What Does It Mean When a Guy Smells You?

Learn whether you should worry if your new friend suddenly makes an attempt to smell your skin!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on What Does It Mean When a Guy Smells You

They say that women often behave weirdly on a date like asking silly questions or joking awkwardly. However, let’s be honest, men are no less odd! Today, we offer you to learn more about one of the most strange things that a man can do – smelling you!

What does it mean when a guy smells your neck or your hair?

Is he a maniac and it is time to call the police? Or is it just a way to express his affection? In this article, you will find all the answers.

You will find out what a quick sniff might mean if a man is your boyfriend or a new acquaintance. Also, we will tell you how you could make your locks smell great. Like that, you will be able to avoid any awkward and uneasy situations in the future.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Sniffs You?

There are times when a guy comes and hug us, or we hug him, and we realize that the guy took his time while hugging and what he did was sniff or smell our neck. If a stranger who you met for the very first time or say a guy who you were dating, sniffs your neck while hugging or greeting you, you might feel uncomfortable. You might find it creepy or maybe you will think that something is wrong with how you smell.

When you think about the reasons why a man would smell you, there are many thoughts that would come to your mind. The very first thought is does he like me?

Or was my perfume just very attractive? And then, some women might start suspecting that their date is a kind or weirdo… This is why we suggest you find out what it all could be about.

  1. He might be just flirting with you
  2. He might be interested in you in a romantic way

Let’s take a closer look at each of these reasons. First, there is flirting. A reason why a guy smells your neck (or hair, for example) can be that he is simply trying to flirt with you! He finds you attractive and is trying to be playful around you, but he hardly has anything serious on his mind.

Then, there is another reason for such behavior. There might be a chance you both exchanged looks before and you both are attracted to each other.

In this case, when you like the guy, and he comes closer to you and sniffs your neck as if doing it by accident, the reason why he might do it is very clear. He is giving you hints. He is showing that he is interested in you and likes you.

However, it would be a mistake to assume that such behavior may come from only a new guy whom you have just met.

Your boyfriend or your long-term partner can also do this! What does it mean in this case? Read on to find it out.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Sniffs You
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What Does It Mean When a Guy Smells Your Neck Or Hair If He Is Your Boyfriend?

Our partner smelling our neck or hair is very common in fact, but quite many people are still wondering what it means exactly and why their partners might do that at all. Well, in a few words, it’s about our biology:

  • He might smell your neck or hair to express affection or make you feel happy
  • He can do that to feel secure and loved
  • He can smell your hair or neck to turn you on

See, our smell becomes our identity for our partner. If you are attracted to a person, their smell will make you feel happy. A reason a man in love sniffs their partner’s neck or hair is to have that feeling which is satisfying to them. This feeling is not all about pleasure, it gives men a sense of security and love.

If your man sniffs your neck while you are both already in an intimate position, that act is totally for your pleasure.

If you are laying together quietly going to sleep, and he suddenly smells your neck or hair, he is trying to get a sense of security we mentioned above.

Sensing the smell of their partner gives men the feeling that the person they love is with them, and also they feel happy about the fact that the woman with them is theirs.

It can happen that your partner sniffs your neck in public. Then again, it is his way of telling you that no matter how many more girls are present in the room, it’s only you who matter to him. Also, he probably wants to tell you and others that he is proud of having you by his side.

So now you know what it means when a guy smells your neck if he is either your boyfriend/partner or your new acquaintance. Like this, you will now be able to guess his intentions and feel less puzzled about such a weird and unexpected action!

What Does It Mean When a Guy Smells Your Neck Or Hair If He Is Your Boyfriend
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What Does It Mean When A Guy Smells Your Hair?

When a guy smells your hair when hugging you or when just being very close to you (e.g. when sitting next to you), it could mean literally anything!


On the one hand, this could be a sign that he is attracted to you and is trying to get a better sense of your scent. Or, it could be a sign that he is trying to remember you. Or your hair doesn’t smell good.

On the other hand, it could also mean that your hair smells great and he is simply enjoying the smell without any romantic hints or subtext. Also, smelling your hair could be an attempt to start a conversation.

It could also be a form of flirting. In this case, just to double-check, we suggest you watch his body language for any additional signs of that. Finally, he might do that simply because he enjoys the smell of your shampoo! Yes, men are strange creatures sometimes!

Anyway, whatever the reason, it is always a good idea to ask him directly to get the most accurate answer, especially if you feel uneasy and /or awkward about being smelled by a strange guy.

But just for you to be a bit more aware of why he might decide to do that, we have prepared a few most common explanations.

Your Hair Smells Great

The most likely reason a guy is smelling your hair is that he likes how it smells!

Hair products come in a range of scents today including sweet, clean, floral, and earthy scents, and if you use fragranced ones, chances are your hair just smells awesome! By the way, this could be not just limited to the products you use. Sometimes, a guy might just like your natural scent.

