnyk on Unsplash

Let’s confess, ladies, that not everyone would like to use more chemical means to treat the effect after the same chemical exposure on their chevelure.

Since brassiness is most often a result of dying, it is preferable to choose some gentle methods for fixing the problem. Ever been curious about how to get rid of brassy hair using home remedies? Then now it’s the moment of truth!

To achieve this goal, use apple cider vinegar instead of toner to get rid of brassy hair at home. Simple, cheap, and fast!

Why is it so good, you may ask? First of all, this is a natural product and it causes no additional harm to the already damaged chevelure. 

Second, it makes our locks stronger, lowers pH level and, as an extra bonus, even has healing properties!

Finally, an ordinary vinegar will create a sort of cover or a shell over the chevelure to defend it from harmful external factors.

remove brassiness from hair

So how to use vinegar for treating brassy hair?

Decide which approach to choose by yourself.

  • Vinegar+Water

The simplest approach on how to remove brassiness from hair that won’t cost anything! 

Combine the appropriate portions of liquids. For short chevelure, one cup of vinegar must be dissolved in two cups of water. For long locks, this amount must be twice as bigger.

Just spread the DIY hair toner with vinegar over the locks and rinse away thoroughly straight after. Repeat the procedure regularly, at least for fourteen days, for faster effect.

Purple shampoo is good itself but, when blended with vinegar, it creates miracles! The ugly brass tone will vanish instantly.

How to Get Rid Of Brassy Hair Naturally
Photo by Crema Joe on Unsplash
  • Vinegar&Food coloring hair toner

This option fits the very brassy chevelure. Buy an ordinary shampoo, vinegar, and food colorings.

Mix up the components, cover the locks with the compound and wash down thoroughly after several minutes.

Other Brassy Hair Home Remedies

Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Except for the means from above, more homemade ideas to cure the chevelure exist.

How to remove brassy tones from hair naturally

Except for the means that were mentioned above, other means exist. A compound of lemon juice, water, and honey or a blend of vinegar and hollyhock herb will create miracles.

Get rid of brassy hair with baking soda

Safe de-brassing of the chevelure? Prepare a soda mixture. 

  1. Mix up together ½ tsp of food colorings,
  2. 1 tsp of baking soda, 
  3. sulfate-free shampoo, 
  4. spread over the chevelure for 10-15 minutes,

then wash off. 

As you can see, the described decisions and ideas are simple to carry out and use since all of them require the components that can easily be found at home or at the nearest store.

Besides, the homemade means are super safe for chevelure and have plenty of additional useful options such as chevelure protection and strengthening which is a big plus when it comes to treating our locks after dyeing.

Pick any of these treating means and remember to try them on the inside of your hair first to see what effect they may have (it refers especially to the solutions that contain food colorings). 

Written by
Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here.
DIY Hair Toner For Brassy Blonde Hair!DIY Hair Toner For Brassy Blonde Hair!