How Long After Planting Grass Seed Can You Walk On It?

When can I walk on new grass? Learn the answer from the article below.

Written by Olivia Paxton. Updated on How Long After Planting Grass Seed Can You Walk On It

Having a green lawn is what every homeowner is dreaming about. Perfectly cut grass, all fresh and emerald green, just in front of your house would make your neighbors sigh with envy while your lawn would become a local sightseeing point! Sounds great!

But to be able to grow that lawn, you need to make sure that the grass you seed grows properly and evenly. And this is when the majority of homeowners ask the same question: how soon after planting new grass seeds is allowed walking on new grass?

So today we are going to familiarize you with the results of our investigation.

You will learn how long to stay off new grass seed and when you can let your pets (dogs in particular) walk on a freshly seeded lawn. Also, we will tell you whether or not walking on new grass can damage it.

Finally, we will reveal a few secret tips on how to figure out when it is the right time for you and your family members to start walking on your new grass.

How Soon Can You Walk On New Grass?

How long until you can walk on new grass? Well, like any other plant, grass needs time to be able to grow and become strong enough to withstand you walking on it.

So if you start doing that right after you plant the seeds, it will be hard for them to grow and poke the soil to come out which means that your dream of a perfect green lawn will most likely remain a dream.

Instead, to let your newly seeded grass grow stronger, we would suggest you avoid walking on a newly seeded lawn and any new grass sprouts that are under three inches tall.

Grass seedlings and sprouts are very easily damaged or uprooted at this stage, keep that in mind! So you’d better wait until the new grass is over three inches tall before mowing. Like this, you will prevent uprooting or killing young grass.

Once the grass has been mowed at least three times, you can be sure that it is strong enough to be walked on regularly without causing harm.

And if you need to know exactly how long to keep off grass seed, below we have provided you with the list of stages that grass must pass in order to grow properly.

Only when all of these stages are complete, can you walk on your new lawn freely without being afraid of damaging it. By keeping off the grass at this time, you protect it from harm and prevent bare, dead spots in your yard.

  • After new seeds have been spread, and there are no visible sprouts, stay away from your lawn.
  • If you already have newly sprouted grass that is less than three inches tall, stay away from the lawn as well.
  • If you have new grass that is mowed weekly at three inches, you can walk on it, but only when necessary!
  • Finally, after your lawn has been mowed three to five times, the grass can now be exposed to regular foot traffic and use.

Like this, you will avoid any damage that might be caused to the newly seeded lawn by walking on it while the grass is still too young and weak.

Moreover, if you would start walking on your lawn right after you seeded it with new grass, that could make its growing even impossible since your feet would make the soil way too thick for the grass sprouts to come through it.

Now that you know for sure how much time to wait until you can test your new lawn, let’s see what can tell you when this right time arrives when you can start walking on freshly grown grass again!

How Soon Can You Walk On New Grass
Credits: FotoPrivet, via

How Do You Know When It Is OK to Walk On New Grass. Tips to Consider

When you seed new grass, you need to make sure that it is established to the point where it has been mowed several times.

Only then can it be walked on without worry. Until your grass has reached this point, you should avoid walking on your newly seeded lawn as much as possible.

See, young grass and seed are way too weak, and they can be destroyed by walking on your lawn too soon. As a result, if you do so, you will waste all the hard work you put into seeding!

This is why we are going to provide you with a few simple recommendations and tips. With their help, you will be able to easily make sure your seeds and new grass become a lush, usable yard!

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Related: How Often to Water New Grass Seeds 

Stay Away From Newly Seeded Ground!

Once you have seeded your lawn, you should do your best to avoid walking on it as much as possible! Seeds that have just begun to sprout are extremely delicate.

Even if they are under a layer of soil, the weight of people walking on them can be enough to destroy them! Which means that all work of yours will be in vain.

Many people make this mistake because they think that, if grass can not be seen yet, it can not be harmed. But just because you can’t see the new grass yet, it does not mean it is not growing.

This is why, once you have finished seeding, this area must become a no-traffic zone for both people and pets!

Also, if possible, water your freshly seeded lawn with the help of a sprinkler instead of doing it by hand. By doing this, you will reduce foot traffic in the area.

Stay Away From Newly Seeded Ground!
Credits: praew_p_1985, via

Related: When to Worry About Sprinkler System Freezing?

Find and Alternative Playground For Your Children

Until new grass sprouts are strong enough, it is best to keep all foot traffic to the minimum.

If your kids like playing in the yard right on the lawn, you should relocate them to your local parks instead while the lawn is growing its grassy cover.

In addition, you can make your children’s schedule more varied by planning family nature walks and outdoor activities away from the yard to give your little ones outside time without damaging your new yard.

