How to Keep Grilled Cheese Warm In Lunch Box?

Soft and delicious longer than usual? We know how you can achieve that!

Written by Elisa Chan. Updated on How to Keep Grilled Cheese Warm

Who does not remember that gooey and super delicious grilled cheese our moms used to make for us in sandwiches for breakfast? Let’s be honest, to most of us, this is still our favorite breakfast!

However, grilled cheese does not remain warm and tasty that long, and eating cold grilled cheese is not fun at all. Especially if it is supposed to be your kid’s school lunch!

So today we will share several handy tricks about how to keep grilled cheese warm in a lunchbox with you. Like that, you will be able to enjoy your favorite meal anytime and anywhere!

How to Keep Grilled Cheese Warm?

You might be extremely surprised, but the best way to keep your delicious cheesy lunch still warm for work or school is to make use of a sandwich thermos! Yes, we are talking about the good old thermos most of us have, the one we most likely tossed far away to the highest shelf of the kitchen cabinet of a closet for good and forgot about it.

However, this device can be very handy when we need to keep our school lunch grilled cheese warm and crispy longer. All that we will have to do is to make sandwiches, then grab a clean thermos, cut the grilled cheese yummies to fit right in, and pack them!

If you need a step-by-step guide, here is the ideal scheme of extending the lifespan of your grilled cheesy sandwich that will look like that:

  1. You make your sandwiches as usual
  2. Without letting them cool down, cut each sandwich so that it fits your thermos right in
  3. Carefully pack these crispy cheesy slices into your thermos, and seal it

Done! Now your delicious homemade lunch will remain the same warm until your lunchtime at work or at school.

How to Keep Grilled Cheese Warm In Lunch Box
Photo by Pixzolo Photography on Unsplash

3 Easy to Do Tips to Make Sandwiches Even Better

And to make the result even better, catch up with some useful tips regarding the sandwich-making process.

First of all, before you start making your grilled cheese, fill the thermos with hot water and set it aside. Like that, the water will warm up the inside part of the tank which will allow it to keep your lunch also warm longer.

Second, after your sandwiches are ready, leave them on a cutting board to cool down a bit. The bread must still remain warm but not too hot. And don’t let your cheesy sandwiches get completely cold!

Now, pour the water out of the thermos and dry it thoroughly with a paper towel. Make sure the inside of the tank is completely dry, otherwise, the bread and cheese will become soggy, and that is not what we need, right?

Finally, you can cut your sandwiches either into sticks or in thirds or quarters to fit the thermos right in.

See what method you can use depending on the size and width of the tank. Done! Now place the cut cheesy sandwich into the warm thermos, seal it tightly to keep the warmth inside until lunchtime, and bring it with you!

When being packed like this, your grilled cheese sandwiches will remain warm for several more hours easily.

What Sorts Of Cheese Are The Best For Your School Grilled Cheese Lunch?

For those who can’t imagine their lunchtime without a slice or two of crispy warm bread with gooey cheese between them, choosing the cheese is a key to everything! So what is the best-grilled cheese for such a sandwich?

First of all, let’s start with the warning that not any kind of cheese will be suitable for grilling. Soft sorts, such as mozzarella, will not give that chewy feeling we all love so much. However, you can try to grill brie cheese, only remember to do it when your sandwich and the cheese are wrapped in foil! Also, cream cheese is not an option at all.

To make the ideal grilled cheese sandwich, better stick to hard sorts of cheese. For instance, colby or provolone will be fine. Also, Muenster, Monterey Jack and blue cheese can be good options.

And of course, the number one choice is the American cheese!

What Sorts Of Cheese Are The Best For Your School Grilled Cheese Lunch
Photo by Dan Smedley on Unsplash

What to Pack Grilled Cheese Sandwich With?

If you take grilled cheese lunch with you or give it to your kids to school often enough, you might have wondered what else you could pack it with to make the food nutritious, simple, and yet still tasty.

If your lunch box allows, you can try to take some tomato soup with you as well. It will accompany grilled cheese sandwiches perfectly, besides, having some hot first course will always be useful (and good for your gut!).

Anyway, tomato soup is a great variant of food. It can be consumed when it is at room temperature, or even when it is cold!

Also, you could try out other soups to take with you, for instance, golden bell pepper soup or veggie enchilada soup.

If soup is not an option for you for some reason, don’t worry. You can make your cheesy grilled yummies even more delicious easily.

  1. For instance, next time you will be making them, try to slightly butter both sides of the sandwiches.
  2. Then cook them for about three minutes in a pan over the medium fire until the bottom is golden.
  3. Flip and repeat the procedure for another side, too.
  4. Such sandwiches will have an unbelievable buttery taste, and you can serve them with either traditional cheese and ham, or with turkey and avocado paste.

Finally, don’t forget about the veggies and side snacks! Put some raw baby carrots or avocado to the lunchbox, or accompany your grilled cheese sandwiches with pickles. It’s up to your (or your kid’s) taste what to choose.

Now you know more about packing your grilled cheese sandwiches so that they remain warm, crispy, and preserve that chewy cheesy filling that we love. And with the suggested sorts of cheese and serving ideas, your lunch will be even tastier than ever!

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐Is it OK to make ahead some grilled cheese?

You can make some and keep it in a thermos, but it’s anyway better to grill cheese right before serving it.

⭐Can I put my grilled cheese sandwich into a thermo flask?

Yes, you can. Only cut the sandwich first so that it will fit the flask right in.

⭐What can be added to grilled cheese sandwiches except for cheese or ham?

Try some tuna, hummus, pickles, or leafy veggies, such as salad. Cucumbers and tomatoes will do, too.

⭐How long will grilled chicken last in a lunch box?

If you keep it chilled in the fridge, then it will stay fine for 3-4 days.

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Elisa is a passionate cook who will advise you on healthy and delicious food topics! With her help, you will discover how to properly store and freeze food, as well as learn important nuances about preserving vitamins in your meals to make them stay nutritious.
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