Your Hair Smells Great
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He Likes You

When a guy leans in close to smell your hair, it may happen because he likes you. If you want to know how to determine whether this is the true reason, ask yourself how often he smells your hair.

Does it only happen when you use a particular shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, or perfume? If he sniffs your hair every chance he gets, regardless of the products you used, chances are he is interested in you.

He Likes You
Milkos via VistaCreate

He’s Trying to Remember Something

Another reason a guy might smell your hair is that its smell triggers a certain feeling or thought in him. See, our sense of smell is closely linked to memories, so the scent of your hair might remind him of something. It could be his favorite dessert, the perfume his mom used to wear, or all the great times you’ve had together.

He’s Trying to Remember Something
Denisfilm via VistaCreate

Your Hair Smells Funky

If you have just finished your workout or had a bit too long gap in between wash days, he might be smelling your hair in order to try to locate the source of the bad odor.

Usually, you can easily tell how much a guy enjoys the scent of your hair by how much time he spends smelling it. Is he making prolonged deep inhales? Then it signifies he’s enjoying it. Was it a sharp, quick sniff? Then it can indicate that the smell caught him off guard.

Your Hair Smells Funky
pressmaster via VistaCreate

He’s Trying to Figure Out the Scent

When a guy smells your hair and looks like he is deep in thoughts about something, there is a chance that he is trying to figure out the scent.

See, many women have a habit of wearing multiple hair and skin products at the same time, which makes their scents combine. So your man might be wondering what products exactly you are using, or he might find the specific fragrance interesting or attractive.

He’s Not Actually Smelling It

Sometimes, it may just seem to you that a man is smelling your hair! How could that be possible? See, the average height for a man is 5.6 feet, while the average female is around 5.2 feet.

And since most men are taller than women, it’s common for a man’s face and nose to rest on your head when they hug you when they are too close to you.

Now you know about a few other reasons that can make men smell a woman’s hair. As you can see, in most cases this act is a sign of attraction and interest, but of course, you should always pay attention to how this man behaves when he is by your side.

If he is acting weird or seem somehow frightening to you, and you notice he smells your hair, you should probably leave the area, making sure he is not following you!

He’s Not Actually Smelling It
Ruslan117 via VistaCreate

How to Make Your Hair Smell Gorgeous?

All women want to be attractive and the simplest way to draw men’s attention is to smell good. So, here are a few different ways to make sure your hair always smells fantastic.


Wash Your Hair Regularly

Washing your locks regularly is the best way to make sure your mane not only looks but also smells great. Washing will remove all of the dirt, oil, and pollution that create bad smells. Also, by keeping your hair clean, you are less likely to pick up smells while being outdoors.

Use Sweet or Fresh-Smelling Products

Another easy way to instantly get deliciously scented locks is to make use of great-smelling hair care or styling products. Always sniff new products before you buy them to ensure they have a smell you enjoy.

Use Sweet or Fresh Smelling Products
Krakenimage svia VistaCreate

Clean Your Hair Accessories

Your hair accessories could be the source of bad smells. Fabric accessories, like headbands and hair ties, absorb sweat and oil. Luckily, you can easily cope with this. Simply wash your accessories after every few wears, especially after you used them outside or in the gym.

Avoid Harsh Smells

Sometimes, our hair may pick up smells unintentionally, for example, when you are passing by a fast food restaurant in the street with your hair uncovered, and then it smells like french fries all day!

To avoid these offensive scents, grab a few hints on how to protect your hair in stinky environments:

  • Cover your strands with a hat, or a scarf
  • Put your hair in a bun to limit its contact with the air
  • Quit smoking, or only do it outdoors
  • Avoid smoking people

Wash Anything That Comes Into Contact With Your Hair

Along with your hair accessories, washing things like combs, brushes, hats, and pillowcases will help you maintain great-smelling hair. This will help you prevent transferring bad smells back onto your hair from the items.

With all this in mind, you will be able to keep your locks perfectly clean and fresh longer, making them smell wonderful!

So, now you know what it means when a guy smells your hair, and what makes this act differently if he is your boyfriend or a new person. Also, now you are aware of a few life hacks that will allow you to keep your strands smelling good all the time.

Wash Anything That Comes Into Contact With Your Hair
Milkos via VistaCreate

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐A guy is always trying to smell my hair when I’m close. Why is that?

Well, he’s either trying to remember the scent because he likes it, or he likes you so much that he wants to keep your scent in his memory.

⭐After getting to work in a subway, I often feel my hair smells not good. What can I do?

Carry a hair perfume with you all the time amd just pulverize it around your head when you arrive to work.

⭐Are hair perfumes bad for our strands?

It depends on the product. You’d better choose those that are natural or organic. They will cause less damage than substances based on chemicals.

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here.
How To Tell If a Guys FlirtingHow To Tell If a Guys Flirting