How to Remove Semi Permanent Hair Dye In One Day

Is it possible or not? Find it out and learn how to do it right

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on Is it possible or not Find it out and learn how to do it right

Coloring hair is perhaps one of the most popular procedures in the hair styling industry today. Lots of options exist of how you can change the tint of your locks, and respectively, many different means can be used to achieve the desired result. 

However, ladies often want to get rid of the new hair color. It does not matter whether it happens because of the mistake made by the stylist, or a picky fashionista suddenly changed her mind. The biggest issue is how to get temporary hair dye out fast and do it safely for the hair.

How to Remove Semi Permanent Hair Dye In One Day

If you are curious about how to get rid of semi-permanent hair dye asap, there are several different approaches available. Some of them are more aggressive but take less time and give you quicker results, and others are more delicate appearing to be slower. 

For instance, if you are in a great hurry and you need to wash that pigment out as soon as it is only possible, using harsh and rather aggressive products (such as dye remover) is the only option for you. This is a good choice if, for instance, you colored the mane for a special occasion (e.g. a party), and you need to return to your natural shade the very next day to not show up in the office with neon-colored tresses. 

At the same time, if you have plenty of time, it is OK to opt for gentler alternatives. They will take you more time indeed, but at least, you will manage to cause the minimal harm to the hair.

Which one you pick up is completely your decision and responsibility. The only thing you must take into consideration is the damage that each of those removal methods may cause to your chevelure. The less time the whole procedure takes the higher the risk that your strands will end up being pretty much damaged, and you will have to spend some time and money on restoring and reviving them.

On the other hand, the procedures that take more time and ask for less harsh products will be way more delicate to your mane. Nevertheless, the effect can be not so prominent and quick as the one received after the more aggressive treatment.

How to Remove Semi Permanent Hair Dye In One Day
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

If we compare the time needed for color removal and the level of damage the hair may get, this is what we will see:

Color removerBaking sodaAcetumVitamin C+shampooDetergent
Procedure duration60 min/one-time20 min/2-3 times3-4 min/15 days45 min/one-time1-2 min/ 5 days
Possible damagehighmoderatemoderatemoderatemoderate

Semi-permanent hair dye is a good thing in terms of its further removal since the pigment is not that strong as the one used in permanent colors. It means that getting rid of semi dye will take us less effort in comparison to its more “stubborn” cousin.

So how to get semi permanent dye out in one day only? We recommend you opt for one of the following methods. 

The Fastest Way How to Get Semi Permanent Hair Dye Out Of Hair 

The question of how to get temporary dye out of your hair fast is very popular among those who tend to change their hair color often enough. Since semi dye is very easy to apply but it is somewhat tricky when it comes to its removal, getting rid of it completely might take you quite an effort!

If the task is to wash out that dye asap, the optimal way is to go for a color remover. This method is the most aggressive since it requires using chemicals on your locks, so consider that before going to the drug store. Hydrosulfate that this color-removing stuff contains is known as a very strong chemical that eliminates hair color significantly, this is why this way is both the simplest and the most damage-causing.

The procedure itself is more or less the same even though different producers may have certain distinctions:

  1. Prepare all the tools needed, such as gloves, the remover, shower cap, non-metal bowl, paintbrush, clarifying shampoo, conditioner, and hair clips. Also, we would recommend you wearing an old shirt with long sleeves to protect your arms. Why old? Because, if you set a stain on it accidentally, you will not regret throwing it away.
  2. After everything is ready, wash your mane first.
  3. Then prepare the color-removing mixture according to the instruction.
  4.  Apply the substance on your head ensuring you cover each inch of it with a brush.
  5. After each strand is processed, put on a cap and wait for the required amount of time (usually about an hour).

Do you think now it’s done? No, now it’s the most crucial part of the show! Rinsing is super important when removing the dye this way since chemical removers will not be washed out easily after the single session.

To free your locks from the product, you will have to rinse the whole mane at least five times non-stop using shampoo to scrub the hair length, and do it thoroughly! This is probably the most bothersome part of the process since it requires around forty-five minutes in the shower.

Get Rid Of Semi Permanent Hair Dye With Baking Soda

If you want to learn how to get temporary hair dye out of hair easier, baking soda can be your salvation. It is simple to prepare, the same simple to apply, and it doesn’t smell that awfully as the chemical remover does!

Simply blend sodium bicarbonate with some anti-dandruff shampoo, stir properly to get the smooth and even texture of the mix, and then apply it onto the wet hair. 

The substance will only need twenty minutes to do its job, and then you can rinse it out and condition the mane to prevent it from dryness.

How to get semi dye out of hair with anti-dandruff shampoo and vitamin C

Vitamin C is another remedy when we need to learn how to get semi permanent hair dye out fast without ruining the locks.

You will need two pills of C vitamin crushed to powder mixed with some shampoo until the mixture foams. Then, apply the substance onto the wet locks massaging it as if you are washing your hair, and put on a shower cap.

After forty five minutes, the mane can be rinsed and conditioner applied.

How to get temporary hair color out using a detergent

Dish-washing detergent is probably the last thing we think of when deciding how to get rid of semi permanent hair color. However, the sulfates it contains do wonders to the semi dye.

The process is extremely simple: make use of a product just as you would do with a regular shampoo, but remember to wash your mane with the ordinary shampoo afterward. After about five days of undergoing this procedure, the unwanted color will be removed.

Removing semi permanent hair dye with white acetum

Despite the smell, acetum is one of the most effective things when we need to figure out how to get temporary dye out of hair. And since it is affordable and we usually always have it in disposal, this method is a top choice if you want to strip the dye out safely and fast enough.

All you need to do is to soak your mane with acetum, let it work for 3-4 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse the locks with a lot of water. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a week, for fifteen days.

Removing semi permanent hair dye with white acetum
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

Hair Treatment After You Remove Temporary Hair Dye

After removing semi-permanent hair color, your strands will need proper care even if you used delicate removal methods. Each of the offered options is rather damageable, so your mane will need a lot of conditioning to bring it back to life and return its shine and silkiness.

To perform a deep conditioning treatment, you can either go for the professional products from a store, or simply apply a homemade coconut oil mask which is 100% natural and makes wonders to the locks saving them from dryness, fragility, and breakage!

These were the simplest and the fastest ways of how to remove semi-permanent dye from your hair. It is important to keep in mind that, even though not all of them require harsh chemicals, each of these approaches is still rather damageable to our tresses. For this reason, proper after-color removing treatment is a must.

Applying conditioner and nourishing masks will help your strands get back to life and become shiny and silky again instead of turning into a dry, frizzy, and breakage-prone mess. Naturally, feel free to make use of any hair care products that appeal to you, but we would still recommend sticking to natural and organic ones, such as coconut oil which is an ideal nourishing and conditioning remedy.

Remember that coloring is always harmful, and fixing and curing your hair afterward may cost you way more than if you simply take care of it in time! 

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Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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