How to Respond to “Make Me”?

How should you reply if someone says “Make me!” to you? Here are a few handy suggestions you should look through!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How to Respond to “Make Me”

Communication with other people is not always an easy thing. People are complex and complicated creatures, and we often react in quite an unpredictable way! Of course, when communicating with an adult, you expect him or her to behave respectively according to their age. Nevertheless, we can often hear that grown-up people may answer “make me” in response to someone.

Of course, to most of us, such a reply would seem and sound childish and cocky. And naturally, you might be wondering what to say back in response in such a situation.

So if you are one of those who find themselves puzzled when hearing other people saying “make me!” in conversation, this article is exactly what you need!

Below, you will not only find a few useful tips on how to respond to “make me”. You will also learn the most suitable phrases that you can use as replies when this provocative phrase comes from someone.

In addition, we will explain how you should reply in different cases: for example, in case a person is saying that to you playfully, seriously, or in a rude manner. Finally, we will explain what makes adult people reply in such a childish way.

So, if you are ready to dive into the depth of communication psychology, you are very welcome! fasten your belt, and off we go!

How to Respond to Someone Saying Make Me?

Let’s consider this: when we hear someone saying “make me” to us, we mostly feel awkward and confused. How shall we respond? Was this phrase said to make us feel offended?

Did the person mean anything rude? Is it a way of expressing hidden aggression towards us? That’s what the majority of us usually think of when hearing something like that in response to what we have just said.

So what shall you do and how shall you reply to that, you may wonder? Of course, in any conversation, the major rule of thumb is that you have to keep it under your control.

And to do that successfully, it is always good to have a few always-ready comebacks to keep the ball going. Of course, what to say will strongly depend on how that “make me” thing was said.

Was it offensive? Or was it rude? Was it said in a playful and mocking manner?

Depending on that, you will have to use different replies either for replying back playfully or for straightening out a bit if that’s needed.

So what we suggest you do is that you read on and check out several different ways of answering to other people saying “make me” to you. We have divided the responsive phrases into three blocks so that you could always have a structured information on what to say in case of a rude reproach or if the reply was friendly.

How to Respond to Someone Saying Make Me
Credits: Brooke Cagle, via

How to Respond If Someone Says “Make Me” Playfully And Funny?

If this answer came from your family member or a friend, and you are absolutely sure that there was no offense in that, you can also reply in the same playful and slightly mocking manner.

And here are a few ideas on how this can be done.

How to Respond If Someone Says “Make Me” Playfully And Funny
Credits: Austin Distel, via

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I’m On My Way Now!

This is a good comeback to use when you don’t know what to say when someone says “make me” over the phone or through text. Of course, you aren’t actually going over there!

That’s just a joke!

I’m On My Way Now!
Credits: Matheus Ferrero, via

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Don’t Tempt Me!

This is another playful reply you can give. Use this response when a friend or family member says “make me” to mean that you will do it if he or she continues to push.

This is said in a playful manner, of course!

Don’t Tempt Me!
Credits: Ayo Ogunseinde, via

Related: How to Respond to Hey?

Make Me!

By replying the same words, you show the person that you are mocking him or her but you are doing this in a friendly way! So when you repeat these words, do it mockingly and make a funny face.

This will surely make your interlocutor laugh! However, if you are not sure how the person will accept such a response, you’d better avoid answering like this (for instance, if the one you are talking to is too sensitive, or if you are aware that he or she does not like the jokes like this).

Make Me!
Credits: Ben White, via

Related: How to Respond to LOL?

Say Nothing And Smile

This is another playful comeback you can use with a friend.

This is a play-flirt response you can use when someone says it in a suggestive way. It shows that you are into what he/she is saying.

You can also use it when you don’t know what to say when someone says “make me”.

Punch Him Or Her In the Arm!

Of course, not too strong! You don’t want the person to think that you’re going to beat him or her, right? You can use this response when a friend says “make me”, or with someone who is flirting with you.