Find and Alternative Playground For Your Children
Credits: alebloshka, via

Consider to Manage Pet Traffic On Seeded Area

If you have dogs or cats, or larger animals in your household, you should think of relocating them elsewhere while the grass is growing strong. Until the grass is mature enough to withstand this use, it will be way better to protect the yard to prevent grass death.

Take dogs on long walks and consider creating a temporary alternative space for them to relieve themselves.

Also, if you keep hen or other birds like that in your household, make sure they are kept away from a newly seeded lawn!

They can take the seeds out from the soil to consume which means that there will be no lawn at all. By the way, dogs may cause similar problems by digging holes in your yard. Take that in mind as well!

Consider to Manage Pet Traffic On Seeded Area
Credits: kapinosova, via

Let the Grass Grow Tall Enough Before You Mow It

Some homeowners make a common mistake by mowing their new grass way too early! But if you mow young grass too soon, the mower blades can rip grass seedlings right out of the ground. In addition, mower wheels can crush young grass and kill it.

This is why, in order to make sure you don’t kill new grass by accident, allow the seeds to sprout and the sprouts to grow tall enough to 3.5 inches before mowing for the first time!

Also, when mowing, make sure to set your mower blade height as high as possible. You want to remove no more than one-third of the grass blade height. Ideally, you should mow new grass at three inches in height.

Let the Grass Grow Tall Enough Before You Mow It
Credits: Ninelro , via

Mow Several Times Before Walking On It For the First Time!

Grass does not grow in just one second. You need to be patient enough to let the sprouts become strong and tall enough for you to be able to walk on them! Also, for getting better results, we suggest you mow your lawn several times before the first use.

Once your new grass is tall enough to mow, continue to care for it. Mow it three to five times before beginning to use your yard as you normally would (walking on the grass and allowing children and pets to use the yard).

This time is needed in order to allow the gyoung rass to establish strong roots, making it durable and resistant enough for daily traffic.

Mow Several Times Before Walking On It For the First Time!
Credits: allmevl, via

Does Walking On New Grass Kill It?

We usually don’t care about stepping on grass much, but when it comes to the newly seeded grass on our lawn, things are a bit different. Many lawn owners wonder whether walking or even stepping on young grass could kill it, and this is a reasonable question!

In general, walking on new grass can easily damage underground seedlings and new grass sprouts. The tiny grass plants have tender blades and weak roots.

At this point, the simple act of walking on them can kill the grass or damage it, setting growth back, leaving dead spots in your yard, and allowing weeds to invade the yard.

This is why it is recommended to stay away from a freshly seeded lawn until the sprouts reach the height of three inches and until they are mowed at least three times.

Does Walking On New Grass Kill It
Credits: ArturVerkhovetskiy, via

What to Do to Take Care Of Your Freshly Seeded Grass LAwn?

It is not enough to just seed the grass and water it waiting when the first sprouts poke through the soil. Even such a seemingly simple plant as grass needs care and maintenance in order to grow strong and nice.

This is why, after you seed your lawn with new grass, we recommend you follow a few easy steps that will help you to get an ideally green lawn!

  • Cover the seeds with ¼ to ⅛ of an inch of peat moss after you have spread them. It is also recommended to make use of a peat spreader in order to create an even coat of the moss over the ground.
  • Water your seeds. Once you place the moss, water the lawn thoroughly. The first watering needs to soak the top six inches of soil or even a bit more. To achieve this, you may have to water the lawn lightly several times instead of one massive watering. When you allow breaks between watering sessions, it will soak into the soil better and won’t wash the seeds out.
  • After you spread the grass seeds, water your lawn daily, two times a day, doing it regularly for three weeks. The best time for watering is either during the early morning or late afternoon. You should not water during the hottest part of the day, since the sun is just going to evaporate the water. During this period of time, you need to keep the lawn moist, but avoid making it soggy.
  • Fertilize the new grass by applying the fertilizer six weeks after the germination.
  • Remove weeds. You will need to remove the weeds from the grass by hand until you have mowed it two times. At this point, it will be safe to use a herbicide if necessary. Just be cautious to not damage your new turf.

With these recommendations and tips, you will grow a new lawn relatively easily and quickly enough. Of course, you should be realistic and take into account that some waiting time is needed, but this is worth having a beautiful lawn of fresh grass!

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐ How long do you leave hay on grass seed?

Until the sprouts are 2-3 inches tall.

⭐ When should you mow new grass?

Approximately two months after seeding the lawn.

⭐ How long does it take to keep a dog off grass after seeding?

Keep it off until grass is three inches high.

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Olivia shares all she knows about the hotels, houses, and home cleaning with Beezzly readers. And she knows a lot! 15 years of work experience as a Manager in a former Four Season Service gave Olivia an exceptional base of professional knowledge and practical experience.
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What is the Best Time to Plant Grass Seed? - Fall Lawn Tips | DoMyOwn.comWhat is the Best Time to Plant Grass Seed? - Fall Lawn Tips |