How to Confuse a Narcissist?

We've all come across that one person who seems overly confident, self-absorbed, and almost oblivious to the feelings and needs of others.

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How to Confuse a Narcissist

We’ve all come across that one person who seems overly confident, self-absorbed, and almost oblivious to the feelings and needs of others. The psychological term for this is “narcissism,” a trait that can range from mere vanity to severe personality disorders. While some degree of narcissism is normal and even healthy, extreme forms can be disruptive in relationships.

This article isn’t about painting everyone with the same brush but rather highlighting a few light-hearted strategies that could help you gain the upper hand in an encounter with a narcissistic individual.

The idea isn’t to hurt anyone or belittle them. Instead, these tactics serve as a gentle nudge – a way to say, “Hey, the world doesn’t revolve around you.” By understanding the psyche of a narcissist and employing some crafty tactics, you can bring them back down to Earth, at least for a while.

1. Praise Someone Else

Intro: One of the hallmarks of a narcissist is their insatiable need for admiration. While a little praise is good for everyone, narcissists thrive on it. A subtle way to shake them up is by directing your admiration elsewhere.

  • Shift the focus: In a group setting, take a moment to acknowledge someone else’s achievements. For example, if the topic is about vacations, praise someone for their recent backpacking trip instead of the narcissist’s luxury retreat.
  • Subtlety is key: Avoid making it too obvious. The idea isn’t to antagonize but to subtly shift the spotlight.
  • The reaction: Watch as the narcissist tries to steer the conversation back. It’s like taking candy from a baby, but remember, this is about balance, not cruelty.
1. Praise Someone Else
DmitriyAnaniev via vistacreate

2. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Intro: A narcissist often prepares for praise and is ready to expand on their achievements. But what happens when you toss them a curveball and ask open-ended questions?

  • Defy expectations: Instead of asking, “Did you enjoy your vacation?” try, “What did you learn from your travels?”
  • Foster reflection: Open-ended questions can make them reflect on their experiences rather than just boast about them.
  • Engage deeper: This can often lead to more meaningful conversations, making the narcissist think beyond the surface.

3. Actively Listen but Don’t Feed the Ego

Intro: Narcissists love an audience. While you should never shut someone down rudely, there’s an art to listening without feeding their ego.

  1. Be present: Nod, make eye contact, but avoid excessive praise or admiration.
  2. Ask probing questions: “How did that make you feel?” can often divert them from a boastful tale to a more introspective narrative.
  3. Limit affirmation: If they say, “I’m sure you agree I was right,” respond neutrally. “It’s an interesting perspective” keeps you engaged but non-committal.
3. Actively Listen but Don’t Feed the Ego
HayDmitriy via vistacreate

Comparison Table: Narcissists vs. Confident Individuals

Criteria Narcissists Confident Individuals
Self-view Often inflated, self-centered Realistic, acknowledges own flaws
Response to criticism Defensive, might lash out Accepting, sees it as growth potential
Relationships Mostly surface-level, utilitarian Deep, genuine connections
Listening skills Waits for their turn to speak Actively listens and engages
Need for validation Constant, external Limited, self-validated

4. Establish Boundaries

Intro: If there’s one thing narcissists aren’t particularly good at respecting, it’s boundaries. By establishing clear lines, you not only protect your emotional well-being but also create a subtle challenge for the narcissist.

  • Assert yourself: Politely yet firmly let the narcissist know when they’re overstepping or making you uncomfortable. Statements like “I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t appreciate being spoken to in that way” can work wonders.
  • Avoid JADE: Which stands for Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain. With narcissists, it’s essential to avoid getting into lengthy explanations about your boundaries.
  • Follow through: If a narcissist continues to push or cross your boundaries, have consequences in place. This could mean disengaging from the conversation or establishing distance.

5. Offer Constructive Feedback

Intro: While many narcissists might seem impervious to criticism, providing constructive feedback is different. It’s about striking a balance between pointing out an area of improvement and offering a solution.

Be direct but gentle: Instead of saying, “Your presentation was all over the place,” you could say, “I think your presentation would benefit from a clearer structure. Have you considered using bullet points or headings?”

  • Reinforce their potential: Narcissists, beneath the bravado, often harbor insecurities. By suggesting that they have the potential to improve or change, you’re not attacking their identity.
  • Avoid sarcasm: Narcissists often respond defensively to sarcasm or passive-aggressive comments. It’s essential to be genuine in your feedback.
When you try to give a narcissist feedbackWhen you try to give a narcissist feedback

6. Focus on Facts, Not Emotions

Intro: Narcissists often try to dominate conversations with emotional narratives. Keeping the conversation grounded in facts and logical reasoning can help level the playing field.

