If You Don’t Want to Break Up, Stop Doing These 11 Things

Breaking up is never easy

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on If You Don’t Want to Break Up, Stop Doing These 11 Things

Breaking up is never easy. It’s a tangle of emotions, memories, and shared experiences that one has to grapple with when the end comes. While every relationship is different, certain patterns of behavior consistently emerge as contributing factors to a relationship’s undoing.

We often wonder what could have been done differently. What behaviors should have been avoided? It’s time to address these questions head-on. Based on extensive research, we’ve listed down the 11 things that are potential deal-breakers in relationships. If you want to avoid hearing the words “it’s over,” this is for you.

Relationships require continuous effort and understanding. It’s the small things that count, and the little issues that you ignore today can become the breaking points of tomorrow. However, understanding these issues and being conscious of them can make all the difference. Let’s dive in.

1. Taking Each Other for Granted

Every relationship begins with butterflies and late-night phone calls. Over time, the intensity of these feelings may wane, but the foundation of respect and appreciation should remain.

  • Don’t: Forget to appreciate the little things your partner does.
  • Do: Make it a point to show gratitude often.

Research indicates that consistent appreciation can reinforce relationship bonds.

1. Taking Each Other for Granted
AndrewLozovyi via vistacreate


2. Poor Communication

One of the core pillars of any relationship is communication. Without it, you’re building on quicksand.
Understand the difference:

  • Effective Communication: Expressing your feelings calmly, listening actively, and seeking a middle ground.
  • Poor Communication: Resorting to shouting, avoiding difficult discussions, and making assumptions.

A study on relationship longevity identified effective communication as a key factor in relationship success.

3. Not Spending Quality Time Together

Physical presence doesn’t equate to emotional closeness.

Prioritize time together:

Neglecting to spend quality time can create an emotional gap. This research highlights its importance.

3. Not Spending Quality Time Together
HayDmitriy via vistacreate

4. Ignoring Boundaries

Every individual has personal boundaries. Respecting these is respecting the individual.

Comparison Table:

Respectful Behavior Disrespectful Behavior
Asking for permission Assuming consent
Understanding “No” Pushing limits
Respecting privacy Snooping

Overstepping boundaries erodes trust, as discussed in this enlightening study.

4. Ignoring Boundaries
mihai_tamasila via vistacreate

5. Financial Disagreements

Money is a touchy subject, but it needs addressing.

Work together:

  • Budgeting
  • Saving
  • Financial goals

Money disagreements can lead to severe relationship strain, as noted in this research.

6. Lack of Intimacy

It’s not just about the physical; emotional intimacy is paramount.
Cultivate intimacy:

  • Open conversations
  • Vulnerability
  • Affectionate gestures

Intimacy is a binding agent in relationships, as shown in this research.

6. Lack of Intimacy
AllaSerebrina via vistacreate

7. Avoiding Conflict

While confrontation is uncomfortable, avoiding it can be detrimental.

  • Healthy confrontation:
  • Addressing the issue
  • Avoiding blame game
  • Seeking solutions

Avoiding conflict can lead to suppressed feelings and explosive confrontations later on.

8. Not Supporting Each Other

In a partnership, mutual support is non-negotiable.

Be there:

  • Celebrate achievements
  • Offer a shoulder during hard times
  • Provide constructive feedback

Support strengthens relationship resilience, as demonstrated in this study.

9. Being Overly Jealous

Jealousy is natural, but it shouldn’t control the relationship.

  • Over suspicion
  • Understand personal spaces
  • Encourage individual growth

Excessive jealousy can stifle a relationship’s growth, a phenomenon explored in this research.

9. Being Overly Jealous
VitalikRadko via vistacreate

10. Making Unilateral Decisions

Partnership means decisions are made together.

  • Decide together:
  • Major purchases
  • Life changes
  • Future plans

Making decisions without consulting the partner can erode the relationship’s foundation, as detailed in this study.

11. Forgetting to Laugh

Remember, love thrives in happiness.

Laugh more:

  • Share jokes
  • Watch comedies together
  • Create light-hearted moments

The therapeutic effect of laughter on relationships is detailed in this eye-opening study.

