Why Does My Hair Curl at the Ends?

Why does it happen and how you could fix that? Today we will figure it out!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on Why Does My Hair Curl at the Ends

If you have naturally straight hair, finding out that you have curls at the end of your hair may not be a pleasing discovery for you! Of course, some of us may not even pay attention to some curled-up strands, but most ladies would be rather bothered.

The very first thing they want to know is the answer to the obvious question: why does my hair curls up at the ends?

And the next question they have would be “How do I fix hair that curls at the ends?”. Luckily, we know the answers to both questions.

Read on to find out why your hair may suddenly start curling up at the ends, what could be done in order to return your locks to their smooth and straight condition, and how you can prevent these random curls from appearing on the tips of your hair again in the future.

Why Do the Ends Of My Hair Curl Up?

Do you have hair that is curled up at the ends? Is it not your natural feature? Then you probably wonder how it happened and what could be done to return your mane to its innate appearance.

Many people dream of having wavy or even curly locks since this texture of hair looks more vivid and give a person an incredibly unique and noticeable vibe. This is why people often undergo different procedures to make their hair wavy. However, waves are not always welcome!

If your hair curls at the tips, it is good to know why it happens. One explanation for this phenomenon is the shape and angle of your hair follicles, however, this is not the only reason why it could be happening to your mane.

How to Fix Hair from Flipping Out - TheSalonGuyHow to Fix Hair from Flipping Out – TheSalonGuy

Anyway, before we move on and talk about the other factors that may cause curls at the hair ends, let’s make it clear with your hair follicles since we have touched on this topic. See, curl formation in hair is determined by two factors:

  1. the shape of your hair follicle
  2. the shape of your hair strand

Curly hair is basically a result of what is called a spiral pattern. This pattern usually forms as a result of the shape and angle of your hair follicles. The shape and size of these follicles also influence how much curl you will have because the smaller the follicle, the tighter the natural curl becomes.

This type of hair can be hydrated with special hair care products to keep it from feeling dry by preventing shrinkage as well as making styling easier.

As most of you know, curls are formed when the internal structure of your hair is forced to adopt a tight shape (that’s if we are talking about artificial curls that are made by waving and other styling manipulations). When the hair is allowed to flow freely, it will return to its relaxed natural state, which gives it a wavy or straight appearance.

But if curls come from hair follicles, why do the ends of my hair curl up, you may be wondering? Let’s try to figure it out.

As you probably know, hair becomes thinner at the ends through wear and tear, especially if the hair is long enough. The thinner the hair is at the tip, the more lightweight and fragile it becomes. Also, the root and mid-length of the hair are generally much thicker in comparison to the tips.

But this is the difference in thickness and strength at the ends that tends to make your hair tresses start to twist a little or lift up! The ends of a person’s hair have less weight in them and they are significantly thinner, so this part will just lift up or curl. In most cases, hair might start curling at the ends when it becomes wet.

It happens because the water causes the cuticle to close and the curls in the hair end become more noticeable. However, follicles are not the only cause for the curls to show up! There are several other factors that should also be considered.

Why Do the Ends Of My Hair Curl Up
rubchikovaa via VistaCreate


One of the key causes of your curled tips is the weight of the strands themselves. Do you know that your hair tips are the oldest part of your mane? Through wear and tear, they are thinner and more lightweight than the roots and the mid-length part. These fluctuations in your hair weight make the ends more susceptible to curling.


Length is another reason that leads to randomly appearing curls, especially for people with straight hair. See, when your hair reaches your shoulder or grows longer, it brushes over your shoulders. This is why flips and curls happen.


Choosing the wrong hairstyle can also lead to flicked hair ends. For example, you should note that shoulder-length, face-framing hairstyles always make hair ends more susceptible to curling. It is because the ends will brush over your shoulders and curl outwards.

Milkos via VistaCreate


Genes can determine not only your appearance and body shape, they also determine your hair shape and texture. This is why you should consider them as well since genes play a role in the keratin structure, contributing to the final shape of your strands.


Stress affects your entire body including your health, skin, sleep, mood, and much more. If you are under stress (especially under a constant one!), you will most likely experience various hair conditions, from curling ends to hair thinning and loss.

AndrewLozovyi via VistaCreate

Hormonal Changes

If you are going through hormonal changes or you have a hormonal imbalance, it can show up through your tresses as well. Your hair might become thinner, tart growing slower, or start shredding.

Hormonal Changes
Tolikoff via VistaCreate

Your Diet Also Matters!

What you eat also influences your mane! If you eat healthy food, take vitamins and food supplements, and take minerals, all of these nutrients will provide your mane with the necessary elements to make it look healthy and strong. However, any drastic change in diet can weaken your hair shafts, leading to split ends, curled tips, etc.

