What Is a Trim Haircut?

What is it and do you need it at all?

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on What Is a Trim Haircut

Today we have plenty of different names of haircuts that have recently appeared on the market.

And probably, some of you have heard such a word combination as “trim haircut”.

And we assume that, if you heard it, you might be wondering what kind of haircut it is.

So in this article, we are going to investigate a bit on the meaning of the trim haircut term.

For the start, we will find out what a trim haircut is and explain that to you.

Then, we will compare the two most common terms, in particular, a trim haircut and a haircut in order to see what makes them distinct (if they are distinct at all).

Finally, we will tell you what benefits this type of haircut has and how you can figure out that you need it.

What Is a Trim Haircut Exactly?

When hearing this term, many people give out the same reaction: “trim what?!”

Yeah, it may sound a bit embarrassing and even odd, we know. We are all used to the term “haircut”, as well as the term “trim”. And when we go to the salon to get a trim, we know exactly what they are going to do to our hair. But what about that trim haircut?

Is it the same as the regular haircut? Or the trim? We guess that you are a bit confused already!

First of all, let’s make things clearer. We are all well familiar with getting a normal haircut.

That’s when our hair is being cut to make it shorter and gain a certain shape and style.

But how many of us are aware of what the definition of a trim haircut in fact is? You might be surprised, but even some experienced stylists would say that there is no difference between the two because, in both scenarios, the hair gets simply cut!

However, there is a difference, even though it may not be very obvious at first. In simple words, a trim haircut is a type of haircut when the ends of the hair are cut off in order to remove split and frayed ends.

At the same time, the overall hairstyle still remains the same.

When you ask your hairdresser to do a haircut, it means that it could be a couple of inches or more removed, depending on your needs and the overall condition of the hair.

For the majority of you such an explanation might be more than enough, but we would still love to dig deeper and explain better what makes a regular haircut and a trim haircut so distinct (even though some stylists and hairdressers don’t consider a trim haircut a separate type of cut).

How Often Should You TRIM Your Hair When Growing It Out?How Often Should You TRIM Your Hair When Growing It Out?

What Is the Difference Between a Regular Haircut And a Trim Haircut?

If you are not a professional stylist or a hairdresser with over ten years of experience, you will hardly be able to tell the difference between these two terms.

But still, it exists, even though it may seem to be not very prominent at the beginning.

There is in fact a clear and obvious difference between asking your hairdresser for a trim and asking for simply a haircut.

But wait, what is the purpose of a trim haircut then, you may be wondering?

See, a trim usually consists of a haircut that retains the same shape, but it is shorter in length.

In other words, it is simply about cutting off just the right amount of hair that is needed for your mane to be healthy! There is no goal to compromise on the style at all!

Naturally, if a customer pays a visit to a hair salon and asks for a trim, he or she definitely doesn’t want to walk out with a completely different hairstyle on their heads! They want it to look almost exactly the same as it did before, just a little bit neater and better shaped.

On the other hand, if a customer wants a haircut, that usually means that he or she is hoping for much more than just one or two inches being cut off from the ends. Having a haircut means that a person is looking for a new style altogether.

Or, as an option, a customer could be looking to cut off about five inches of hair or even more.

That can be quite a dramatic transformation,as you can understand, and usually it is recommended for those who have badly damaged hair.

Such a procedure, as you can see, would not be considered a mere “trim” at all.

So, now that you are better informed about the major distinction between a regular haircut and a trim haircut, you will surely not make a mistake when visiting a salon and asking for a trim!

What Is the Difference Between a Regular Haircut And a Trim Haircut
SashaKhalabuzar via crello

How Many Inches Should a Trim Haircut Be?

This is another frequent question that customers tend to ask when they pay a visit to a salon to refresh their current hairstyle.

When a hairdresser or a stylist asks whether they want a trim or a proper haircut, people typically ask how many inches the trim haircut is.

Well, that’s a good question folks! Let’s try and figure it out!

If you ask a hairdresser or a hair stylist what length should a trim haircut be, you will get a different answer.

And it makes sense: each and every stylist that gets asked this question will answer it differently because a trim can have distinct meaning to distinct people.

To one person, it could be half an inch and to another person, it could be two or three inches.

Let’s say, if you have long hair, having a couple of inches of it cut off is ok for you and it’s not a big loss. But if your hair is very short – for example, if you have a bob or a pixie haircut! – then every inch of your hair matters!

In general, the purpose of getting a trim haircut is to remove split ends or at least to prevent them from appearing.

If the customer has more than two inches of split ends already, then the hair stylist may recommend a bigger trim than usual. In fact, it could even turn into an actual haircut depending on how much damage there is to the hair.

Of course, it is always up to the customer how many inches of hair they want to cut off the lengths of the mane. Another big and important factor should be the health of the hair.

See, a trim means taking off the dead ends without compromising on the overall shape and style of your hair. However, it is not always possible.

For example, a customer might pay a visit to a salon with the goal of only getting an inch or two off, but the state of his or her hair might require a more serious treatment so the person would walk out with considerably shorter hair!

Although this can be a hard decision for some people (especially those who grow their hair for a long time), the health of your mane should always remain a priority.

And sometimes, taking only an inch or two off the overall length is not enough to restore the hair and keep it looking healthy.

How Many Inches Should a Trim Haircut Be
frantic00 via crello

Are There Any Benefits Of Getting a Trim Haircut?

