When Do You Ask Someone to Be Your Valentine?

Do you want to let the girl know about your feelings, but you are not sure when it’s the best time for this? Read on and grab a few tips!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on When Do You Ask Someone to Be Your Valentine

Being in love is a wonderful state of your heart and soul! You are filled with the warmest and the most wonderful emotions, and of course, you would love to let your crush know about them!

However, quite many men (well, as well as women) often feel quite uncertain about when it is best to do so.

Of course, the St. Valentine’s Day is the most suitable occasion for telling your loved one about what you feel for him or her. Nevertheless, you might be unsure about how to do it, as well as about how exactly you should get ready for the upcoming “love confession”!

So in this article, we will tell you more about the nuances of asking someone to be your valentine. You will learn about asking your girlfriend (or a boyfriend) to be your valentine.

In particular, we will tell you about a few creative ways to ask someone to be your valentine, from quite ordinary ones to the most unexpected and unusual and fun! You will also learn about a few nuances you should take into consideration before asking him or her to go out so that the invitation is accepted.

We do hope that the information we prepared for you today will be really helpful and thanks to it, you will manage to melt the heart of your crush!

When Is It the Proper Time to Ask Your Crush to Be Your Valentine?

If you have been in love with someone for quite a long time, but you still haven’t asked this person to go out with you, you might be asking yourself when you should do that. And since St. Valentine’s Day seems to be the most suitable occasion for that, many men and women are getting nervous the closer this day approaches!

But no matter whether St. Valentine’s Day is coming or not, asking someone to be your valentine is a way to ask them out on a date or even to establish an exclusive romantic relationship with them.

However, knowing when the best time is to ask someone to be your valentine may not be as clear.

And we are here to help you out with that. So if you want to ask your crush to go out with you, the best time to ask someone to be your valentine is at least a week before Valentine’s Day.

Of course, depending on how popular your potential partner is, there may be a lot of interest in him or her! So you should take this factor into consideration and in that case, it may be worth asking them even earlier than a week before Valentine’s Day. Simply because someone else might ask them before you.

As you all surely remember, St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th. And since the holiday falls on the second week of the month, it is usually good practice to ask someone to be your valentine on the first day of the month.

Not only does this ensure you are the first one to ask them, but it also gives you a chance to come up with a backup plan in case they decline your request.

And now that you have learned when is the optimal time for asking your love crush to be your valentine, let’s see how exactly you could do this to make your proposition memorable and unusual!

The more creative you are, the more chances are that your girlfriend or boyfriend (or your potential partner) will pay attention and say yes!

When Is It the Proper Time to Ask Your Crush to Be Your Valentine
Credits: VitalikRadko, via Crello.com

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Valentine In a Funny Or Creative Way?

It is not enough to just say “Do you want to go out with me?”! Come one, are you serious?! Such a proposition leaves you zero chances that a girl or a guy will say yes! Instead, we suggest you get all your creativity involved and think about more unusual ways of asking this question.

The less standard you are, the more chances for you to succeed.

So below we have prepared a few variants of how you could ask him or her to be your valentine to surely make your love crush give you a positive answer.

With those in mind, you will surely find the most suitable option for yourself, even if your loved one is quite a picky person!

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Valentine In a Funny Or Creative Way
Credits: IgorVetushko , via Crello.com

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Be Traditional. Why Not?

This variant is good for those who love classic and traditional ways of telling about their feelings. And as we all know, a traditional method for asking someone to be your valentine is with a Valentine’s Day card.

You surely remember how, when you were a kid, you used to buy them in packs to sign and give to your classmates and friends. And in adult life, the concept is basically the same.

And since there are several different types of cards from which you can choose, we recommend you opt for the one that fits the person whom it will be given. You may choose from funny, silly, traditional, or creative cards, but always make sure that the one who will receive it will also like it and enjoy it!

Be Traditional. Why Not (2)
Credits: VitalikRadko , via Crello.com

Since you’re asking them to be your valentine, you should hopefully know a thing or two about them. Perhaps, you know their favorite song.

