How to Dye Blonde Hair Black Without It Turning Green?

How to shift from platinum locks to raven-black mane? We know the secret!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How to Dye Blonde Hair Black Without It Turning Green

Any dramatic hair color changes require not only your courage but also enough knowledge in what you are going to do. Color theory is a tricky thing, and you can’t just re-dye your white chevelure with black hair dye with no aftermath. As it usually happens, such hectic actions result in greenish strands that are pretty hard to get rid of later!

This is why, if you want to shift from blonde to black hair and you want to do it correctly and safe for your locks, we recommend you read on since today we will share a few secrets with you on what to do (and how to do it) to go through this coloring procedure safe and with the stunning effect on your strands!

Going From Blonde to Black With No Green Hue? Easily!

Have you ever tried to color your blonde hair black ending up with those mermaid-like green tresses instead of a glorious raven-black glossy color you dreamed of? No? Then, maybe, some of your friends have, or you have seen such stories on the Internet. Anyway, those greenish tresses do not look that great, and naturally, you girls wonder what causes such a reaction, as well as you want to know how to avoid this happening.

Dyeing our hair is not the same as painting a wall! If you can easily cover yellow with pitch-black paint, when it comes to human hair, things work rather differently here. And sometimes, if we do it wrong, we may end up with a completely indescribable color on our heads!

So how to dye blonde hair black to get those dreamy and glossy coal black locks? The basic steps that must be taken on the way to a perfect look are the following:

  1. You need to make your hair ready for the upcoming coloring procedure
  2. You need to pick up the right dye color
  3. You need to consider your hair dyeing history and health, and use a pigment filler

And now let us explain in detail what each of these steps include, and how it is supposed to be done.

Going From Blonde to Black With No Green Hue Easily!
Credits: Godisable, via

Prepping Your Mane For Turning Blonde Hair to Black

If one day you woke up and you suddenly decided to change your blonde hair color to pitch black, we are not going to ask you what made you do this. Who knows, maybe you are just a great fan of the Addams Family movie?

No matter the reason, you need to start from a preparation procedure since it is a guarantee that the rest of the process will go smoothly and easily both for you and your hair.

See, when your hair is in good condition, when it is strong, healthy, and properly hydrated and nourished, it is much easier to apply the dye to it. Especially if you are going from blonde to black!

In comparison, it will be much harder to do to the mane that is dry, prone to breakage, and lacks moisture! In addition, it will be simpler for you to take care of your freshly dyed hair if it was initially in a good condition. Weak locks will require way more care and attention which means more time and, well, more money!

This is why before you head to the salon to have your blonde hair dyed black, make sure you spend some time prepping your locks for the upcoming challenge! Wash your mane properly using the right shampoo, keep it well conditioned, and don’t forget about the hair care products, such as masks, oils, etc.

Also, since going from blonde to black hair is a very stressful procedure for your hair, you must wait for at least three months from the last time you have dyed it. And if you want the new color to be applied evenly, you should cut off the old dyed part.

Prepping Your Mane For Turning Blonde Hair to Black
Credits: sazonov, via

Pick the Right Shade Of the Hair Dye

You may think that, when shifting from blonde to jet black hair, you can buy any black hair dye. However, it is not going to work like this.

Since your goal is to have a deep black on your locks, you need to consider the pigment ingredients. That’s because most deep black dyes will contain green, blue, or purple pigments. By the way, this is why your locks may start turning greenish when going from blonde to black hair!

Apply Pigment Filler

If you are now new to hair dyeing, you definitely know that damaged or weakened locks tend to reduce the ability of your hair to absorb the dye. In addition, when blonde hair is dyed black, your tresses may become green because they were previously bleached.

To fix this issue, try to make use of a pigment filler to avoid black hair dye turning green. This product will help you to retain hair dye that is lost when lightening your strands. And after using the pigment filler, your mane will be able to restore the deep black dye much better!

If you memorize and use these easy tips when going to dye your blonde locks black, be sure that the result will satisfy you even if your hair was bleached several times before.

Apply Pigment Filler
Credits: Irina Bort, via

What Makes Your Locks Turn Green When Dying Blonde Hair Black?

If your hair has ever turned green after dying black, you might be wondering why it happened. Did you do anything wrong? Was the hair dye of a bad quality or expired? Did you miss anything about the coloring procedure?

First of all, relax and stop fussing around! There are indeed several reasons why your hair could become greenish after you applied black dye onto it. However, those reasons have nothing to do with the expired hair dye or with the wrong coloring procedure.

