Why Does My Hair Curl at the End?

Find out what makes your hair curl at the tips and how it could be fixed

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on Why Does My Hair Curl Up at the Ends

Have you ever noticed that your hair starts curling after you wash it and dry? Those random curls might be rather annoying and frustrating, and people start wondering why they appear and how to get rid of them.

But before you head off to the nearest salon to have those stubborn curls cut off, let’s first learn why it happens and how to prevent it from happening.

In addition, haircut is not the best solution, to be honest. And you will also find out why!

Why Does My Hair Curl Up at the Ends?

If your hair tends to curl up at the very end of the strands and you have no idea why it keeps on happening, here is the answer.

See, as we grow older, hair becomes thinner at the ends because of wear and tear. And since the root, and mid-length of the hair are generally much thicker, unlike the ends, it’s the hair tips that curl.

What does curl formation depend on

In addition, the thinner the hair is at the tip, the more lightweight and fragile it becomes. Of course, all this makes such hair more prone to curling!

So the difference in thickness and strength at the ends tends to make them start to twist a little or lift up. The ends of a person’s hair have less weight in them and they’re thinner, so this part will just lift up or curl.

However, the difference in thickness and strength is not the only reason why your hair may curl up. In most cases, hair will curl at the end when it becomes wet.

In this case, curling takes place because the water causes the cuticle to close and the curls in the hair ends become more defined.

However, if you think that these are all the reasons why our hair tips may start curling up, you are wrong! We suggest you read on and find out a bunch of other factors that may lead to curled ends of your tresses.

Why Does My Hair Curl at the End
Milkos via VistaCreate

Hair Type vs Hair Cut

It is for sure very tempting to try all the trendy hairstyles that you see around. But you should know that not all hairstyles work for every hair type! And the reason is not only aesthetics. See, the wrong hairstyle can cause your hair to curl up at the ends.

For example, straight hair can hardly hold waves and curls. This is a well-known fact. And this is why those who have straight hair don’t usually expect to have curl ends a lot. But it does happen, especially if you cut your hair to shoulder length!

You have probably noticed that, as your hair grows to the length of your shoulders, annoying flicks and curls start to appear.

This is why it is often recommended that you choose longer or shorter haircuts. The key is to avoid the length of your shoulders by all means!

What about those who have curly or wavy hair, you may wonder? Well, if your hair type is anything but straight, you can go for layers. The waves will concentrate on the bottom part of your hair strands, and your wavy or curly hair will be given more volume.

Hair Type vs Hair Cut
VitalikRadko via VistaCreate

Mind Your Hair Health

If you have any health issues with your hair, it acn also influence its texture, resulting in unwanted curls. Dry, brittle, and frizzy hair is hard to manage. Your hair will start to have a life of its own, curling or flicking in any direction that it wants.

Weave braids to get rid of frizz

Like your skin, your hair will be healthier and smoother if you nourish it.

By the way, people that use heat styling tools too often are more likely to experience this. So we would not recommend you rely on these tools too much, unless it is a must-have option. But if you have to heat-style your mane, at least remember protect your hair while using the styling tools.

And of course, make sure you use them properly!

Mind Your Hair Health
pressmaster via VistaCreate

Hair Products

When using hair care products, choose those that are designed for your hair type. In order not to mess up and select the wrong product by accident, check the labels all the time. See if the product you want to buy is best for straight, wavy, or curly hair.

Using the right products will make your hair less likely to flick or curl outwards.

The general rule of hair product selection is pretty simple: for wavy hair, avoid anything that will make your mane too heavy. On the other hand, curly or coily hair needs more moisture, so opt for the products that have moisturizing effect.

Hair products
AndrewLozovyi via VistaCreate

The Climate In Your Area

Your hair is affected not only from without but also from outside. Humidity, weather conditions, and pollution can affect your mane, usually resulting in an effect that isn’t so desirable. And the saddest part of all this is that this applies to all hair types.

In this case, you can’t do anything to improve the area where you live. However, you can take better care of your hair!

Find the right hair care products to save your tresses from the dirty air or harsh water. Proper hair products will keep your hair from curling outwards or becoming unmanageable.

But even if your area is not polluted, weather is still there. For example, if you live in areas with more humid climates, anti-humidity creams are your must-have products. During dry seasons, remember to use nourishing hair care solutions to hydrate your tresses.

But at the same time, stay away from heavy hair care products, though, as using them can lead to undesirable outcomes. Using a deep conditioner to seal the ends of your hair is a good idea.

Check Your Hormones

If your hair keeps curling at the ends but you are absolutely sure that the reason is not the weather, polluted air or hair products, consider checking your own health. Hormones in particular. This is becaue hormonal imbalance is quite a common reason for hair to flick outward.

