Perks Of Walking Every Day

Top Reasons Why Walking Is the Best Exercise

Written by Meredith Hayes. Updated on Sleep better

Everyone wants to be slim and fit, but so few people are ready to do something for it! Mostly because we are used to the idea that training means vigorous exercises in a gym until we are breathless.

Nevertheless, there is one kind of physical activity that won’t take much effort and will bring lots of use, and that’s walking. 

Let’s agree that it is a very flexible way of exercise! One doesn’t need any special equipment or clothing/footwear, there is no need to be a professional sportsman to perform it, and besides, everyone can create their own walking schedule counting on how much spare time they have. 

Of course, if you headed to the particular results, you’ll have to calculate the daily distance you’ll be walking and your pace. In that case, knowing how much time it takes to cover a mile  will be a great help.

But if your goal is to simply keep yourself fit, and not to crack records, then walking even half an hour daily will improve the overall health significantly.

Why is such simple training so healthy?

  • it increases our cardiovascular fitness making the heart stronger
  • it makes our lungs more durable
  • it reduces the risks of heart problems
  • walking makes our bones stronger
  • our muscles and joints get more enduring
  • we lose fat after all

But in addition, we can name the other ten reasons why everyone should start walking regularly.

The Power Of WalkingThe Power Of Walking

Happiness and a better mood

Is Walking the Best Fat Loss Exercise?Is Walking the Best Fat Loss Exercise?

Regular walks outdoor make us happier, raise our energy level, and improve emotional health. So whenever you feel down, grab the jacket/coat/dog and go outside.


Happiness and a better mood

Are yous tuck for any ideas for the current project? No worries! A short walk will “ventilate” your brain and restart it so that you’ll be able to generate ideas again.

When we are distracted by something other than we were doing before, our brain takes rest and it’s easier to be back to work later.


No allergies!

Are you constantly sniffing or have watery eyes? That might be a reaction of your body to the polluted air. But instead of hiding at home, take a short walk or run, even for 15 min, and you’ll see that the unpleasant symptoms will be gone.

No allergies!

Boost your metabolism

If you lead a sedentary way of life, then walking is a must for you! It prevents heart issues, weight gain, and diabetes 100%.

Boost your metabolism

Live longer

Do you know that simply walking can make us live way longer? The more brisk your walk is to higher the chances to increase your life duration!

Live longer

It saves your money

Going to the gym can be pricey. If you don’t feel like spending money on a fancy fitness club and uniform/equipment, then grab your old snickers and off you go! Since walking doesn’t require special clothing and footwear (you can even walk barefoot), this sort of exercise is your budget’s best friend.

It saves your money

Sleep better

Have you ever experienced bad sleeping or insomnia? Then try to walk regularly at a brisk pace, and you’ll be snoozing like a baby.

Sleep better

Stress down

Our life is full of stress. The best and simplest way to bring it down is to take a walk since it clears cortisol, a stress hormone, and calms the worries down.

Stress down

Free painkiller

Those who suffer from chronic lower back pain can simply take a walk daily to reduce unpleasant symptoms. It won’t cure the issue completely, but at least you’ll get relief.

Free painkiller

Improve the vision

Daily walks significantly improve our vision, especially for elderly people. You might not be able to see through the walls but at least there will be fewer chances for you to wear glasses in the future.

Improve the vision

Ideal for all ages and almost any health state, walking can become a true saviour in our stressful world. Of course, if you have any serious health issues, you’d better ask your doctor whether walking will be safe for you. Respectively, if you were not exercising for a long time, it’s better to start walking from short distances and moderate pace gradually increasing both.

Stay fit and take care!

Written by
Meredith will assist you with your health and family problems. She is a professional therapist who has huge experience in the field of family health care.
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