Your Diet Also Matters!
AntonMatyukha via VistaCreate


Seasonal changes often become another overlooked cause of curling ends. A dramatic and sudden switch from one season to another (e.g. from a dry season to a windy one) can easily make your hair ends behave weird.

gpointstudio via VistaCreate

Hair Care Products

It can be the use of the wrong hair products that cause curled ends. For example, you might be treating your wavy hair like straight hair and vice versa. Or the shampoo or your hair conditioner might be too heavy for your strands and weigh them down.

As you can see, there are many factors that may lead to curled hair tips. So we suggest you do some research and try to figure out what exactly could lead to your strands’ sudden flipping.

Hair Care Products
serezniy via VistaCreate

How to Fix Curls at the End Of Your Hair?

Even though you are now informed about why you may have curly ends of your hair, this will not be very helpful without the knowledge of how to stop your hair from curling at the ends in the future. Some of you have probably noticed already that you have a few curls at the end of your hair now and then, especially when it is in a ponytail or braid.

How to Fix Uneven Curl Patterns & Common CausesHow to Fix Uneven Curl Patterns & Common Causes

If you want to keep this from happening, there are many ways to do so.

Trim Your Hair

Getting regular trims is one of the best ways to reduce curled ends of hair and keep your tresses healthy and strong. This is thanks to the ability of regular trims to help create a uniform cut that prevents your hair tips from splitting and breaking off prematurely.

Trim Your Hair
DimaBaranow via VistaCreate

No Excess Heat And Excess Hair Products!

Exposing your hair to excessive heat and applying too many products are other things to be aware of. Both of them can dry out your hair quite significantly, which means it will start to curl at the end sooner or later. What shall you do? Always make sure to keep your hair properly moisturized. You can do it by using a hydrating product so your hair stays healthy.

Don’t Skip Braiding!

Braiding is another great way to limit your hair from random curling at the end. See, no matter how short or long your hair is, braids are an easy way to stop it from developing those curling ends.

Besides, braiding your hair is not only practical, it is also very fashionable, which makes it always a great option! There are many different braid designs and styles out there that you can try. They can be used both for wearing during the day to school or work, as well as for braiding your hair for the night when you are going to sleep.

Of course, sometimes getting braids can be expensive (for example, if you want to get your hair braided in a salon by a professional hair master), but there are still plenty of ways to get free tutorials online if you want to learn how to make beautiful and stylish braids yourself!

Now you know not only why your hair may develop curly or wavy ends, but also what you can do to fix this issue. However, being aware of the solutions is good if you have already faced the problem of curling hair tips! What if you are still lucky to not have them, but you would like to know how you could skip them? In this case, we suggest you read on carefully.

Don’t Skip Braiding!
mimagephotos via VistaCreate

How to Prevent Hair From Curling Up?

It is easier to prevent curling ends of hair than treat them later. So if you want to avoid any problems with your hair, we recommend you check out what you can do to prevent its ends from curling.

How to Prevent Hair From Curling Up
VGeorgiev via VistaCreate

Blow Dry On Low Heat

If you don’t want the ends of your hair to be curled, dry your mane naturally or at least set your blow dryer at the lowest heat possible. And remember that it’s not recommended to use blow drying for sopping hair while it is still wet!

Blow Dry On Low Heat
Milkos via VistaCreate

Sleep On Silk Pillows

Silk pillowcases are known for their ability to reduce friction between hair and pillows, which preserves the hair style and prevents tangles, breakage, and other damages to your hair, keeping it healthy from roots to ends. Such pillowcases also won’t steal moisture from your tresses, so your hair is less likely to dry out.

Use Moisturizing Products

Consider making weekly hair moisturizing masks and deep condition your mane regularly. A leave-in conditioner could also be a great help in your battle with the curled ends. Like that, you will not only avoid the unwanted curls but also keep your hair strong and properly maintained.

So, now you know the answer to the question “Why does my hair curl at the ends?”. It could be your genetics, hormones, stress, wrong hair products, and many other factors. This is why it is essential to pay attention to your hair care routine and hair maintenance to avoid any issues.

Use Moisturizing Product
photostockman via VistaCreate

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐My hair curls after blow drying. What can I do?

Try set the dryer to the lowest heat and use a heat protection spray. If it doesn’t help, you should check for another cause of the problem.

⭐Except for braids, what else can help get rid of curled hair tips?

You can try wrapping your hair. Divide the mane into sections and comb them in the same direction. Then, continue to bring each section around your head and secure your hair with hair clips.

⭐Can cutting hair help me get rid of flipped ends?

You will remove the ends but the cause won’t be fixed. So you should search for the core factor that leads to curling.

Written by
Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here.
How to STOP Your Hair from Flipping Out - TheSalonGuyHow to STOP Your Hair from Flipping Out - TheSalonGuy