How to Store Bread. Ultimade Guide For You And Your Family

4 Things You Need To Stop Doing Now

Written by Elisa Chan. Updated on How to Tell If Bread Is Bad

Bread is something we use daily. We eat it with butter, like sandwiches, or just as it is. It is produced of various sorts of grains and may contain or not contain yeast.

And you probably noticed that sometimes bread tends to dry out too fast.

Are we doing anything wrong?

How to store bread correctly at all?

Let’s figure this out!

Storing Bread At Room Temperature. Things to Remember

Bread storage is a point of concern for many housewives worldwide. How to store it to keep fresh and soft longer? Is it better to refrigerate the loaf or let it stay on the counter?

These questions need closer examination.

At first, let’s see what we will get when keeping a loaf of fresh bread unrefrigerated.

Actually, this method is traditionally considered to be the best one since the product then is able to preserve all of its qualities such as taste, texture, and flavor to their longest.

Besides, proper storage will guarantee that the loaf won’t turn too dry and molded.

What do we mean when we say “proper storage”?

  • Always wrap the loaf with aluminum or plastic cover. It will protect its natural moisture from evaporating and making the foodstuff hard like a brick. Even if you bought the bread already packed in a paper packet, throw it away and replace it with one of those we recommended above.
  • If you have pre-sliced processed bread, then feel free to leave it in the original packet since the manufacturers make it suitable for the storage already.
  • Make sure that, if you keep the loaf unrefrigerated, it won’t stay on the table or the counter longer than two days. Yes, even if it is properly packed. 
  • The ideal conditions for bread storage include the level of heat no more than 20 C (68 F) 
  • Keep the loaf away from the direct sunlight, as well as from any heating means like stove
  • For better storage, use a special bread box or, at least, toss the loaf into the cupboard or a pantry

Being stored this way, the bread will remain fresh and tasty for up to a week.

And of course, keep an eye on the product to prevent the appearance of any mold. In case you notice any, discard the bread instantly without hesitation since molded food is not good for consuming even if we scrape the mold off or cut off the damaged piece.

The Bread Storage Secret: Maintain Freshness for 3 MONTHS!The Bread Storage Secret: Maintain Freshness for 3 MONTHS!

Storing Bread In The Fridge. Possible Or Not?

How to Store Bread
Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

You may be wondering why we mention this method of storage since people often insist on bread being impossible to store refrigerated.

Well, it is really so! 

HOW TO: Freeze & Store Bread (July 2020)HOW TO: Freeze & Store Bread (July 2020)

However, we would like to explain why it is so to help you understand the specifics of the process.

In fact, everything is quite simple.

  • If we put a loaf of fresh bread into the fridge and leave it there, it will turn stale and finally dry out much faster than it should be.
  • It happens because, first of all, the average temperature in the fridge is below 40 F instead of recommended 68 F that is much better for bread.
  • The second reason is that refrigerating draws out the moisture out of bread very quickly, and the foodstuff dries out three times faster than if we keep in unrefrigerated! It happens because the starch molecules crystallize and the loaf becomes hard faster.

If you follow this advice, you will end up with the eternally spoiling loaves that must be discarded. 

Let’s agree that such a clueless waste of money won’t be good for our budget!

Storing bread in the fridge
Photo by Kate Remmer on Unsplash

Can You Freeze Bread? When And How to Do It

Naturally, since refrigeration is prohibited, people start wondering what to do with the bread left after the party. Shall they throw it away?

Of course, not! A way exists that can help to preserve this product if you do have too much of it left that can’t be consumed within a day or two.

And yes, we are talking about freezing!

It is a proven way of preserving extra bread.

  • For preservation, use frost-resistant packets
  • The heavy-duty foil will also be good
  • Seal them tightly to prevent air from getting in
  • Always label and date the packet with bread in order not to miss its expiry term
  • Keep the bread frozen in slices. It will allow the product to harden evenly and will make the defrosting process simpler

Like this, it is possible to preserve the bread for a period of three to six months!

How Long Does Bread Last
Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash

Defrosting bread

Since freezing is ok, then how do we defrost our bread if we want to use some for dinner?

That’s not a big deal! The method will only hang upon how fast you need your slices.

If you have plenty of time and there is no rush, just leave the foodstuff to defrost on the table until it is soft again.

But if you need it right now, then feel free to toss the needed amount into the oven or toaster and add some fire! Five minutes will be more than enough.

Note that bread can be safely reheated only once so make sure you don’t take out too much from the freezing camera!

One more reminder for you guys: take off the protective cover from the bread before heating it!

Defrosting bread
Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

How Long Does Bread Last

It is all well and good but how long can bread remain fresh and edible at all?

We knew you would ask that that is why we have prepared a handy chart for you to always have it at hand.

Pantry Fridge Freezer
Store-bought loaf 7 days pre-sliced 7-12 days 90 days
Homemade bread 5 days pre-sliced 8 days up to 3 months

And of course, double-check that the packet or cover that protects the bread is tightly sealed and wrapped. 

How to Tell If Bread Is Bad?

How to Store and Reheat BreadHow to Store and Reheat Bread

An issue of bread spoilage is sometimes a true catastrophe! You have just brought a fresh loaf from the store, and after a few days what you have is a brick-like thing in your kitchen that is impossible to cut! No, you can’t even break it!

In addition, it is moldy and smells awful.

Sounds familiar? Then take into account these simple signs of spoilage to know for sure whether your product is still good or must be discarded instantly.

So what tells us that bread is bad?

  • It turns stale. The stale loaf is dry and hard, and even if it is safe to consume, it is far less appetizing, let’s agree. So unless you like crispy tings, throw that thing away and forget about it.
  • If the bread is turning really bad, you will see mold on it
  • Another sigh are spots that can be of various colors from white and blue to black and even green! Such a product must be discarded since it is harmful to our health.
  • And finally, the smell will tell you the truth. If the loaf smells sour, yeasty or its odor reminds alcohol, throw it away without hesitation!

 Following these tips will help to prevent many unpleasant effects.

Bread is a truly universal product. It is healthy, nutritious, and easy to digest (especially those kinds of it that include bran or that are made of whole flour). It tastes perfectly with butter and jam, as well as with some ham and mustard

No matter whether we eat it with soups or salads, the bread will fit almost any dish!

Written by
Elisa is a passionate cook who will advise you on healthy and delicious food topics! With her help, you will discover how to properly store and freeze food, as well as learn important nuances about preserving vitamins in your meals to make them stay nutritious.
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here.
How to Store BreadHow to Store Bread