Why We Repeat Relationship Mistakes: A Psychological Exploration?

Human beings, as complex as they are, often display patterns of behavior that can be puzzling, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Have you ever wondered why some individuals seem to face the same issues in relationship after relationship? It’s as if they’re caught in a cycle, making the same mistakes that inevitably lead to a breakup. From a psychological standpoint, this pattern isn’t just a mere coincidence. Several factors can explain why these repetitive behaviors occur.

4 Common Behaviors That Kill Relationships4 Common Behaviors That Kill Relationships

1. Unresolved Childhood Trauma:

One of the most significant influences on our adult relationships is our childhood experiences. According to attachment theory, the bond we form with our primary caregivers can set the stage for our future romantic relationships. Children who do not develop a secure attachment style may grow into adults who struggle with trust, intimacy, or even self-worth in their relationships. These unresolved issues can lead to repeated patterns of behavior, such as choosing unavailable partners, fearing commitment, or avoiding intimacy.

2. Cognitive Dissonance:

Cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort one feels when holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously. In relationships, someone might recognize that a partner isn’t right for them, yet still believe they can change them or that things will improve over time. This tension often leads individuals to make excuses for their partners or to stay in unhealthy relationships longer than they should, thereby repeating patterns of choosing incompatible mates.

3. Fear of the Unknown:

The unknown can be terrifying. For some, the idea of being alone or stepping into unfamiliar relationship dynamics can be so daunting that they prefer to stick with what they know, even if it’s dysfunctional. This means repeating behaviors and choosing partners reminiscent of past relationships because they’re familiar, even if they were the reason for previous breakups.

4. Self-worth and Validation:

Many people derive their sense of self-worth from their relationships. This means that they may stay in or repeatedly enter into unsatisfactory relationships because they believe they don’t deserve better or they’re afraid of being alone. They may repeat mistakes because these errors reaffirm deep-seated beliefs about their worth.

5. Neurochemicals at Play:

Love, especially in its early stages, can flood the brain with feel-good chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. These neurochemicals can act like a drug, causing individuals to overlook red flags or make impulsive decisions in the name of passion. After a breakup, the withdrawal from these chemicals can be painful, leading individuals to jump into new relationships that mirror the past to chase that “high” again.

6. Lack of Self-awareness:

Without a clear understanding of oneself, it’s easy to fall into the trap of repeated relationship mistakes. Some individuals may not spend time reflecting on their behaviors, needs, and patterns, leading them to make the same choices and mistakes over and over.

7. Social Conditioning:

Society often sets certain norms and expectations for relationships. These societal pressures can lead individuals to make decisions based on what they think they should do rather than what’s right for them. Over time, these decisions become ingrained patterns, leading to repeated relationship mistakes.

From our early attachment styles to neurochemical reactions, various psychological factors can explain why individuals often repeat relationship mistakes. Understanding these factors can be the first step in breaking these patterns. By fostering self-awareness, seeking therapy, and actively working on personal growth, one can develop healthier relationship patterns and make choices that align more closely with their true desires and needs.

Saving Relationships: How to Evade Common Pitfalls and Foster Lasting Bonds?

In the intricate dance of love and relationships, individuals often find themselves retracing steps of past mistakes, leading to a déjà vu of heartbreaks. While it’s tempting to believe that some relationships are doomed from the start, many could be saved by proactive efforts, mindfulness, and communication.

So, how can couples navigate these treacherous waters and avoid making the same errors?

Scars and broken relationships | Dr. Hansaji YogendraScars and broken relationships | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Understanding the psychology of relationship patterns is a good starting point, but translating this knowledge into actionable strategies is where real change happens. Here’s a deep dive into what individuals can do to fortify their relationships and steer clear of recurrent pitfalls.

1. Prioritize Communication:

Open and honest communication serves as the backbone of any successful relationship. By fostering an environment where both partners feel safe to express their feelings, concerns, and desires, couples can address issues before they snowball into insurmountable challenges.

2. Invest in Couples Therapy:

Therapy isn’t just for relationships on the brink of collapse. A professional can offer tools, strategies, and fresh perspectives that can bolster the relationship’s strengths and address its weaknesses.