You might already know how hormones can cause hair loss or hair graying. But not only that.

In some circumstances, hormonal changes can affect the texture of your hair as well. This is especially true for women going through major hormonal fluctuations. For example, women are more likely to experience changes in hair growth during pregnancy and menopause.

If you get lucky, your hair will less likely to flick outwards during pregnancy. This is because estrogen levels rise during this time. You could have your best hair texture while bearing your child.

Meanwhile, your worse hair woe can occur during menopause. This is because androgen hormones rise during this time. The estrogen levels, on the other hand, decrease. This is the best time to try biotin supplements to resist changes in your hair texture.

Now you know what factors can make your hair start curling and flicking upwards, and it is not only about the dirty air, harsh water, or wrong hair products.

So if you want to get rid of these unwanted curls, the very first thing you need to do is to figure out what exactly makes your strands behave like this.

And when the real cause is found, then you can start fixing the problem. Below, you can read about several methods of how this can be done.

Check Your Hormones
megaflopp via VistaCreate

How Do I Stop My Hair From Curling at the Ends?

Alrigght, imagine you have your hair that tendsto curl on the ends. And imagine that you have found out why it happens. What’s next? Right, the next step is to decide how you will be fixing that.

Of course, most of you might think about going to the nearest salon and cutting those curly tips off at once!

However, we would not recommend you this solution. See, even if you cut the tips off, this will solve the problem only for a while. The second they start growing back, you will have to deal with the annoying and stubborn flicks again.

This is why you should consider other options instead. Below, you canfind a few alternative solutions that canhelp you cope with the hair that curls at the ends.

How Do I Stop My Hair From Curling at the Ends
triocean2011 via VistaCreate

Get a Fresh Haircut

This is the easiest way to resolve this problem. If your shoulder-length hair is flicking outwards, cut a few inches. Ensure the hair strands won’t reach the shoulder line to prevent curling.

Trimming your tresses is one way to keep them healthy as well since regular trimming will help you get rid of those split ends.

Also, if you have some old-damaged part of your hair, those can be trimmed as well. However, as we have already said above, trimming and/or cutting your hair might not be the ideal solution since, if you skip the visit to a salon, your curled tips will grow back again.

Get a Fresh Haircut
NatashaFedorova via VistaCreate

Develop a Hair Care Routine

This is a good way to make sure your hair won’t curl in a long-term perspective. Keep your hair away from dryness, brittleness, and split-ends by establishing the most suitable care routine. This is the key to preventing it from curling and flicking outwards.

What can you do for this? Well, first of all, moisturizing products have to become your hair’s best friends. Also, applying a hair mask every week would be a good idea, helping to nourish your hair.

Why does hair curl at the ends

Make sure that you lock in moisture with the use of a high-quality product. For example, find a conditioner that suits your hair type exactly.

Curly hair, for instance, is drier than straight hair. So opt for products marketed for your curly hair.

Lastly, remember to use a serum. Consider this as your hair’s final layer of protection against humidity and sun damage. Keep in mind that conditioners, serums, and related hair care products have to be applied on regular basis!

Like this, you will transform your lifeless, unmanageable hair into healthy and strong strands.

Develop a Hair Care Routine
photostockman via VistaCreate

Manage Hair Damage

Hair damage is one of the main reasons why your hair curls. This is why managing the damage is the most obvious way to prevent that from happening.

You can prevent hair damage by drying your hair properly. Yes, that simple! If possible, don’t use a traditional towel after you wash your mane.. Instead, find a cotton shirt or a cotton towel. Finally, you can just allow it to dry naturally.

If the use of heat tools is necessary, try to use low-heat settings at least. In addition, applying heat-protectant products will help you reduce the damage even more. It will protect your tresses from severe heat damage. And don’t blow dry your hair right after going out of the shower! Wait until at least it is 80% dry.

Manage Hair Damage
rubchikovaa via VistaCreate

Take Supplements

As mentioned above, hormonal imbalances can cause hair to become straight or curly. In this situation, nourishing your hair will still not resolve the problem. It’s best to seek medical help.

Consult your doctor. Ask about any supplements that you can take for your hormonal imbalance. Every case is different. It’s best to seek professional advice to manage your condition safely.

Like this, you are now aware of the most common factors that make your hair curl and twistt, and also, we have provided you with a complete and detailed description of the methods that can be used for fixing this problem. The good news is that hair curling at the ends is not something abnormal.

However, it doesn’t mean you can leave it and do nothing to it to fix. So first of all, you should spot the key factor that makes your mane behave this way, and then, it’s your turn to act and manage the mess. Luckily, with our guide, it will be quite easy for you to do!

Take Supplements
stillfx via VistaCreate

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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