Well, except for helping your hair remain healthy and getting rid of the split ends (or preventing them), are there any other benefits of having a trim haircut? You might be surprised, but there are!

It Eliminates Split Ends

Split ends don’t just make your hair look messy and unmaintained.

If you don’t do anything to them, sooner or later they will spread higher and higher along your hair resulting in weak and prone to breakage tresses that snap off!

Split ends are extremely common and some people are more prone to them than others.

But split ends on your hair are not likely to cause any problems if they are cut off as soon as they appear. This is why getting your hair trimmed regularly is the key to healthy looking hair.

It Eliminates Split Ends
megaflopp via crello

It Makes Your Hair Grow Better

Having long hair is a dream of almost every girl! And trimming your locks regularly can significantly contribute to achieving those waist-long strands!

Dead ends can prevent your hair from growing, as you probably know.

But if you remove them in time regularly, this will open the way for accelerated growth and new hair.

Of course, you should take into consideration that the healthier the hair is now, the more likely it will grow faster and achieve proper length.

On the other hand, dead and weak ends tend to break off, preventing hair growth altogether.

Trims Prevent Frizz

Split and frayed ends often lead to even more frizz, especially in cold weather conditions (e.g. during the winter).

This can make hair look and feel extremely damaged and dull. But if you get a trim haircut regularly, it is the best solution for preventing and reducing frizz caused by frayed, split ends.

Many people notice that, after removing the ends, their chevelure looks and feels bouncier and shinier, and the hair feels softer and fuller.

Trims Prevent Frizz
alexkich via crello

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It Makes Hair More Manageable

Did you know that styling damaged hair is rather difficult because it is less “obedient” and tends to resist what the stylist wants it to do?

Such hair is typically unresponsive to styling and looks frayed and frizzled.

This is why the best and most effective way to treat this is to simply cut the ends off and begin again.

Your hair will be easier to manage and it will open up more styling options.

It Makes Hair More Manageable
Vera_Petrunina via crello

It Prevents Tangling And Knots

Hair that is damaged is typically much harder to detangle which often results in annoying and rather painful to remove knots.

Trying to detangle hair is not only a time- and nerves-consuming task, in addition it could also result in further damage caused by the tugging and pulling when you are struggling with those tangled parts of the locks and stubborn knots!

Fortunately, this can be easily prevented by getting a regular trim haircut as the less damaged the ends are, the less likely they are to get tangled.

How Do I Know That My Hair Needs a Trim Haircut?

Indeed, is it possible to figure out that your hair needs exactly this type of cut? In fact, it is.

And below you can find a few significant factors that will show you it is time to make an appointment at your local hair salon.

How Do I Know That My Hair Needs a Trim Haircut
megaflopp via crello

You Have Dry Or Split Ends. Or Both

This is the most obvious sign that literally screams about the fact that a trim haircut is needed! Do you have dry or split ends?

Then it is time to act!

By the way, the tips of your hair may also feel rough to the touch, which can make them appear dull and fuzzy.

If this is the case, it is best not to delay and cut the ends. You don’t want to risk them traveling up the hair shaft and causing further damage.

RelatedWhat Happens If You Don’t Cut Your Split Ends?

Your Hair Gets More Prone to Breakage

Have you recently noticed that your hair became more fragile and now it breaks off?

This is the red sign! Weak and damaged hair becomes fragile and more prone to breakage.

In addition, you may notice that the ends of your hair snap off when you are styling or even combing them. In this case, regular trimming is the best option.

Your Hair Gets More Prone to Breakage
Kzenon via crello

Your Hair Looks Dull And/Or Lacks Volume

Damaged hair doesn’t hold enough body and bounce because it’s weaker, therefore, it will be harder to style and maintain.

If you’ve noticed your hair isn’t as shiny or voluminous as it used to be, it could be that you are due a trim.

How Often Is It Necessary to have My Hair Trimmed?

You may be wondering now: how often is it best to visit a salon to have my hair trimmed for getting the optimal results?

Well, in general, it depends on your financial situation, but also, it depends a lot on the current state of health of your mane, as well as on your needs.

Many stylists recommend getting a trim every six weeks but we would say that it is not always possible for the majority of people, and besides, it may not even be needed! Simply take a look at the ends of your hair in order to know if it’s time for a trim.

As soon as a few split ends start to appear, you should start thinking about booking an appointment at the local salon.

It may so happen that some people can be able to spend several months without visiting a salon before they get a trim!

However, that is only possible if they have minimal split ends and their hair looks and is healthy.

How Often Is It Necessary to have My Hair Trimmed
schankz via crello

So now you know not only what a trim haircut is, but also why you should do it and how often.

And since you also know how to figure out it’s time to visit a salon, we’re sure your hair will always look gorgeous!

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐Can a trim haircut help if I have knots?

Yes, it can. However, you should find out why knots appear in your hair at all. Maybe, you don’t brush it thoroughly, etc.

⭐Is trimming needed for dyed hair?

Definitely! It will make your hair look healthier, in particular, trimming helps to get rid of split ends.

⭐Do short haircuts like pixie or bob need trimming?

Basically yes, they do. However, if your hair is in a good condition, you might skip this procedure.

Written by
Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here.
Haircut vs Trim - TheSalonGuyHaircut vs Trim - TheSalonGuy