A playful punch serves as a good response in either case and shows that you understand that the person is joking.

Punch Him Or Her In the Arm!
Michael Easterling. via

Meet Me Outside Then!

This response is good to use when you want to say to your friend or family member that you are willing to take the argument or discussion outside, jokingly.

In urban terms, this usually refers to people who disagree meeting outside to fight.

Meet Me Outside Then!
Credits: Brooke Cagle, via

That Sounds Like Your Problem

Sometimes we might not be in a proper mood for jokes, and if this is the case, such a response will be your win-win choice.

This is a good way to respond when you aren’t interested in going back and forth with your friend or family member.

It will completely shut down the conversation.

That Sounds Like Your Problem
Credits: Mikel Parera, via

Have I Ever Told You That You Were My Favorite Person? Yeah, Besides Everyone I’ve Ever Met

This reply is a funny and mocking way to say “I hate you” to a friend or a family member without having them offended (but only if you are sure that the person will not take that seriously!).

Use this reply when he or she keeps talking after you tell them to shut up. Be careful with this one! Make sure the friend or your family member can take a joke before saying it.

Have I Ever Told You That You Were My Favorite Person Yeah, Besides Everyone I’ve Ever Met
Credits: Kelly Sikkema, via

Do Me a Favor. Take My Lowest Priority, And Then Put Yourself Right Under It!

That’s another funny way to tell a close person to shut up. This is a playful way to tell your friend or family member that you couldn’t care less about following up the conversation. You said to shut up, and you aren’t about to waste time enforcing it.

So, now you are aware of what to say in response to “make me” when you hear it from your close friend or from your family member.

With these responses, you will be able to give a proper comeback, but still make sure that the person you are talking to is able to accept your words in the right way! Otherwise, there is a risk of having him or her offended, and this is not what you are aiming for, right?

Do Me a Favor. Take My Lowest Priority, And Then Put Yourself Right Under It!
Credits: Kyle Bearden, via

What Shall You Say If Someone Says “Make Me” In a Rude Way?

When someone replies to you with a “make me” phrase, you need to pay close attention to how exactly it was said. Consider the intonation of the voice, the facial mimics, and the tone the person was using while saying that.

All these nuances will help you to define whether he or she said it in an offensive manner or not.

Of course, a rude reply may come to you for different reasons.

A person you are talking to might be in a bad mood right now, or you might say something that provoked him or her to be impolite (for example, if you told him or her to shut up and you did it harshly!).

Anyway, if you are absolutely sure that the response was given to offend you, you might need a witty and smart comeback to reply back quickly.

The following answers will let them know you are not one to be messed with, and put your interlocutors in their place. Here is what to say when someone says “make me” in a rude way.

What Shall You Say If Someone Says “Make Me” In a Rude Way
Credits: bruce mars, via

No Thank You. I Don’t Mess With Crazy.

Rude? Yes. But This is what they deserved. Feel free to make use of this response when the person’s response to what you said is bizarre or out of the ordinary.

In other words, it wasn’t called for, and you aren’t interested in arguing with someone who is obviously coo-coo crazy.

 It’s Kind Of Hilarious Watching You Fit Your Entire Vocabulary Into One Sentence!

This is a great response when you want to let the person know how dumb he or she sounds with what they are saying.

When you say this, add a little laugh so that he or she feels even more humiliated.

 It’s Kind Of Hilarious Watching You Fit Your Entire Vocabulary Into One Sentence!
Credits: Kan Denis, via

I Was Hoping For a Battle Of Wits But You Appear to Be Unarmed

This variant is not for wide use. You should only make use of this when the person you are talking to is clearly not very intelligent and cannot maintain a civilized conversation.

You Remind Me Of a Cloud. When You Go Away It’s a Better Day

This is a funny and witty response that you can use if the person is annoying you and won’t leave.