  • Stay objective: If discussing a contentious issue, focus on hard evidence instead of getting swayed by their emotional storytelling
  • Request specifics: When they make sweeping statements, ask for details. “Can you give me an example of that?” can challenge vague or overblown claims.
  • Agree to disagree: Sometimes, it’s best to accept that you won’t see eye-to-eye and avoid getting emotionally entangled in an unproductive debate.
6. Focus on Facts, Not Emotions
AntonMatyukha via vistacreate

7. Focus on Collective Goals

Intro: Narcissists often view situations from a lens of personal gain or glory. By shifting the focus to collective objectives or team achievements, you can divert their attention from self-centered ambitions.

  • Team achievements: In group settings, regularly highlight what the team or group achieved collectively. This subtly minimizes the room for individual boasting.
  • Use “we” language: Phrases like “We accomplished this” or “Our collective effort led to…” help foster a sense of unity and shared responsibility.
  • Celebrate everyone: Ensure everyone gets recognized for their efforts, no matter how big or small their contribution. This dilutes the spotlight, so it’s not just shining on one individual.
7. Focus on Collective Goals

8. Encourage Empathy and Understanding

Intro: Beneath the surface, many narcissists struggle with genuine empathy. Encouraging situations where they can learn and practice empathy can be subtly transformative.

  • Share personal stories: Open up about your feelings and vulnerabilities occasionally. This can sometimes prompt them to respond in kind.
  • Recommend introspective media: Suggest movies, books, or shows that deal with profound emotional themes. Art has a way of making us reflect and connect with our empathetic side.
  • Create shared experiences: Engage in activities that require teamwork or understanding, such as group workshops, team-building exercises, or even board games.
How To Confuse A Narcissist (Understanding Narcissism.) #narcissistHow To Confuse A Narcissist (Understanding Narcissism.) #narcissist

9. Limit Exposure and Safeguard Your Energy

Intro: Sometimes, the best strategy is to know when to step back. Continuously engaging with a narcissist can be emotionally taxing. Knowing when and how to limit exposure is crucial for your well-being.

  • Timebox interactions: If you must engage, set clear start and end times for meetings or interactions to prevent them from becoming exhaustive marathons.
  • Seek support: Share your feelings with trusted friends or consider professional therapy. External perspectives can provide insights and coping strategies.
  • Practice self-care: Engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit and mind. This could be reading, meditation, exercise, or any hobby that provides relaxation and a break.

10. Know Their Limits

Intro: Every individual, including narcissists, has limits. Recognizing what those boundaries are and avoiding pushing them too far ensures that interactions remain respectful and don’t escalate into conflicts.

  • Avoid personal attacks: While it’s okay to challenge a narcissist on facts or behaviors, attacking them personally can be counterproductive and can escalate tensions.
  • Recognize triggers: All individuals have topics or issues that can upset them. Being mindful of these can help in steering conversations to neutral or positive terrains.
  • Stay calm: If an interaction starts heating up, maintaining your composure and calm can prevent it from spiraling out of control. Remember, it’s not about winning but about mutual respect.
10. Know Their Limits
VitalikRadko via vistacreate


Navigating the world of interpersonal relationships can be tricky. While it’s essential to understand that not every confident person is a narcissist, having a few strategies up your sleeve can help manage those who display narcissistic tendencies.

Remember, the idea isn’t to diminish or belittle but to foster more genuine, balanced interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is everyone who loves praise a narcissist?

Not at all! It's natural for people to enjoy praise and recognition. Narcissism goes beyond that, involving an excessive need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

⭐How can I tell if someone is confident or just narcissistic?

Confidence is about self-assurance and recognizing one's value, whereas narcissism leans towards an inflated self-view and a constant need for external validation. It's essential to notice how they treat others and their level of empathy.

⭐Can narcissists change their behavior?

While deeply ingrained, with self-awareness, therapy, and a genuine desire to change, some narcissists can modify certain behaviors. However, it's a long process and varies from individual to individual.

⭐ Isn't it wrong to "confuse" or "outsmart" someone?

The goal isn't to trick or hurt narcissists but rather to create balanced interactions. It's about setting boundaries and ensuring mutual respect in conversations.

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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