3. Cultivate Self-awareness:

Understanding oneself is pivotal. This includes recognizing personal triggers, patterns from past relationships, and areas of personal growth. With this insight, individuals can actively work to change negative patterns and avoid projecting past traumas onto current partners.

4. Set Boundaries:

Clearly defined boundaries ensure respect and understanding in a relationship. Both partners should feel comfortable stating their boundaries and ensuring they are upheld.

5. Regularly Check-in:

Life gets busy, but setting aside regular times to check in with each other about the relationship’s state can be invaluable. This might be a weekly date night or a monthly relationship “audit” to discuss what’s working and what’s not.

6. Prioritize Quality Time:

Spending meaningful, quality time together reinforces the bond. This doesn’t necessarily mean extravagant dates; even simple acts like cooking together or watching a movie can fortify connection.

7. Practice Vulnerability:

Being vulnerable allows for deeper emotional connection. Sharing fears, aspirations, and insecurities can enhance trust and intimacy.

8. Foster Individual Growth:

While growing together is essential, personal growth should be neglected. Encouraging each other’s individual passions and pursuits can lead to a more fulfilling shared life.

9. Understand Love Languages:

Every individual expresses and perceives love differently. Understanding and speaking your partner’s love language – be it acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, or receiving gifts – can make them feel more valued and loved.

10. Stay Educated:

Read books, attend workshops, or take online courses about relationships. Continual learning offers fresh insights and tools to navigate relationship dynamics.
To further consolidate these insights, here’s a bullet list of practical tips and life hacks that couples can use to stay connected and harmonious:

Life Hacks for Lasting Relationships:

  1. Schedule “No Tech” Time: Designate periods where both of you disconnect from phones and gadgets to truly connect with each other.
  2. Appreciation Journal: Maintain a shared journal where you both jot down things you appreciate about each other daily.
  3. Relationship Goals: Set mutual goals for the relationship and revisit them periodically to track progress.
  4. Shared Hobbies: Take up a hobby you both enjoy. It could be dancing, hiking, or even a DIY project.
  5. Memory Lane Walks: Revisit places that hold special memories, like where you first met or had your first date.
  6. Play Together: Engage in fun activities or games. Shared laughter can work wonders.
  7. Learn Together: Attend workshops, and classes, or even read books together. Shared learning experiences can be bonding.
  8. Travel: Exploring new places offers fresh experiences and creates lasting memories.
  9. Stay Curious: Regularly ask each other open-ended questions. Even if you think you know everything about your partner, there’s always more to discover.
  10. Gifts ‘Just Because’: Surprise your partner with thoughtful gestures or gifts, not just on special occasions but whenever you feel like expressing your love.

While love forms the basis of relationships, conscious efforts and strategies ensure its longevity. By understanding common pitfalls, being proactive in communication, and employing practical life hacks, couples can navigate the complexities of relationships, ensuring they grow stronger and deeper with time. After all, love is not just a feeling but an action, a commitment to choose each other, day after day.

In conclusion, relationships are complex, and while no formula ensures everlasting happiness, being aware of these pitfalls and actively working against them is a solid start. At the heart of it all is respect, understanding, and love. Nourish these, and watch your relationship bloom.

Life Hacks for Lasting Relationships
TarasMalyarevich via vistacreate

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐Is communication really the most important part of a relationship?

Absolutely! While love is foundational, communication is the bridge that connects two people, ensuring they understand, trust, and support each other in any circumstance.

⭐How often should couples set aside time for "relationship check-ins"?

Ideally, couples should have brief check-ins as often as once a week and more in-depth discussions at least once a month. Regular communication helps preempt potential issues and strengthens the bond.

⭐Is couples therapy only for those on the brink of breakup?

Not at all! Think of couples therapy as a relationship tune-up. Just like cars, even well-functioning relationships can benefit from regular maintenance.

⭐Can understanding your partner's love language really make a difference?

Absolutely! Knowing how your partner feels loved ensures you're expressing your affection in ways that resonate with them, making the bond even stronger.

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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The HARDKISS - Залiзна ластiвка (Live 2018. Палац Спорту. Київ)The HARDKISS - Залiзна ластiвка (Live 2018. Палац Спорту. Київ)