14 Simple Ways to Be a Better Husband

In an era when relationships seem to be more complicated than ever, it's often the simple, intentional actions that hold the power to make a significant difference.

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on 14 Simple Ways to Be a Better Husband

In an era when relationships seem to be more complicated than ever, it’s often the simple, intentional actions that hold the power to make a significant difference. We all want our relationships to thrive and survive, especially when it comes to marital partnerships.

The good news is that transforming into a better spouse doesn’t require grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection. Instead, it often hinges on the fundamental elements of understanding, compassion, empathy, and effort.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to become a better husband, focusing on simple but highly effective strategies. We’ll discuss key areas like communication, emotional intelligence, intimacy, and shared responsibilities, among others.

These insights are supported by various research studies and findings, ensuring a practical, grounded approach that you can implement in your everyday life.

1. Become a Better Communicator

Effective communication forms the backbone of any successful relationship. However, it extends beyond just talking and listening.

1. Become a Better Communicator
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Improve Your Listening Skills

According to a study conducted by the University of Nevada and the University of Washington, active listening plays a significant role in strengthening relationships. This includes understanding, empathy, and giving feedback. So, when your partner speaks, listen attentively. Show interest in what she’s saying, ask related questions, and avoid interrupting.

Express Your Thoughts and Feelings

Open up about your thoughts, feelings, fears, and aspirations. This not only fosters trust but also deepens emotional intimacy. As research by the University of California 2 shows, men who are emotionally honest with their partners tend to have more satisfying relationships

2. Show Appreciation Regularly

Gratitude plays a significant role in boosting marital satisfaction, as reported by a study published in Personal Relationships.

But how do we apply this in our relationships?


Be Vocal About Your Gratitude

Don’t keep your appreciative thoughts to yourself. Tell your wife why you are thankful for her. It could be her resilience, the way she nurtures your family or the little things she does that bring joy to your life.

Show Gratitude Through Actions

In addition to voicing your appreciation, demonstrate it through small actions. It could be as simple as giving a hug, helping with chores, or preparing her favorite meal. Little things matter a lot!

3. Share the Responsibilities

According to the Council on Contemporary Families, sharing domestic responsibilities is a significant factor in marital satisfaction. This involves both housework and parenting duties.

Participate in Housework

Don’t just limit yourself to traditionally masculine tasks like fixing things around the house. Engage in cleaning, cooking, or doing laundry. It’s about being partners in every aspect of life.

Be an Active Parent

If you have children, ensure that you are actively involved in their upbringing. From feeding and bathing the little ones to helping the older ones with their homework – every bit of involvement counts.

4. Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

A study by the University of Queensland highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in marital satisfaction. Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in sustaining healthy relationships. It involves the ability to understand, manage, and effectively express one’s own emotions, as well as the ability to interact with others in a considerate and compassionate way.

In the context of a relationship, emotional intelligence aids in navigating conflicts, expressing feelings, understanding a partner’s perspective, and empathizing with their feelings.

Research has indicated that high emotional intelligence in couples often correlates with higher levels of satisfaction in their relationship1. Hence, developing emotional intelligence can have profound benefits for the strength, harmony, and resilience of a relationship.

4. Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence
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Self-awareness and Self-regulation

Recognize your emotional triggers and learn how to control them. This could prevent heated arguments and promote peaceful resolution of conflicts.


Develop the ability to understand and share the feelings of your partner. Empathy can help you connect with your partner on a deeper level and better respond to her needs.

Here is a comparison table to illustrate the difference between the previous strategies:

5. Prioritize Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is an essential aspect of a successful marriage. According to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, maintaining a satisfying sexual relationship contributes to the overall quality of a marital relationship.

5. Prioritize Physical Intimacy
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Regular Intimacy

Ensure that you maintain a regular intimacy schedule that respects both your needs and those of your partner. It helps to maintain the bond between you two.


Every now and then, be spontaneous. A surprise romantic dinner or an unexpected hug can spark joy in your relationship.

6. Learn to Apologize

Accepting one’s faults and apologizing sincerely is a key factor in maintaining a healthy relationship. According to a study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology 1, apologizing can help to maintain and restore relationships.

Genuine Apologies

When you are in the wrong, accept it and offer a sincere apology. This shows that you value your relationship more than your ego.

Acceptance of Mistakes

Understand that it’s human to err and don’t be too hard on yourself or your partner when mistakes happen. What matters is how you correct them.

7. Keep the Romance Alive

Keeping the flame of romance burning is crucial to a happy marriage. A research article in Social Psychological and Personality Science 2 suggests that romantic love can thrive even in long-term relationships.

Regular Date Nights

Ensure to spend quality time together. It could be a weekly dinner date, a movie night at home, or a monthly getaway. What’s important is that it’s a time dedicated to just the two of you.

Small Gestures of Love

It doesn’t always have to be grand romantic gestures. A surprise love note, a cup of coffee in bed, or just holding hands while watching TV can go a long way in keeping the romance alive.

