Can You Freeze Ketchup?

To freeze or not to freeze? The answer is finally here!

Written by Elisa Chan. Updated on To freeze or not to freeze The answer is finally here

Ketchup is probably the number one sauce in any kitchen all over the world! This foodstuff has become a staple long ago, and today we can’t imagine our daily meals without this slightly sweetened stuff with the strong tomato flavor.

No wonder that many families choose to stock batches of it and finally they end up with several extra bottles that are about to expire. Is it possible to freeze it to avoid this scenario? 

Let’s find this out.

Can You Freeze Ketchup?

The answer is short and encouraging: yes, we can freeze it! If you are a devoted ketchup lover and you can’t stop buying extras no matter what, think of preserving the leftovers, otherwise, you will have to throw away pretty much food.

We want to share one more astonishing piece of news with you, and it is about the fact that this condiment, in fact, is super easy to preserve in a frosting camera! This tomato sauce belongs to the best-freezing foodstuffs due to its ability to keep very well under such cold conditions.

So even if its lifespan is originally pretty extended, we can safely expose it to frost to make it a bit longer.

How long does it take ketchup to freeze, you may wonder? Fortunately, to solidify it, we will not have to wait for days! This tomato condiment will become frosted solid after a maximum of two hours, of course, if the frosting camera is cold enough. 

Can You Freeze Ketchup-Mustard Relish?

Though it is not a common combination we can use when cooking, why not assume that some people make use of it often enough to be in need of an answer.

And fortunately for them, the answer will be positive: such a mixed relish can successfully be exposed to frost!

Both tomato condiment and mustard can be exposed to frost since both have quite a high level of acidity that prevents any bacteria from appearing and developing. The consistency though may appear to be a bit thinner than of the unchilled foodstuff, but those changes will not be dramatic.

If it so happened that the blend became slightly separated after defrosting, don’t panic: simply stir it thoroughly until both components get together again into a solid mass.

Moreover, the freezing method is the same for each of them so preserving a combination like that will not cause any problems.

Can You Freeze Ketchup
Photo by Dennis Klein

Just scoop the relish into an ice-making tray filling each section evenly (you can even give it a gentle shake to keep the content even), and slide it into the frosting camera.

Can You Freeze Homemade Ketchup?

This inquiry makes sense since such a foodstuff usually has no preservatives that could save it from spoilage.

But don’t be afraid, your craft goodie can be successfully preserved just like its commercial “cousin”. Of course, it will be necessary to find a proper tank for the sauce, and we would recommend using either glass frost-resistant jars (make sure they have tight lids!) or go the simpler way and pour the goodie into the same well-known ice-making trays.

Can You Freeze Ketchup-Mustard Relish

When frosted correctly, craft ketchup will be able to stay edible for several months.

Can You Freeze Ketchup Packets?

Another issue that bothers the consumers and housewives, in particular, is whether it is safe to toss the ketchup bottles or packets into the frosting camera. Everyone knows that liquid foodstuff tends to expand when being exposed to instant frost, so naturally, we should expect the same behavior from this tomato condiment.

Can You Freeze Homemade Ketchup
Photo by Ioan F

And indeed, it does expand when frosted because of the high water content. So we are highly skeptical about the idea of frosting ketchup in the original packaging even if we remove some of it to leave enough empty space for the case of expanding.

The reason is not only that the expanded content will most likely break the tank, but it will also be quite difficult to get it out of there to make use of it. 

Instead, why not go for a tank that can be chilled safely, for instance, a glass jar? Like this, we will be able to fill it with the proper amount of ketchup and safely preserve it.

How to Freeze Ketchup?

How to Freeze Ketchup
Photo by Robson Lima

As we already mentioned before, preserving this condiment in the original packaging is not the wisest decision because of the possible breakage of the bottle due to the content expanding.

However, such an approach exists and people use it, so if you are brave enough, feel free to experiment.

But if the plan is to preserve smaller portions of the foodstuff to utilize it for food-making later, better opt for the ice-making tray or silicone molds.

