How to Reply to How Was Your Flight?

Still feel not certain what to say when people ask you this question? We have a few replies that may become handy for you!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How to Reply to How Was Your Flight

Traveling is great. you see new places, meet new people, and you get more interesting experiences and impressions.

And of course, nowadays flying by plane is the fastest and the most comfortable way to move from one place to another in a very short period of time.

However, those who travel frequently may feel slightly uncertain when people start asking them about their flights!

What shall you say in response in such a case?

Shall you describe in detail how it was going, or is it ok if you just reply politely “Oh, it was fine, thank you”?

If you also tend to find yourself in this position being puzzled with this question, this article will be a great help for you.

From it, you will learn how to reply to “How was your trip?” question, and what exactly to say if the flight was good and if it was terrible.

Like that, even if you are badly jetlagged, you will be able to give a clear response to those curious ones!

How Was the Flight? What to Say In Response

If you travel by plane often enough, you know how tiring it can be sometimes, especially after the night flights!

But even a short daytime flight can become a tough experience for many different reasons: your neighbor might be snoring during the entire trip, or the baby might be crying like hell all the way through, or you might have a headache because of the air pressure fluctuations.

Anyway, if your flight was far from perfect, the very last thing you would like to do after you land is to answer the endless questions about how it was.

Like, are you guys serious?!

So to help you out and in order you could save yourself from the most insistent and stubborn people around you eager to learn more about your travel, we suggest you check out a few handy replies.

Depending on whether your flight was good or not that good, we have prepared different wordings for you.

With their help, you will be able to give a polite response and do it clearly, and you will not have to twist your brain trying to figure out what to say.

How Was the Flight What to Say In Response
Credits: FrameAngel, via

What to Say If Your Flight Was Good

If you are lucky to have a comfortable and calm flight, congrats!

It’s quite a rare thing these days, when you have no crying babies on board, as well as no other disturbing factors and sources of noise around you.

And if your flight was really pleasant, and you feel like sharing your emotions with others, here are the answers you can give:

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If I Knew This Airline Had All These Amenities I Would Have Booked Flights With Them a Long Time Ago!

This is a good response when you book with a different airline than usual and you are pleased with the amenities provided to travelers.

If I Knew This Airline Had All These Amenities I Would Have Booked Flights With Them a Long Time Ago!
Credits: veloliza, via

Related: 11+ Ideas How to Respond to a Cancellation Request?

It Was Great Actually. I Ran Into My Old College Pal And We Had a Great Time Catching Up!

Use this response if you really met your old friend or your college mate during the flight, and you had a good time together.

Traveling with friends is always better than alone! So if your friend shared some interesting stories with you that you can now tell the others, don’t miss this opportunity!

The Crew Was Excellent! They Made Sure the Whole Family Was Together And Comfortable. That’s Really Nice Since the Kids Are Still So Young!

This is a good response when the flight crew goes out of their way to accommodate you.

It can be as simple as heating a bottle of baby milk or allowing you to switch seats to be beside an elderly parent.

Of course, if you are way too tired after the flight or especially if you don’t feel well, you are not obliged to satisfy others’ curiosity and retell them your entire trip in detail!

First of all, after a flight you need to have a rest, take a shower or a bath, relax, eat something, unpack your suitcases, etc. So ask those people to give you some time to rest, and say that you will come back to them when you feel better again.

Anyway, a sleepy and hungry storyteller is a bad storyteller!

The Crew Was Excellent! They Made Sure the Whole Family Was Together And Comfortable. That’s Really Nice Since the Kids Are Still So Young!
Credits: alexlmx, via

What Shall You Say If Your Flight Was Usual And Uneventful?

All right, we don’t have those awesome flights all the time, right?

In the majority of cases, it’s just a boring and uneventful trip when we are making attempts to have a nap or read a book, or just stare in the window observing the clouds.

But what if, after you arrive, your family or friends want to know how it went and they start asking you about your flight?

Wouldn’t that be too rude to mutter “It was ok”? Perhaps it would, this is why we suggest you stick to another response instead!

We even prepared a few for you so that you could have a choice of what to say depending on your situation. Wanna check out?

What Shall You Say If Your Flight Was Usual And Uneventful
Credits: sisterspro, via

Oh, It Was Fine! Thanks For Asking!

This is a pretty standard response for when you don’t have anything to report.

Saying thank you for asking is a good idea because it is polite and it shows that you appreciate him/her asking.

Well, I Got Here In One Piece, So I Can’t Complain

This is a good response when a frequent traveler asks. He/she will know exactly what you mean.