It clearly gets the message across without you having to directly say “go away”, which can sound a bit aggressive.

You Remind Me Of a Cloud. When You Go Away It’s a Better Day
Credits: Chad Madden, via

Keep Rolling Your Eyes. You’ll Eventually Find a Brain

Use this when someone is giving you an attitude and rolling his/her eyes. It is good to use when you want to say the person lacks intelligence or maturity.

If You’re Waiting For Me to Care, I Suggest You Make Yourself Comfortable Because It’s Going to Be a Long Wait!

It is good to say this when the person is beefing with him/herself. It shows that you are not interested in an argument and you’d rather the person left you alone.

If You’re Waiting For Me to Care, I Suggest You Make Yourself Comfortable Because It’s Going to Be a Long Wait!
Credits: Clayton, via

A Few Serious Comebacks to Someone Saying “Make Me!”

Finally, a person may answer you with this provocative phrase if you had problems with him or her in the past, and now that person is trying to reproach you, or it’s an attempt to kiss up to you.

Either way, you need to answer firmly and seriously. This will let your interlocutor know that you are not interested in whatever he or she is planning or has going on!

I Don’t Have Time For the Likes Of You

When you don’t know what to say when someone says “make me”, this is a good response to use to cut to the chase and not beat around the bush.

It says that you don’t like the person and want him/her to stay out of your way.

I Don’t Have Time For the Likes Of You
Credits: LinkedIn Sales Solutions, via

Mess Around And Find Out

This response sounds very much like a threat, so you should only use it when you are dead serious and want the person to know that they better leave you alone, or else.

One Day You Will Go Far, And I Hope You Stay There

Use this when you are hopeful that perhaps one day you will never have to deal with this person. It says that you are looking forward to being rid of him/her.

One Day You Will Go Far, And I Hope You Stay There
Credits: Daria Nepriakhina, via

Have a Nice Day, Somewhere Else

This is another way to tell the person to go away, and that you are not interested.

You can also use it when you are stuck on what to say when someone says “make me” and can’t be bothered to come up with something witty.

With these replies, you will now be able to give a clear and witty answer to a “make me” phrase no matter whom it comes from, and in what tone it was said.

Have a Nice Day, Somewhere Else
Credits: Laura Chouette, via

Why Does a Person Reply With “Make Me”?

You might be wondering what makes an adult person reply in such a way. Indeed, this phrase sounds so childish and even silly! And actually, this guess is not that far from the truth!

See, in an ideal world, when a person grows older, it’s not only the body that matures, it’s also the psyche.

A fully grown-up and physically mature man or woman must also have the same mature psyche that is at the proper level of development. In simple words, a 30 years-old man must not only look as one, but he must also behave as one.

That basically means being able to analyze what’s going on around you, to be responsible for your actions and decisions, and to behave adequately according to the situation.

Why Does a Person Reply With “Make Me”
Credits: Tamara Bellis, via

Unfortunately, there are quite many people who are adults only from outside whilst inside, they may still be at the teenage level of psychological development!

And of course, such people will tend to behave like immature teens in certain situations.

For example, they can get offended easily even when there is no obvious reason for that. Or they may demand other people’s excessive attention and get angry if they don’t receive one.

What does it have in common with the response “make me”, you may ask? Well, this is how children and teens usually reply when adults try to make them do something they don’t want to.

However, in the adult world, there are things that you just have to do no matter what! But a psychologically immature person usually doesn’t understand that, and even if he or she does, they behave in that childish manner as though the whole world offends them.

So now that you know why people may reply like that, and you have a few handy answers to give back, you will surely have full control over any conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐ How to respond to “you make me nervous”?

Ask a person what exactly about you makes him/her feel like that.

⭐ How to respond when a girl says “make me”?

If you see that she’s into flirting with you, just make your conversation a bit hotter!

⭐ How to respond to a kid saying “make me”?

Let your child calm down and talk about the case later.

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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