Does Coffee Cause Acne?

Is caffeine really bad for your skin?

Written by Meredith Hayes. Updated on coffee and acne

A lot of people are familiar with such a problem as acne. This skin disease is a painful topic for both boys and girls. Sometimes skin rashes are being ignored.

However, acne can be a serious problem that leaves scars on the skin, causes deformities of the facial features, and, most importantly, cause psychological discomfort. There are many reasons for its development but today we will tell you about coffee and acne. So, is caffeine bad for your skin?

What Is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that can affect not only the face but also the back, neck, and chest.

This disease is associated with the active production of sebum, thickening of the upper layer of the epidermis and obstruction of the sebaceous glands.

is caffeine bad for your skin
Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Such conditions are favorable for the reproduction of Cutibacterium acne, a microorganism that causes inflammatory rashes, such as pimples and pustules.

Improper nutrition is the first and foremost reason for this state. Skin rashes can be caused by sweets, flour and dairy products, coffee, tea, oily and fried foods. Yes, even coffee causes acne.

What Does Coffee Do to Your Skin?

coffee causes acne
Photo by Evan Dvorkin on Unsplash

You may drink lots of coffee to stay focused, or you may already be addicted to this delicious drink. Despite the gorgeous taste, it can only aggravate your endless acne problem.

Find out the effects of coffee on skin.

Researchers claim that green coffee beans are a source of antioxidants, and good quality ground coffee can fight extra weight. But coffee can be very addictive, and it can also damage your skin!

Is Coffee Bad for Your Skin?

coffee can cause acne
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

It can be heavy for your digestive system

If your day starts with a cup of coffee, it’s time to change that habit. Drinking coffee with an empty stomach releases hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for digesting heavy foods! Protein uptake can have a negative effect and can cause acne. When protein is undigested, you may also experience uncomfortable gas buildup and bloating.

Milk and sugar in coffee can be harmful

Milk and sugar make coffee a really delicious drink for many of us. But these components may be the worst for acne. The effects of coffee on skin can be more detrimental when mixed with these two ingredients. This makes your skin produce more oil, damaging cells with glycation. Though, a cup of black coffee can boost your energy level.

Coffee stimulates the production of stress hormones

Coffee brings you more energy as it activates the nervous system. Stress hormones, in turn, release insulin, the hormone responsible for the production of red pimples. Aside from these unwanted eruptions, too much coffee can make you hyperactive and nervous.

Is Coffee Bad for Your Skin
Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

You want more sweets

With the production of stress hormones, you start consuming more sweets, high-carbonate snacks, and high-calorie dense foods that are friends of acne. If you want to separate coffee and acne, keep your intake to a minimum. If you drink more than two glasses a day, substitute a couple of them with fresh juice and cocktails.

Coffee has mycotoxins

These are mold-forming toxins that grow in coffee plants. Cheap coffee may have a high concentration of mycotoxins. They overload the liver, and it fails to properly balance hormone levels. It leads to acne. So, does coffee cause acne? A cup or two at a time may not. But you will not avoid this problem if you overdo it.

Coffee can interfere with the absorption of minerals

If you drink coffee before meals, it prevents the body from effective absorbing the minerals from the food. When the skin does not get the necessary minerals, such as zinc, iron, and selenium, it can look dull, worn and unhealthy.

Is It Possible to Completely Get Rid of Acne?

There are several forms of acne: mild, moderate, and severe. It is necessary to start treatment when the inflammation has just appeared, otherwise, it will seize a larger area of ​​skin, moving from face to shoulder, back, chest. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin, the speed of its regeneration.

Some people with reduced immunity need longer treatment. These patients have to undergo maintenance procedures each year to keep their acne controlled. It is necessary to be realistic: if the skin was neglected for a long time, it will be extremely hard to correct some of its defects.

Anti-Acne Menu

Caffeine and acne
Photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash

You need to focus on fresh fruits and vegetables that enrich our body with the necessary enzymes. These are the essential elements of every cell that contribute to skin regeneration. Also, do not forget about the antioxidants (Vitamin A, C, E) that protect the skin from oxidative stress.

If you give up sugary sodas and replace them with water, this will be the first step. You need to drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight each day.

Water itself will not eliminate the problem, but it promotes better metabolism, that is, the removal of dead cells and pathogens of inflammation in the body to which acne belongs.

In turn, sugar contributes to the development of inflammation, and therefore it is necessary to limit the consumption of all sweet (except for truly high-quality chocolate). Caffeine and acne are not the best friends either. You should minimize coffee intake.

With regard to other products, problem skin also needs B vitamins (bananas, oatmeal, bran, quinoa, high-quality red meat, seeds), zinc, which promotes wound healing (seeds, seafood, fish, legumes), greens), unsaturated fatty acids (nuts, fish). It will be useful to drink purifying teas from nettle, dandelions.

Acne treatment is often associated with restricting the consumption of classic dairy products and replacing them with acidic ones that improve gut microbiota and immunity.

If you wonder whether coffee can cause acne, think about the amount you drink and how you drink it. Although adding milk and sugar is not a great idea, they do not make a real loss if you only consume a cup or two a day. But if you are addicted to this toning drink, you need to reconsider your coffee habits.  

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Meredith will assist you with your health and family problems. She is a professional therapist who has huge experience in the field of family health care.
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