8. Maintain Your Individuality

While it’s important to have shared interests and activities as a couple, maintaining your individuality is equally important. According to research by the University of Basel 3, couples who maintain their individuality tend to have more satisfying relationships.

Nurture Your Interests

Have activities that you do by yourself or with your friends. This could be a hobby, a fitness routine, or a book club. This helps you maintain your sense of self.

Encourage Your Partner

Support your partner in pursuing her interests and passions. This shows that you respect her individuality.

9. Develop and Maintain Mutual Respect

According to a study by the National Council on Family Relations 4, respect plays a significant role in marital satisfaction. It forms the basis of trust, honesty, and understanding.

9. Develop and Maintain Mutual Respect
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Demonstrate Respect in Your Actions and Words

Treat your partner with kindness and consideration, and avoid derogatory or disrespectful remarks.

Respect Personal Space and Boundaries

Understand and respect your partner’s needs for personal space and time. It’s important to maintain boundaries even in intimate relationships.

Here’s the next comparison table to illustrate the difference between these strategies:

10. Be Supportive

Offering support to your partner, both emotionally and practically, is vital in any marriage. A study by the University of Texas 1 highlights that supportive behaviors can significantly enhance marital satisfaction.

Emotional Support

Being there for your partner in times of stress, loss, or uncertainty provides a sense of comfort and security. Listening and offering words of encouragement can go a long way.

Practical Support

Whether it’s assisting with household chores or offering help with tasks and projects, practical support can alleviate stress and foster a deeper sense of partnership.

11. Regularly Reinforce Your Commitment

Expressing your commitment to your partner and your relationship can help to deepen trust and security. According to a study by the University of California 2, partners who perceive higher levels of commitment from their spouses are more satisfied with their relationship.

11. Regularly Reinforce Your Commitment
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Verbal Expressions of Commitment

Remind your partner regularly that you are committed to your relationship. Simple words like “I’m here for you” or “We’ll get through this together,” can reinforce your commitment.

Actions That Show Commitment

Your actions should also reflect your dedication. Be reliable, follow through with promises, and make decisions that reflect the interests of your relationship.

12. Keep Learning About Your Partner

In a marriage, the learning never stops. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3, couples who continue to learn about each other report higher relationship satisfaction.

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Ask Questions

Don’t assume you know everything about your partner. Encourage open discussions and ask questions about her thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and fears.

Be Observant

Notice changes in her mood, behavior, or routines. This can help you understand her better and respond effectively to her needs.

13. Create Shared Memories

Creating and reliving shared memories strengthens the emotional bond between couples. A study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4 reported that couples who reminisce about shared positive experiences report increased relationship satisfaction.

13. Create Shared Memories
HayDmitriy via vistacreate

Engage in Shared Activities

Engage in activities and experiences that both of you enjoy. It could be traveling, cooking together, attending concerts, or hiking.

Reminisce Together

Take time to reminisce about these shared experiences. It could be looking at old photos, revisiting places you’ve been, or simply talking about the good times.

14. Practice Patience

Last but certainly not least, patience is crucial in any relationship. According to a study by the University of California 5, partners who exhibit patience have more satisfying and conflict-free relationships.

Stay Calm in Disagreements

When disagreements arise, try to stay calm. Avoid reacting impulsively or saying things you might regret later.

Be Patient with Changes

Understand that change takes time. Whether it’s a change you’re hoping to see in your partner or in your relationship, patience and consistency are key.

Here’s the final comparison table to illustrate the difference between these strategies:

Implementing these strategies into your life can help you take giant strides towards becoming a better husband. Remember that it’s all about being present, empathetic, and committed to your relationship.

In the next installment, we will discuss the remaining strategies to further enhance your journey toward being the ideal spouse.


Being a better husband boils down to being a better partner and friend. It involves ongoing effort, patience, understanding, and love. Remember that while this journey of self-improvement can be challenging, it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Each step you take not only strengthens your marriage but also contributes to your personal growth. So start implementing these simple yet powerful ways to be a better husband, and watch your relationship flourish like never before.

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐Can these strategies be applied to any relationship or just marriages?

While the article is written with husbands in mind, these strategies can be beneficial in any romantic relationship. Emotional intelligence, empathy, communication, and mutual respect are universally important in all relationships.

⭐What if my partner doesn’t notice or appreciate my efforts?

Communication is key. Share your thoughts, feelings, and efforts with your partner. It might also be helpful to ask for feedback, which can foster understanding and appreciation in your relationship.

⭐Are all 14 strategies equally important, or should I focus on certain ones?

All strategies are important for a healthy relationship, but their relevance might vary depending on your unique relationship dynamics. Try to implement them all, but focus more on the areas where you think you can improve.

⭐What if I fail to implement some of these strategies?

Remember that change is a process, not an event. It's okay to stumble along the way. What's important is to keep trying and learning from your mistakes. Patience and persistence are key.

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