How Long Does Cooked Sausage Last In The Fridge?

We will explain how to do it correctly

Written by Elisa Chan. Updated on sausage stay in the fridge

Sausages have become a popular food a long time ago already. It is a great way to take a quick breakfast in the morning or eat an on-the-go lunch. Sausages take little time and effort to prepare and they are very delicious.

And, how long is cooked sausage good for in the fridge? Cooked sausages can be stored in the fridge for 1 day. Pre-cooked sausages can be stored for 2 weeks in a refrigerator and if opened for 1 week. You can store cooked sausages in a freezer up to 2 months.

How long is cooked sausage good for?

Such a question may bother you whenever you face a necessity to save some extra cooked sausages for later use.

Below, we will explain how to do it correctly.

Related: How Long Does Deli Meat Last? Fresh Shelf life Tips

The Basic Rules Of Sausage Keeping

First of all, it would be useful to figure out the lasting of this product’s normal lifespan at all.

How long does sausage last? Well, everything depends on what kind of sausage the question is about.

How long can you keep cooked sausage in the fridge? You can keep cooked sausages in the fridge for up to three days in the food container. If the sausage wasn’t covered, it could be kept for two days. If the sausages are on the same plate as other food, you can also keep them for two days.

As you may have guessed, fresh sausages like bangers will last less time than dried and cured chorizo, for example.

Now let’s take a closer look at all these nuances.

  • Fresh sausages

When we say “fresh sausages” we mean that this is a product made of one or more kinds of meat or meat with some meat products, coarse or finely comminuted, that is always sold raw.

This kind of sausage can stay refrigerated for a couple of hours only because afterward, they will most likely start getting spoiled.

  • Precooked sausages

These sausages are those that everyone knows very well. To make them ready for consuming, you simply need to heat them – boil, grill or fry.

This kind of sausage will remain eatable for much longer, approximately for two weeks in an unopened package.

How Long Does Cooked Sausage Last In The Fridge
  • Dried sausages

Pepperoni, chorizo and other similar sausages – this is what dry sausages are.

They are normally already cooked so there is no need to put them to the fridge, they will feel absolutely fine in a cool pantry for nearly six weeks.

How long does cooked chorizo last in the fridge? Chorizo is a dry sausage, so you don’t have to put it into the fridge you can get mold on it. You can keep it in a pantry for about six weeks in a proper container. For Example, glass containers or paper bags, avoid any plastic package for it.

How Long Does Cooked Sausage Last In The Fridge
Photo by Dustin Tramel on Unsplash

However, in case you do toss them into the fridge, these sausages can remain edible for an indefinite period of time when being unopened.

Now that we have figured out the main specifics of sausages storing, it is time to learn how to deal with the cooked sausages in particular as they are the most consumable type of this meat food in the world.

Related: How Long Do Hot Dogs Last?

Sausage Storage Specifics and Peculiarities

How long is cooked sausage good for
Photo by Jack Hunter on Unsplash

Before we proceed to the more detailed instruction of sausage keeping, let’s find out some basic specifics of cooked sausage preservation.

How long is cooked sausage good for?

Well, to begin with, this kind of product can only be stored when refrigerated, keep that in mind. Unlike some other kinds of this product (like dry sausages, for example) that feel fine when kept in a pantry, cooked sausage needs to be affected by a cold for better storage. 

Under such conditions, they will remain edible for four days.

How long can you keep cooked sausages?

Everything depends on how you will be storing them. If simply refrigerated, then they are able to be consumed for a maximum of four days. But if you choose to freeze them, their lifespan will extend to two months.

So, how long can you keep cooked sausages? Cooked sausages will last for up to 4 days at 39.2 ° F in the fridge. Don’t use plastic bags during storage. Use foil and food paper, or store them in an airtight container, it will prolong the of cooked sausages.

How long can cooked sausage stay in the fridge when being frozen and then unfrosted?

Four days for sure is a guaranteed term but ensure to consume it by the end of that period of time!

To tell whether cooked sausages already turned spoiled or not, take a look at them and smell. If you sense any off or unpleasant odor or the surface of the sausages will be slimy or moldy, discard them instantly as they are impossible to use any longer even if being heated.

Related: Can You Freeze Ham? Main Rules

Shelf Life of Cooked Sausage In the Fridge. Nuances and Tips

How long is cooked sausage good for
Photo by Miro Vrlik on Unsplash

Finally, we have come to the most important question. How long is cooked sausage good for in the fridge? 

And again, the answer will depend on the type of cooked sausage that is under the dispute.

