How Long Does Makeup Last On Face?

All tricks and tips for making your makeup last longer

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on How Long Does Makeup Last On Face

Makeup is a real art and any woman can tell you that! Even if you are making very light and minimalistic makeup, it can take you quite some time. Of course, it is sad when all your efforts are in vain because the makeup gets destroyed during the day!

This is why women often want to know answers to the most important questions: first, how long does makeup last?

And second, how long should you keep makeup on your face? And in this article, you can find the answers to both. However, this is just the beginning!

We will also tell you how to make your makeup last longer and what could happen to the skin of your face if you leave makeup there for too long. With all this in mind, you will be able to not only make your makeup last nearly all day but also you will know how to protect your skin from any possible damage that might be caused by the powder, blush, mascara, and other beautifying products.

How Long Can Makeup Last On Your Face?

Every woman wants to know how long makeup lasts since it is a guarantee of her beautiful appearance that she was working hard on before going out! But you should note that there is no strict time frame for your makeup to sit on your face! The length of time your makeup will be able to stay on your face without fading and/or losing vibrancy will typically depend on a number of factors:

  1. the brand of makeup you choose
  2. how premium the product is
  3. how dry (or how oily) your skin is if you applied primer
  4. the environment you are in while wearing your makeup

However, if you want to know how long to keep makeup, there is a general rule of thumb that says your makeup should stay on your face for 12 to 16 hours. This number of hours assumes that you have started with applying at least a decent quality primer to your face.

Only in this case, you will be able to keep your makeup set and in place longer. See, cutting out a step can make makeup application quicker and less daunting, but it will also affect the results.


If you didn’t apply primer, you should be aware that your makeup won’t last as long as we stated above. But it often happens that ladies find it ok, for example, if they don’t mind either reapplying the makeup or going without it during the evening hours.

Speaking of your makeup durability and lifespan, we want to remind you of one important rule: it is important not to let your makeup rest on your face overnight! This is prohibited even if it says 24-hour coverage on the bottle.

It is healthy to let your skin breathe and rest overnight, so there must be no cosmetics on your face during that time. This will refresh your pores and wash away any dirt or bacteria that has accumulated on your skin throughout the day.f

How Long Can Makeup Last On Your Face
AllaSerebrina via VistaCreate

How Long Does It Take For Makeup to Fade?

You probably noticed many times that sometimes makeup can start fading sooner and in other situations, it will last much longer on your face without any noticeable flaws. Why does it happen?

The amount of time your makeup takes to fade typically depends on a number of factors, and the products you apply to your face play an important role in this process.

You definitely know that everyone’s skin reacts differently to products, which is why it involves a lot of effort and error to find the products that will work well for you and don’t fade throughout the day.

But even if you have found such products, there are a few things that you can take into consideration. These things can really speed up the fading of your makeup:

  • using a cheap or poor-quality foundation
  • not using primer
  • sweating a lot, like during strenuous exercise
  • not using a powder
  • not using a setting spray

If you skip any (or several) of these steps of a makeup process, be ready that your makeup, whatever ideal and flawless it is, will start fading pretty fast!

Avoiding these common problems will help your makeup last longer and stay vibrant throughout the day. Consider using brands of makeup that have higher quality since they are more likely to look bold for hours. And for sure, makeup products of expensive brands will not start fading by lunchtime!

Also, make sure you get products that are water and sweat-resistant. With their help, your makeup will never look as if your face is slowly melting!

How Long Does It Take For Makeup to Fade
kubais via VistaCreate

How Long Does Makeup Last On Your Face Without Primer?

Applying a primer takes time if you want to do it properly. Besides, sometimes we just don’t want to wear too many makeup products on our faces (for example, in summer)! This is why women often skip this step. However, you should note that not using a primer can do a bad trick on you!

You know that a primer is needed for making your foundation glide on and stay longer than it would if it were applied straight to your face. With the use of a primer, you can typically add about 1/3rd of the time compared to regular makeup. So if you had a brand of foundation that tended to last eight hours without primer and then used primer on the next application, you might get 12 hours of wear instead.

Using a primer also provides a number of additional benefits and advantages except for prolonging the wear of your makeup look:

  • It seals pores and makes your skin look smooth
  • It has anti-aging properties
  • It makes your skin feel softer
  • It reduces redness in the skin
  • It reduces the appearance of acne

When choosing a primer, opt for a formula that is lightweight and completely vegan, and animal cruelty-free. It will be applied easily and also blend well with the other makeup on your face. Besides, vegan products are much safer for your skin!