In this case, you could buy a card that sings that song when they open it. If your crush has a great sense of humor, it’s worth buying a card for him or her that is funny!

Finally, if you want them to take your request seriously, then maybe you will want to go with the traditional romantic card.

And remember one simple rule of thumb: no matter what the card says, you should always include a handwritten line at the end!

The line should describe what you feel for this person. And then you can end it by asking him or her to be your valentine and sign the card with your name.

Be Traditional. Why Not
Credits: IgorVetushko, via Crello.com

Related: How to Respond to LOL?

Candy Might Be Handy!

What do we mean? You surely have seen candy that literally asks someone to be one’s valentine! So this is a ready-to-give present and a delicious edible valentine all in one! If you know that your crush is a sweet tooth, this option will be even more suitable.

You can include a note with the candy in case it does not come with one, or you can even find a special Valentine’s Day version of candies that allow you to write right on the box or a bag!

So simply ask a girl or a guy to be your valentine and present them with a box of sweet treats. If you know they like humor, then it may be worth asking them with a pun or joke.

By making the message unique to them, you can win them over with your romanticism and a bit of candy. Before buying the candy, however, it’s worth discovering what type of candy is their favorite. No one wants to receive candy that they can’t eat or don’t like to eat!

Take Your Love Crush Out For Dinner

Before you ask him or her out to be your valentine, you may want to ask them out for dinner first. First of all, it is a good way to test the waters and see if the person is open to investing in a relationship with you.

And in case they say yes, then it is time to plan a romantic dinner date! This doesn’t always mean you need to take them out either. If you know that the girl or a guy enjoys going out to eat, then plan on booking reservations at either their favorite restaurant or a fancy one to impress them.

However, if they don’t particularly care for eating out, then it is better to cook at home.

This will always be a win-win option: you have a relaxing and cozy atmosphere that is private enough (and not a noisy restaurant with couples dining around!), and also, cooking together is sooo romantic!

And no worries if you are not super cool at making yummy dishes! With the help of YouTube cooking tutorials, you will easily make something simple.

Besides, you can always ask your girlfriend or a boyfriend to help you!

By inviting them to your home and serving them with a homemade dinner, you will show that you are ready to invest your time in them and that you truly care for the person. But when should you ask him or her to be your valentine if you are at your place making dinner together?

Well, wait until it’s the dessert time, and ask that question. We are sure that nobody will refuse!

Take Your Love Crush Out For Dinner
Credits: romanchazov27, via Crello.com

Make a Romantic Message

You know what we mean! You can ask someone to be your valentine by writing a large message that declares your feelings! Such a message may come in many forms. You can hire a skywriter to ask someone to be your valentine at a specific place and time.

They will blow some smoke across the sky and have your message in the sky for all to see. Windy days can sometimes make this method unusable, so you should have a backup plan just in case.

You can even simply write the message on a banner and approach them at home, work, or anywhere else! However, you should keep in mind that this method requires you to be familiar with the individual. So this is not an ideal option if you barely know the person. If that’s the case and you don’t know much about the girl or a guy, we would recommend you look for another alternative option.

Finally, you can always use smaller items to deliver your message to them!

Perhaps it could be candy, marbles, or even small rocks! By using a message and adding a few other romantic elements, you can surprise your crush with your romantic nature and surely get a positive reply!

These ways of asking someone to be you valentine are universal which means that they can be used for both men and women. And now, let’s see what you could do if you are a guy and you need to ask a girl to be your valentine and go out with you.

Make a Romantic Message
Credits: KarepaStock, via Crello.com

How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Valentine?

Basically, doing this is the same simple as asking a guy! Of course, the methods you might want to use will vary, but the general idea is the same.

Of course, it would be great if you know at least something about the person you are asking to go out with since it will help you to make the proposition more personalized. But even if you barely know her, there are still a few options that can be helpful!

How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Valentine
Credits: AndrewLozovyi, via Crello.com

Give Her Flowers

Of course, if you know she is not allergic to them! Literally. So if she’s fine with flowers, send her a bouquet with a card asking her to be your valentine.

