The Most Simple Ideas About How to Freeze Peaches

We will reveal the secrets of freezing fresh peaches for different purposes

Written by Elisa Chan. Updated on How to Freeze Peaches

Peaches taste great both fresh and prepared. Juice, smoothy, or salad, peaches will fit nearly any summer dessert!

Naturally, everyone would like to know more about how to freeze peaches at home.

Today, we will reveal the secrets of freezing fresh peaches for different purposes. Stay tuned!

Peaches. Usefulness And Health Benefits

Everyone knows that fruits are healthy. Peaches are not an exception.

These smooth soft fruit with slightly fluffy skin is a source of all the possible things one can take from food!

  • Peaches contribute greatly to our digestion preventing constipation.
  • This fruit gives us 10% of the daily amount of fiber.
  • Eating peaches balances our blood sugar level.
  • Like any fruit, peaches strengthen our immune system.
  • They provide us with vitamins C and A.
  • Regular consumption of peaches makes our skin smoother and softer.
  • For healthy and sharp vision, eat peaches daily!
  • Peaches are great for everyone who takes care of their weight since this fruit helps to control our weight.
  • Consuming peaches on a regular basis will support our brain and make it healthier!

For sure, after learning all this, anyone would like to know how to freeze fresh peaches to be able to enjoy them any time of the year.

How to Store And Preserve Peaches

But before we proceed to the major frozen peaches topic, let’s figure out how to store peaches properly so that they won’t spoil sooner than expected.

  • First of all, we can store peaches that are not quite ripe yet.

If this fruit is hard and lacks its specific sweet flavor, it must ripen a bit more. 

If we have too many peaches that need more time to get ready to eat, we need to provide comfortable conditions for them.

freeze peaches
Photo by Wilfred Wong on Unsplash

Leave the fruit on the counter without washing, putting each peach its stem side down. Don’t make a pile since peaches may bruise when they become ripe.

freezing fresh peaches
Photo by Krisztina Papp on Unsplash

 For the ready-to-eat fruit, refrigerate them to extend the lifespan.

Remember, however, that peaches won’t live in such a cooled place long. An extended cooling will dehydrate their soft and juicy flesh so consume them within two days for better taste.

Of course, sometimes we end up purchasing too many fruits (oh, those sale days!), and then we don’t know what to do with those piles of peaches! 

If this is your case, long-term storage is the best option. And here’s how to preserve fresh peaches.

Freezing Peaches Precise Instruction

how to freeze fresh peaches
Photo by A.R.T.Paola on Unsplash

Yes, freezing has always been and will be the optimal way to preserve foodstuff ever! And of course, it is the best way to preserve peaches, too.

Many of us worry that we won’t manage to preserve the fruits correctly and they will turn brown, spoil, or get freezer-burnt.

Well, such worries are not quite baseless since people often don’t know exactly what to do to freeze fresh peaches.

If you’re afraid of making a mistake, choose the best way to freeze peaches and you won’t miss! It works perfectly for freezing peaches for a pie or freezing peaches for smoothies.

    • Peel the peaches and cut them in slices
    • Sprinkle them with lemon juice using 1 tbsp of juice per 1 lb of fruit
    • Prepare a baking sheet covered with parchment
    • Spread the peach slices evenly
    • Freeze peach “army” overnight or at least for four hours. The slices must be solid
    • Remove the peaches into the resealable frost-friendly packets and squeeze out all the air (or at least try to do so)

Done! Use this easy way to freeze peaches any time your family needs some to enjoy!

When freezing peaches in freezer bags like this, it’s possible to extend their lifespan to twelve months.

This is also the most healthy method of how to freeze peaches without sugar.

How to Defrost Peaches Correctly

How to Store And Preserve Peaches
Photo by Andra Ion on Unsplash

Naturally, one day you’ll need to take the peaches out of the freezing camera. 

Now the question is: how to defrost’em?

Since this sort of fruit is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, it can easily be ruined by the wrong unfreezing. As you can see, knowing how to freeze peach slices isn’t enough to be a peach pro!

As for defrosting, the less traumatizing way is to remove the frozen fruit slices to the bowl and leave it in the freezer overnight.

Remember to unfreeze the day before you’re planning to use the fruit, otherwise, peaches will most likely start spoiling gradually.

Do Peaches Go Bad

frozen peaches
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Like any fruit, they do. Spoiled peaches, no matter whether fresh or defrosted, will become brownish with a significant sour odor.

When fresh, they’ll be too soft and somewhat mushy to the touch. 

On the ripe fruit, the traces of mold also appear.

To avoid rotting, never keep peaches exposed to direct sunlight, in the too hot surroundings, or overexposed to frost/cold.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be even better “equipped” for preserving peaches, check out this brief Q&A list for something that you probably didn’t know.

Can you freeze peaches whole?

You can! The best way to freeze fresh peaches whole is to wash them, let dry, and leave in a freezing camera overnight. Then sort them into the freezer-resistant packets. No need to peel or take the stone out! 

The most simple way of freezing peaches whole ever!

how to store peaches properly

Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

How to freeze peaches with sugar?

Canning is the oldest way of preserving fresh peaches. It requires a syrup made of sugar and water and washed fruit. Since the way is time-consuming and not quite healthy because of sugar, people use it less today.

Is freezing peaches with the skin on possible?

Of course! Feel free to freeze them whole with the skin on or slice, only remember that for certain purposes (juices or smoothies) skin is better to be peeled.

How to prepare peaches for freezing? 

It hangs upon the method. For freezing peaches whole, they must be only washed and dried. But when exposed to frost sliced, fruit must be peeled unwashed.

How to freeze fresh peaches without them turning brown?

The optimal way is to purchase the ripe (but not too ripe) fruit. They must be soft enough and without the dark or moldy marks on the skin.

Written by
Elisa is a passionate cook who will advise you on healthy and delicious food topics! With her help, you will discover how to properly store and freeze food, as well as learn important nuances about preserving vitamins in your meals to make them stay nutritious.
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Freezing Peaches. How to Freeze Peaches the Easy WayFreezing Peaches. How to Freeze Peaches the Easy Way