How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair?

Is it too expensive to bleach your hair at a salon? And how much will it cost if done at home? We know the answers!

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair

If you decide to dye your hair, in quite many cases you will have to bleach it first, for instance, if you want to change your natural hair color to blonde or other very fair hair colors. However, here comes the question: how much money does it cost to bleach your hair? Moreover, you might be wondering whether the price will be the same if you bleach it at home on your own or if you go to a salon to have it done professionally.

So today we have prepared an article for you that will answer these questions in detail. Today you will learn how expensive it is to bleach your hair at home, and how much money you will have to pay if you decide to go to a professional salon. Also, we will reveal the basic pros and cons of each alternative option, so that you know what to expect when choosing one of them.

In addition, we will provide you with a bunch of handy tips on how to maintain your freshly bleached and dyed hair to keep it glossy and strong longer.

Remember that bleaching is very harmful for your strands, so proper maintenance is a must!

Well, let’s dive into the world of hair coloring tips and tricks to learn how pricey it is to have your mane bleached and dyed!

Related: 6 Tips From The Experts, Can You Bleach Wet Hair?

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Own Hair?

If you decide to refresh your look a bit, there is no better way to do this than bleaching your hair. First of all, it is fun, and second, the procedure is quite simple and doesn’t take much time. Besides, this is the simplest way of transforming your appearance (well, except for buying new clothes, perhaps). Finally, everyone deserves a good change once in a while!

However, if you do want to bleach your tresses, you might be wondering how expensive it could be to undergo this procedure. How much does it cost to bleach your hair? And our answer will be: it depends. Indeed, there is no fixed price or prices for the hair bleaching procedure. The sum of money may vary from 50 to 200 dollars. The final amount of money that you will pay hangs upon several factors that you need to take into account prior to turning your hair fair-colored:

  1. Are you going to bleach it in a salon?
  2. Are you going to bleach it at home?
  3. What is the length of your hair?
  4. How thick is it?
  5. What is the color of your hair?
  6. Has it been dyed before?

Depending on all these nuances, the price will be different. But if you need to know at least the approximate price, you should expect to be in the range between forty and two hundred dollars.

And now let us do some research on what the price of bleaching will be if it is done in a salon and at home by yourself.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Own Hair
Credits: Sinenkyi, via

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At a Salon?

So how much does it cost to bleach your hair professionally? Well, if you go to a professional and approved salon, you should expect to spend between 150 and 200 dollars for bleaching your hair. You might say it is expensive, but believe us when we say that it’s worth it!

First of all, professional bleaching means that the procedure will be done by the professionals. This means that your hair will be treated according to the instructions and thus you will avoid any mistreating or damage of your locks.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At a Salon
Credits: freelancer, via

Also, using professional help when bleaching your hair means that you will have no problems with the color. See, many of those who choose to bleach their hair at home on their own, often end up with the color that is not quite the same as they wanted it to be. Or it may even be completely different!

Naturally, if a professional bleaches your mane in a salon, all such issues will be avoided. You will leave the hairdresser with the mane of exactly the color that you wanted. No damaged hair, no wrong colors.

Also, you need to take into consideration that the final price will depend on the length of your hair and its color.

The location of the salon, as well as the level of proficiency of your colorist also matter.

If you are going to visit a salon that is located in the city center, and you want your hair to be bleached by a high-level professional, the price will be higher than in a salon on the outskirts with less qualified staff.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At a Salon
Credits: KMPPhoto, via

Related: Can I Dye My Hair After Bleaching It The Same Day?

Pros And Cons Of Bleaching Hair At a Salon

What negative effects can hair bleaching done at a salon have, you may wonder? Well, if done by a professional colorist, then none. However, since bleaching is a harmful procedure itself, you need to be aware of the possible cons of this process.

First of all, bleaching hair is expensive, let’s consider this. The average price of hair bleaching done at a salon varies from 150 to 200 dollars. And second, you may have to wait for quite a long time for your appointment.

Pros And Cons Of Bleaching Hair At a Salon
Credits: Voyagerix, via

Finally, bleaching is harmful for your hair since it makes it weaker and more prone to breakage.

On the other hand, there are also positive sides of going to a salon to have your mane bleached!

  • You are more likely to get a desired result
  • Salons use high-quality bleach products only
  • No splotchy spots
  • You will get less hair damage due to the professional treatment
  • You can also get a post-bleach treatment that can prevent hair loss and breakage

So if you are ready to spend around two hundred bucks on your mane being bleached by a professional colorist, we recommend you do this. It is better to pay more and have the work done properly, rather than pay less and have your hair bleached again later to fix the flaws.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At Home?

All right, so you decide to try your luck and bleach your hair at home on your own. Well, in this case, if you choose a DIY route, you will definitely save quite a significant amount of money, that’s for sure. However, you will still have to pay around forty dollars to get all the work done. This includes the cost of toning as well.

What you do need to take into consideration is that you have to choose the best and high-quality bleaching product to apply it onto your hair!