How Long Does Makeup Last On Your Face Without Primer
DmitryPoch via VistaCreate

What Can Happen to Your Facial Skin If You Don’t Remove Makeup In Time?

Life is a busy thing and sometimes, after a hard working day in the office or after partying hard with your friends, you might not have time and desire to remove your makeup! If it happens, girls would just fall down onto their beds and sleep with their makeup still on!

However, you should never do this, and this is why:

  • Leaving makeup on overnight may lead to your pores being clogged
  • If you leave makeup on overnight regularly, the condition of your skin may get worse
  • Leaving makeup on leads to redness, acne, and other skin conditions
  • It may lead to blackheads and breakouts
  • Your skin may also look older

In addition, leaving makeup on your face regularly makes your skin more prone to bacteria, and this will happen even if you use non-comedogenic makeup and products!

So, now you know how much time your makeup should typically last on your face and why it is not recommended to leave it on overnight. But if you want to learn how you can make your makeup last longer (for example, if you don’t like reapplying it regularly), the following section is exactly what you need.

What Can Happen to Your Facial Skin If You Don’t Remove Makeup In Time
AntonMatyukha via VistaCreate

How to Make Your Makeup Last Longer?

Of course, you may not be able to make your makeup last all day, but at least you can try and do your best to extend its lifespan. How to keep your makeup stay on your face longer? We know a few tricks and we will gladly share them with you!


First of all, you can start with a good and approved method that is used for having longer-lasting makeup. It is to use a high-quality setting spray, which is a cooling liquid mist that will become an enjoyable addition to your makeup routine.

The purpose of a setting spray is to extend the wear of your makeup, as you could already guess. This spray also prevents smudging and fading. If you have never used such spays before, start with mid-market brands. It will be a good balance between a beginner’s budget and a product that is actually good quality.

But setting sprays are not the only solution. Check out other things you can do to keep your makeup looking fabulous all day:

  • Use a setting powder, primer, and setting spray
  • Stick to high-quality cosmetics only
  • Keep the oiliness of your skin under control
  • Refrain from touching your face or resting your face on your hands
  • Make sure your face is clean before applying makeup
  • Apply makeup in layers, giving time for each layer to dry and sink in between

Like this, you will help your makeup last longer even if you applied it in the morning and you need it to last until the late evening.

How to Make Your Makeup Last Longer
DmitryPoch via VistaCreate

Why Doesn’t Makeup Last All Day?

This is the question that probably bothers all the women in the world! Well, at least all of those women who wear makeup regularly. So why is it impossible to make your makeup last all day long?

Even with all the modern innovations and technologies available in the beauty industry, makeup often lasts less time than we would like it to. That’s because we have to be vigilant with our makeup routines and application if we want it to last until our evening shower.

And also, we should keep in mind a list of activities that can reduce the time makeup lasts on our faces, for example, the following ones:

  • exercise that makes you sweat
  • not wearing waterproof makeup
  • having oily skin
  • using a powder brush for touch-ups
  • applying your makeup too quickly
  • touching your face often
  • applying lipstick on top of lip balm
  • spending time in rain, snow, or wind
  • using old or expired makeup

Paying attention to all these small but essential nuances may seem overwhelming, however, if you try to avoid them, you will see how much longer your makeup will be able to last. As you become more and more of an expert, you will pick up on handy little tips and tricks of your own that you can then pass on to others.

Well, now you are fully informed about the amount of time your makeup can last on your face. In addition, with our help you have figured out why you should avoid leaving it overnight, and what it could lead to. With these tips and life hacks, you will be able to keep your makeup in a good condition longer, as well as protect your skin from damage caused by the beauty products.

Why Doesn’t Makeup Last All Day
via VistaCreate

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐How long does professional makeup application last?

Professional makeup applications may take from 30 minutes up to 1.5 hours to complete, but most often bridal party member applications take about 30-45 minutes and bridal makeup applications take around an hour.

⭐How to make makeup last 12 hours?

Use setting powder and setting spray, don’t touch your face and remember to prep with primer. It will help your makeup last longer.

⭐How long does makeup foundation last in terms of storage?

Unopened, foundation can last for a couple of years, but once the seal is broken, it's best to replace it after six to 12 months.

Written by
Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here.
How Long Does Makeup Really Last?How Long Does Makeup Really Last?