  1. When you color your blonde hair to black hair, and the black turns green, it can happen because of your natural porosity. When the hair is too porous, it lacks nutrients which makes the green tint appear.
  2. Bleach is another reason why your blonde hair can become green after being dyed black. Bleaching makes your hair lose its natural color and absorbability. Hence, when you dye it black, it may develop that bright greenish tint!
  3. Finally, an extended exposure to chlorine can also contribute to your locks turning mermaid-green. It happens due to the chemical reaction your hair has with chlorine which results in green color.

Fortunately, we know several easy and handy tricks that will allow you to avoid those green strands on your head after you dyed your blonde locks black.

What Makes Your Locks Turn Green When Dying Blonde Hair Black
Credits: Vladimir Floyd, via

Hair Care Tips to Prevent Your Locks From Getting Green

After dying your hair from blonde to black, it is important to provide your mane with proper care in order to make sure that the new color will settle properly and the locks will retain their gorgeous look longer. In addition, proper care will be a guarantee that your black strands will not play a trick on you and suddenly turn green!

So grab a list of helpful tips to keep your freshly dyed hair the same pitch-black as on the day or coloring:

  • Go for a dye with a moisturizer such as natural oil. It will help keep your locks healthy and properly moist.
  • Do not shampoo your locks right after you have dyed them! Wait for at least two days or better even longer until you wash your hair after the color application procedure!
  • Prevent your dyed hair from getting wet if you bathe on non-washing days. Water and chlorine it contains can make the black dye fade way faster.
  • It will be much better for your dyed hair if you shampoo it about two or three times per week. Like this, you will be able to retain the dye on it longer and keep the new color the same intensity better.
  • For washing your hair, opt for a shampoo that is designed for the colored strands. It prevents your hair color from fading away.
  • Wash your dyed locks with either warm or cool water. That’s because hot water, as well as cold one, can lead to damaging your hair and make the particles of dye float out faster.
  • Avoid sulfate-containing shampoos since they cause the color to fade much quicker!
  • Remember to use supplement vitamins for dyed hair to keep it shiny and strong. It will help the pigment hold better and stay on your hair longer.
  • Finally, do your best to avoid sunlight! See, sun rays can make black dye fade away much faster, especially if your hair is exposed to them frequently. So consider wearing caps or hats to protect your locks.

We agree, it may sound like way too much work to do, but believe us, when including all this into your hair care routine, you will see how much better your dyed black hair will become after being colored, especially if it was previously blonde!

Hair Care Tips to Prevent Your Locks From Getting Green
Credits: Kate_Sept2004, via

How Do You Fix Your Color?

It may sometimes happen that you see those greenish tresses coming out right in the middle of the dyeing process! What shall you do in this case? Do you need to stop dyeing your hair? Do you need to apply more dye over those green patches?

Slow down! Here is how you can fix your hair quickly and properly without making things even worse.

So, if you are right in the middle of the dyeing process, and you suddenly notice that some of your bleached tresses begin turning green after the dye was applied, stop dyeing and don’t dry the hair with a green tint on it. Instead of keeping on going, you need to rinse your hair out right away and proceed with the color correcting plan.

To fix the color of your locks at that time, reapply the dye with neutral color with the same volume. Like this, you will neutralize the green that showed off.

Another option you can stick to is the use of a proper shampoo. Yes, washing your hair properly can be a great answer to the question! And if you have no proper shampoo right now at hand, you can always make your own. It can be made with aspirin and white vinegar, tomato paste, powdered lemonade mix, or water and seltzer tablets to strip that green color off your strands.

And by the way, while washing your hair with a regular shampoo, you can mix it with baking soda, apply this mixture onto the greenish strands, leave for five minutes so that the solution could do its job, and then just rinse it out with cool water! It will neutralize the green color as well.

Finally, there is one more tip that can become handy for you. We are talking about using a temporary red dye with your shampoo! Why red? Because this color can lessen the amount of green tints in your hair. Like this, feel free to mix red temporary hair dye in while shampooing your locks or conditioning them. It will help to fix those unwelcomed green tints.

Well, this is all that we wanted to share with you today. The most important thing that you figured out is what actually makes your blonde tresses turn green when you apply black dye onto them. Also, you learned how to avoid greenish tint on your locks after you changed your color from blonde to black hair. And we additionally provided you with a few useful suggestions on how to fix your hair color if it does begin to develop greenish notes on the strands.

And since you are now aware of what to do to maintain your freshly blacked locks in a proper state, as well as how to take care of them right, we are sure that your mane will remain that perfect pitch-black very long time!

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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