In general, cooked sausages remain eatable for four days if being refrigerated correctly. You can also count on the same period of time if the matter is about unfrosted cooked sausages.

How about other types of this particular meat product?

How long is breakfast sausage good for in the fridge?

When being unopened and kept in the original package, they will stay edible during the four days in the fridge whilst the leftover product can be good for two days.

How long is cooked breakfast sausage good for? An unopened package will be good for the four days on the fridge shelf. If the package was open, it will be good for two days or if keep some leftovers. If you store cooked breakfast sausages with another food at a plate, it will be eatable for 2 days.

How long is breakfast sausage good for in the fridge
  • How long is kielbasa good for in the fridge?

Kielbasa is more durable compared to the fresh and other sausages. If you keep it unopened in a vacuum cover, it will remain edible for four weeks at most! And if it so happened that you have already opened the pack, kielbasa will be still good to consume within one or two weeks.

How long is kielbasa good for in the fridge? If you keep kielbasa sausages in an unopened package, it can be good for four weeks. If you have opened the package or have kielbasa leftovers it will be good in the fridge for 2 weeks.

How long is kielbasa good for in the fridge

How long can leftover cooked sausage stay in the fridge?

If you cooked too much and happened to have some leftover sausages, pay attention to that they will stay consumable for a couple of days at most and will have to be discarded afterward to prevent any foodborne disease in case of eating them.

And how long can leftover cooked sausage stay in the fridge? Store leftover cooked sausage, in a paper towel or put in a plastic container in the fridge for up to 1-2 days at 37.4 ° F. Open cooked sausage cannot be stored in a plastic bag. If you store the leftover cooked sausages without a fridge it will reduce their shelf life by 3 times. 

  • How long is cooked sausage good for after use-by date?

The use-by date shows the date until which the product can stay good and edible if unopened. Precooked sausages last for two weeks in the unopened pack whilst, after being opened, their durability shortens to one week respectively.

How long is cooked sausage good for after use by date

How long are brats sausages good for?

Brats are the sausages made for grilling. Since they are fresh sausages, they are possible to be kept refrigerated for two days only, otherwise, they will start getting spoiled after that time.

How long do cooked brats last in the fridge? An opened package of Brats sausages can last for two days in the fridge. Packed sausages will last for 14 days. Brats are fresh sausages, so you have to cook them as soon as possible.

How long are brats sausages good for

How long do uncooked brats last in the fridge?

Give them one or a maximum of two days but avoid leaving for a longer period.

How long does cooked turkey sausage last in the fridge?

In fact, it doesn’t matter what meat this product is made of. If they are what is called pre-cooked, then they are surely edible for three to four days when being exposed to the influence of cold.

But, how long does cooked turkey sausage last in the fridge? Cooked turkey sausage lasts up to 7 days at 39.2 ° F in the fridge. In the freezer, turkey sausage will last up to 1 month. Unopened cooked turkey sausage lasts for 2 weeks at 39.2 ° F in the refrigerator and up to 2 months at 17,6 °F in the freezer. 

Sausages, especially the cooked ones, are very tasty and fast-cooking meat products that are enjoyed all over the world. They will fit any eating whether it is breakfast, lunch or barbecue. 

And now when you finally know the duration of their shelf life when refrigerated, you can easily extend their lifespan to enjoy this delicious food longer!

How long does cooked turkey sausage last in the fridge

Frequently Asked Questions About How Long Is Cooked Sausage Good For and Much More.

Sausages have become our daily meals. We use them for breakfast and dinner, we take them to the picnic and garden parties. As a result, we have some leftover cooked sausages quite often. 

Of course, knowing how to store them is a must to avoid discarding eatable food!

And below, we will explain how to deal with this foodstuff to extend its lifespan.

Cooked Sausage Shelf Life Tips And Life Hacks

Even though the sausages are cooked, it doesn’t mean they will last forever. People often make a common mistake assuming that cooked food will last longer than its counterpart but it is a big mistake!

To avoid spoiling the products, take into account several life hacks regarding this foodstuff shelf life.

Cooked Sausage Shelf Life

How long is sausage good for after the use-by date?

The cooked product can be safely refrigerated for a maximum of four days. If there’re still any left later, discard them. 

How long can cooked sausage sit out?

When serving the cooked sausages, remember that they’ re OK to stay there for two hours. If your guests or family members didn’t eat them all, either safe them or discard at once if you’re sure that nobody will consume them later.

Some Useful Extras

Preservation and proper use of sausages is a great point of concern for many of us. To be aware of any unexpected issues, check out these questions and tips.