Well, I Got Here In One Piece, So I Can’t Complain
Credits: kasto, via

As Soon As We Took Off, I Was Out Like a Light!

This response is on the positive side and suggests there was little to no turbulence or disturbances.

It’s also a good response for when someone you don’t know asks like a fellow passenger.

As Soon As We Took Off, I Was Out Like a Light!
Credits: cherezoff, via

It Was Pretty Uneventful, But That’s a Good Thing Right?

This is a good response when you want to make light of a rather boring flight.

When you reply like this, your interlocutor will clearly get that there was nothing special during the flight so perhaps, there is no sense in asking you more or begging for any details.

It Was Pretty Uneventful, But That’s a Good Thing Right
Credits: kosmos7764, via

What to Say If the Flight Was Terrible?

Well, when our flight appears to be way less pleasant than we expected, it is always something we feel disappointed about.

And most of us feel like sharing their emotions with their family and friends after they arrive.

Anyway, we recommend you calm down first of all so that you will not sound too mad and aggressive when telling others how your flight was! And these wordings can help you out with that!

What to Say If the Flight Was Terrible
Credits: IgorVetushko, via

Man, It Nearly Gave Me a Heart Attack! The Turbulence Was Insane And I’m Already So Terrified Of Flying!

This is a standard response for people who are afraid of flying or of heights.

Turbulence can be unpleasant and sometimes even scary, especially for a first-time flier.

Apart From The Twins Next Seat That Were Wailing Like Crazy

This is a common complaint from travelers. Babies are cute and cuddly but they can also give you a headache when they are fussy.

The parents aren’t able to do much to silence them and they are too young to understand what’s happening.

Apart From The Twins Next Seat That Were Wailing Like Crazy
Credits: HayDmitriy, via

One Of My Worst Experiences to Date! If I Showed Up Three Hours Late to My Job I’d Be Fired On the Spot. I Guess It Isn’t the Same For Pilots

This is a good response to use when the flight was delayed because of a pilot or important personnel being late.

This is very inconvenient, especially for business travelers who have a meeting to catch or deadlines to make.

One Of My Worst Experiences to Date! If I Showed Up Three Hours Late to My Job I’d Be Fired On the Spot. I Guess It Isn’t the Same For Pilots
Credits: IgorVetushko, via

By the Time I Got On Board, I Was Tired And Sweaty From Basically Running Across the Airport Because Of a Last-Minute Gate Change, So No, I Didn’t Have a Good Flight

This is a reason many people are so grumpy on board because sometimes the airport is forced to make last-minute changes.

In a busy airport, this is your worst nightmare.

We hope that these answers will help you to keep yourself calm and balanced when answering to “how was your flight” even if you are as mad as a devil!

By the Time I Got On Board, I Was Tired And Sweaty From Basically Running Across the Airport Because Of a Last-Minute Gate Change, So No, I Didn’t Have a Good Flight
Credits: RostyslavOleksin, via

How to Make Your Flight a Positive Experience?

Of course, anything can happen during the flight which you will not be able to influence.

However, it is still possible to do your best and try to make any flight of yours as pleasant as possible.

In order to be able to do such magic, we suggest you check out a few handy tips and life hacks from experienced travelers and fliers.

With these clues, you will be able to travel comfortably almost all the time!

How to Make Your Flight a Positive Experience
Credits: AirUbon, via

So, if you are going anywhere by plane, these tips will help you to make your trip more enjoyable rather easily:

  1. Have status with an airline you are flying with. It will allow you to spend less time in lines at the airport while waiting for check-in.
  2. Fly direct whenever possible. Like that, you will avoid flight delays and luggage losses. In addition, your travel time will also be shorter.
  3. Get the best seats.
  4. Know your rights as a flier. It will help if your flight is suddenly delayed or even canceled.
  5. Bring food on the plane. Anything that is allowed by the airline rules. Food brought with you from home will not only save you money, but will also be handy if you have any dietary restrictions.
  6. Book flights in the morning. It will allow you to rebook later if needed and do it easier.
  7. Have noise canceling headphones with you. No need to explain what for, we guess.
  8. Bring your own reusable water bottle. It will allow you to drink as much as you need during the flight ensuring you feel better when you land.

These handy tricks will help you to fly more comfortably with minimal effort thus turning your trip into a way more pleasant experience.

So, dear friends, now you know not only what to say to your family and friends when they ask you about your flight!

You have also learned a few useful life hacks that will help you to take everything from your trip and fly with comfort.

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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