You can either send flowers to her or give them to her in person. That depends on how busy both of you are, and whether you feel ok with giving flowers to her in person or not.

If you feel a bit shy and you don’t feel confident enough, it’s ok if you order a flower delivery for her! That will also be very romantic!

Give Her Flowers
Credits: serezniy, via Crello.com

Make a DIY Card For Her

That’s a good option if you are a handyman! If you make a card yourself, this will show her that you really care for her since you found time and you spent effort on making this small but yet so pleasant gift for her!

In addition, it’s very sweet!

Make a DIY Card For Her
Credits: AndrewLozovyi, via Crello.com

Cover the Ground With Chocolate Kisses

Buy some chocolate kisses. Try to get them in Valentine’s Day pink and red if you can. Glue them to the ground where you know she will be, like her front step or in front of her locker at school. Write her a note saying, “Now that I have kissed the ground that you walk on, will you be my valentine?”

Now that you have learned a few alternative ways of asking a girl or a guy to be your valentine, you might have another bothersome question in your mind.

If I ask someone to be my valentine, does it mean that we are a couple and we are dating now? Does it mean that I will have to start a relationship with that person? Well, let’s try to figure this out!

Cover the Ground With Chocolate Kisses
Credits: flanovais, via Crello.com

Are We Dating If I Asked Him/Her to Be My Valentine?

There might often be quite a lot of confusion over what it means to ask someone to be your valentine. Many people think that it means you are asking them to be your boyfriend or girlfriend with all the related responsibilities. However, that is not always the case! It may be as simple as asking them for a date!

And of course, dating does not necessarily mean you immediately become a romantic couple and you will have to get married soon! It simply means that you are kind of “testing” each other to see if you are compatible and want to become exclusive down the line.

Often, people may also ask someone to be their valentine to go on a date.

For Valentine’s Day, at least, those two will be spending most of the holiday together or won’t be accepting invitations to dates from other people. It’s just an opportunity to receive an exclusive date for the holiday.

How the date goes will determine whether the two continue to date after Valentine’s Day or not. For some of you, though, asking a girl or a guy to be your valentine is a way to ask them to be their partner!

This usually applies to individuals who have been dating for some time. They may not have made the step towards exclusivity yet, but asking them to be their valentine could be how they do take that step.

In the end, it all comes down to the couple and the state of their relationship at the time.

Are We Dating If I Asked HimHer to Be My Valentine
Credits: eightstock, via Crello.com

What to Keep In Mind to Get Ready For Asking Someone to Be Your Valentine?

If you are going to ask someone to be your valentine, you need to be ready for that. And when we say ready, we don’t just mean that you should have a nice gift already bought or that you should already decide how exactly you will ask that question!

Check out a brief guide on what you should take into consideration to impress your love crush and get that desired “yes” from him or her!

What to Keep In Mind to Get Ready For Asking Someone to Be Your Valentine
Credits: strelok, via Crello.com

Be Dressed Nicely

Make an effort to impress him or her with your outfit and hygiene because this will show you think that the person is worth that effort. Avoid looking sloppy or like you don’t care! But at the same time, you should not be worried about dressing in your best clothes.

You just want to look put together.

Be Dressed Nicely
Credits: IgorVetushko, via Crello.com

Ask Him Or Her In Person Or Over the Phone

Talking with her in person will impress her and show her you’re sincere.

Send her a text or a private message on Facebook or Instagram to break the ice if you’re feeling shy. Follow up with a phone call to make it more personal.

Ask Him Or Her In Person Or Over the Phone
Credits: VitalikRadko , via Crello.com

Suggest a Specific Date For Valentine’s Day

Ask her to dinner or lunch or invite her on a picnic. Suggest something fun, like ice skating or another activity you both enjoy. Be prepared to treat her since you’re asking her out.

Now you know everything one might need to impress his or her love crush and ask a person to be your valentine! With these tips and recommendations, you will surely be able to choose the most suitable and proper way of asking this question, as well as will you make sure that your prospective valentine has a right impression of you!

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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