Can cooked sausages be frozen?

This foodstuff is absolutely fine to freeze. Use either airtight tanks or frost-resistant packets to prevent them from freezer burn.

How long does cooked sausage last in the freezer? The package of cooked sausages will be good in a freezer for about 2 months. Opened cooked by your self sausages will be eatable for around one month in a proper package.

Can cooked sausages be frozen
Photo by Matthieu Joannon on Unsplash

Can you reheat cooked sausages?

Yes, cooked sausages can be reheated since they were already exposed to cooking during the processing procedure.

And, can you reheat cooked sausages? Yes, sausages can be reheated. Use a microwave oven or stove.
Remove the sausages from the packaging, place them on a dish, and heat up the sausages for 1-2 minutes in the microwave. On the stove, boil water up to 212°F, then add sausages, cover the pan and let it stand for 10-15 minutes.

Can cooked sausage be left out for 24 hours?

No, the longest period it can stand unrefrigerated is two hours.

How long does it take cooking sausage in the oven?

Twenty minutes will be more than enough, otherwise, you are risking to burn them

But how long does it take cooking sausage in the oven? Сook sausages up to 15-25 min in the preheated oven up to 400°F. Cook big sausages from 20 to 25 minutes at 356 °F, thinner sausages – in 15 minutes at 356 °F. Put the sausages on a baking sheet with parchment paper, bake for 15-25 minutes at 356 °F. Flip the sausages after 7-15 minutes.

How to Store Different Kinds Of Sausages? You Should Know This

People often wonder whether different sorts of sausages are stored the same way. Well, let’s see whether there’s any difference!

How long is cooked deer sausage good for?

Foodstuff made of deer meat is edible for a maximum of four days refrigerated and three months frozen.

How long is cooked deer sausage good for

How long do cooked Quorn sausages last in the fridge?

Cooked Quorn sausage lasts up to 4 days at 39.2 ° F if refrigerated. In the freezer, Quorn sausage will last up to 2 weeks. Unopened cooked Quorn sausage lasts for 4 weeks at 36.2 ° F in the fridge. For long-term storage, freeze cooked Quorn sausage in an airtight container for up to 1 month at 17.6 ° F.

At least 72-96 hours safely.

How long do cooked Quorn sausages last in the fridge

How long will cooked sausage balls keep in the refrigerator?

An unopened package of cooked sausage balls can be kept in the fridge for 1 week. If you have homemade sausage balls or the package was open, you can keep sausage balls for 3 days in the fridge. If balls are on the plate with other food, you can keep them for 2 days on the fridge shelf.

How long does Italian sausage last refrigerated?

Ever wondered how long will Italian sausage keep its freshness in the fridge? The average duration is three to four days.

And how long does Italian sausage last refrigerated? Cooked Italian sausage lasts up to 3-4 days at 39.2 ° F if refrigerated. Unopened cooked Italian sausage lasts for 2 weeks at 32.2 ° F in the refrigerator and up to 2 months at 19,6 °F in the freezer. For better taste, freeze them in an airtight container or plastic wrap.

How long does chicken sausage last in the fridge?

When refrigerated, it remains edible for 96 hours.

But, how long does chicken sausage last in the fridge? Chicken sausages last up for 3 days in paper or a plastic container at 40 °F or below in the fridge. Store homemade Chicken sausages in an airtight container for 1-2 days at 36,4 °F. Store unopen store-bought chicken sausages from 4 to 6 days at 40 °F in a fridge. Open Chicken sausages cannot be stored in a plastic bag.

How long is bratwurst good for in the fridge?

Bratwurst sausages in an unopened package will be good for two weeks in the fridge. If the package was oped or you have hand-made bratwurst sausages it well be good from 5 to 7 days.

What is the smoked sausage shelf life?

Smoked sausages last for nearly a week refrigerated but dry smoked ones are able to remain edible for a year in a pantry (thus they’re not fridge-friendly)

So how long does smoked sausage last in the fridge? Smoked sausage lasts up to 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. Keep opened Smoked sausage in the fridge for up to 48 hours at 36,4 °F. Sausage lasts up to 6 days at 38,7 °F in a vacuum seal in a fridge and up to 1 month at 14 °F in a freezer.

Read next: How Long Does Steak Last In The Fridge? 

Written by
Elisa is a passionate cook who will advise you on healthy and delicious food topics! With her help, you will discover how to properly store and freeze food, as well as learn important nuances about preserving vitamins in your meals to make them stay nutritious.
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