The procedure of frosting is very simple:

  1. Get a clean mold or tray ready
  2. Pour the condiment into each section trying to fill it evenly without any air gaps and empty spaces
  3. Once all the slots are filled, give it a gentle shake to make the content sit evenly
  4. Slide it into the frosting camera for one or two hours until the sauce is solid
  5. The either pop the tomato cubes and place them one by one into a frost-resistant packet, or toss them into a rigid tank. Anyway, the content must be tightly sealed.

Once done, stick the packet back into the frosting camera with the date on it, and keep the goodie until it is needed.

How to Defrost Frozen Ketchup?

Homemade Chili Garlic Sauce | Easy recipe | ketchup recipe| Make and freeze recipe |Tomato KetchupHomemade Chili Garlic Sauce | Easy recipe | ketchup recipe| Make and freeze recipe |Tomato Ketchup

Since ketchup has significant watery content, it may seem that unfreezing it is rather complicated. Well, thawing foods is always tricky since we must be extremely careful and attentive to not mess up with the foodstuff.

However, this red stuff is not going to cause us any trouble! To defrost ketchup, simply remove it to the counter and leave for two hours to thaw completely. 

You may notice that defrosted foodstuff is a bit runny or separated, but that is fine: just stir it unless it is back to normal. Unfrosted condiment will taste the same as the fresh foodstuff with the minimal changes in flavor that are almost unnoticeable, and that is one more beneficial trait of it.

If you preserved the sauce in the bottle as it is, the scheme will be the same: leave it out until the content melts, and give the bottle a good shake to get the consistency back.

How Long Does Ketchup Last

Since exposing it to frost is so simple, what about storage? How long-living is this condiment? Ketchup lifespan hangs upon whether the bottle is opened or not.

The unopened condiment will easily retain its initial quality for two years whereas the content of the unsealed tank will stay good for twelve months at most.

Fridge Pantry Frosting camera
Craft ketchup unopened 1 year 1-2 years indefinitely
Commercial ketchup unopened - 2 years indefinitely
Craft ketchup unopened 1 year 2 years indefinitely
Commercial ketchup opened 1 year 1 month indefinitely

How to Understand That Ketchup Has Gone Bad

How to Understand That Ketchup Has Gone Bad
Photo by kazuend

Despite the fact that this tomato condiment has the potential to last indefinitely when frozen and for a pretty long time when chilled, it can still spoil. In most cases, it happens because of improper storage.

And even though ketchup can hardly become harmful and lead to severe food poisoning, its taste and aroma will decay so there will be no use for such a foodstuff. 

To check it, look for the following signals:

  • separation
  • the watery liquid appears on the surface
  • color changes from the bright-red to maroon
  • consistency gets thicker

We would not recommend keep on using such a condiment because of the possible health issues it may cause.

Why Is Ketchup Healthy?

Why Is Ketchup Healthy
Photo by Wesual Click

Quite a few of us have ever thought of the possible beneficial traits of such a common condiment like ketchup. Some might even object: commercial foodstuff has very little healthy ingredients, it is stuffed with preservatives and stabilizers, what can be good about it?!

Well, the sauce we see on the store shelf is probably not that beneficial indeed, but what about the craft original one?

Surprisingly, it is packed with positive features!

  • It decreases the risk or developing cancer

Tomatoes contain an antioxidant that fights cancer cells and helps to prevent the appearance of this illness. Eat this condiment at least twice a week, and be sure that nothing will harm your wellbeing!

  • It’s a perfect cholesterol tamer

Incorporate this foodstuff into the daily eating to bring the nasty bad cholesterol down.

  • Your eyesight will improve

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A that is not only the key to strong immunity but it is also a crucial factor of a good vision.

And except for all those benefits, ketchup simply makes our meals tastier. Isn’t it something this foodstuff should be praised for?

So, now you are informed about the ketchup lifespan and stocking nuances, and also we told about freezing it and how to do it correctly. With this information, we are sure that taking care of this healthy condiment will be simpler than before.

Written by
Elisa is a passionate cook who will advise you on healthy and delicious food topics! With her help, you will discover how to properly store and freeze food, as well as learn important nuances about preserving vitamins in your meals to make them stay nutritious.
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