There are plenty of bleaches for hair in the market today, but if you want everything to be done perfectly, opt for a high-quality product only.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At Home
Credits: CasarsaGuru, via

If you buy a low-quality thing, you will more likely end up with damaged hair that will have to be restored later (which will cost you way more money!).

Speaking of prices, hair bleaching done at home on your own may cost between five and thirty dollars. You can even get a decent bleaching product in a local drug store for as much as ten bucks and even less! As for the bleach packs, their price will depend on the size and the quality of the product.

Bleaching kits can be another affordable and reasonable option, by the way. They are also good because they already have everything you need for a proper bleaching procedure. When buying a bleaching kit, you will get not only the bleaching powder, but also a developer, mixing tub, a brush, gloves, and everything in between.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At Home (2)
Credits: GMint, via

Also, speaking of DIY bleaching prices, you need to take into consideration that, if you buy only the bleach powder, you are also going to have to buy a developer and toner as well. Developers come in different strengths.

For example, a 10 volume developer contains 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, and a 20 volume developer has 6 percent hydrogen peroxide. As for the 30 percent developer, it contains nine percent hydrogen peroxide.

Developers with a higher percentage of hydrogen peroxide are more harmful for your tresses. On the other hand, if you have black or dark brown hair, you are going to have to use a volume 40 developer.

How Much Does It Cost to Bleach Your Hair At Home (3)
Credits: Hannah Nelson, via

Pros And Cons Of Bleaching Hair At Home

What can positive and negative nuances be when bleaching your hair at home on your own? Speaking of positive sides of this procedure, we can mention the following:

  • It is cheaper than bleaching done at a salon.
  • You don’t have to wait for the appointment to come.
Pros And Cons Of Bleaching Hair At Home
Credits: sasakvetkovic33, via

However, there are also the negative sides of bleaching your hair at home on your own, and we believe it is necessary to familiarize you with them as well:

  • When bleaching your hair, you will be dealing with harmful chemicals. If not handled correctly, you may end up with damaged hair!
  • Bleach has a high pH value. If left on your scalp for too long, it will cause a scalp burn!
  • DIY bleaching can get messy.
Pros And Cons Of Bleaching Hair At Home (2)
Credits: VITAL_ML, via

So now that you know how much both homemade bleaching and a professional procedure done at a salon cost.

And since you have learned all the possible pros and cons of both types of this procedure, we are sure that you will make the right choice when going to bleach your hair.

Better make an appointment at a high-quality salon rather than mess up with your mane trying to do it yourself!

Pros And Cons Of Bleaching Hair At Home (3)
Credits: mattjeacock, via

How Much Will It Cost to Maintain Your Bleached Hair?

If you think that the most difficult part is to choose the right salon and a good colorist, you are not quite right. These factors are also important, of course, but there is another aspect that must be taken into consideration. It is care.

Yes, it matters a lot how well you maintain your freshly bleached locks after the bleaching procedure is finished. And if you have ever gone blonde from brunette before, you know perfectly well how intense the upkeep can be!

However, it’s not only the time and effort spent on maintenance that bother. Many ladies wonder how expensive such treatment and care might be.

How Much Will It Cost to Maintain Your Bleached Hair
Credits: Persians, via

Generally speaking, if you bleach your hair, you will have to spend around 200 bucks on maintenance that must be done every six weeks. Naturally, this price will vary depending on a particular salon.

In addition, you will have to include some extra expenses. For example, you will want to buy a color-safe shampoo and conditioner if you want the bleaching result to last longer. And to prevent your hair from turning orange or brassy, you are gonna need a purple shampoo as well.

Moreover, since bleaching damages your locks anyway, it is reasonable to invest inn a protein hair mask. A heat protectant spray will also be needed, especially if you style your hair frequently.

How Much Will It Cost to Maintain Your Bleached Hair (2)
Credits: carlodapino, via

Do You Need to Bleach Your Hair At All?

Did this question surprise you? In fact, you should ask yourself this question in case you are thinking of bleaching your hair anyway. See, bleaching is a procedure that must be done only in certain cases. So before you make an appointment at a salon, make sure that you really need it!

You need to bleach your hair if you are planning to go lighter than your natural hair color, or than the current color that is applied to your tresses (that’s if they are dyed).

Do You Need to Bleach Your Hair At All
Credits: Alena, via

Also, if you are absolutely sure that your hair needs bleaching, remember to undergo a few preparatory steps to ensure that the procedure will go smoothly:

  • Let your natural hair grow out as much as possible. This way you will get an even color after bleaching.
  • Do not wash your hair 24-48 hours prior to the bleaching procedure. Your natural oils will protect the scalp against getting too damaged.
  • Do a deep conditioning treatment a week before your hair bleaching appointment. This will allow you to nourish your hair and bring the dryness caused by the bleaching products down.

With all this in mind, you will now be able to not only calculate your bleaching expenses. You will also be able to take all pros and cons into account to choose the type of bleaching that suits you best and make the right choice that will not harm your hair.

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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