Are you Ready To Run Outdoors?

Here are some recommendations for starting an outdoors fitness routine

Written by Meredith Hayes. Updated on Are you Ready To Run Outdoors

We’re all itching to get outside when hot days come around. If you’re one of us and are already shopping for a new pair of running shoes because you want to take your workouts outdoors, then you’re in the right place because this article aims to provide recommendations on how to get ready for working out outdoors.

Your muscles aren’t exactly utilised for training outside, and your lungs are far from ready to breathe fresh air. Your body needs particular stamina to complete an outdoors workout.

After working out and running on a treadmill inside for several months, it’s challenging to transition to getting outdoors. You can adjust your pace, incline, and distance when you walk or run on a treadmill.

You’re also exposed to countless distractions like music or TV that distract your mind from the physical activity you complete, making it easier to approach.

However, when you run outdoors, you need to adapt to the conditions and push yourself harder sometimes to conquer the landscape. Strenuous running can be the sure-fire recipe for disaster and end your outdoor training routine before it actually begins.

Therefore, you need to prepare your body for outdoor training. Here is how.

Pre-workout recommendations

As you may already know, warming up before exercising isn’t optional if you want to prevent injury and perform well. Jumping into any form of exercise is far from wise because you’ll put excessive strain on your joints and muscles, which can easily trigger an injury.

The last thing you want is to take a break because you neglected to warm up your muscles. Start any workout session with a couple of minutes of warm-up exercises to get your blood flowing before engaging in more intense activities.

Also, you’ll notice that you have an enhanced performance when you warm up properly because your muscles are ready to support your activities.

One of the best ways to warm up your muscles is to go through the same range of motions you intend to complete during the training session.

However, during the warm-up stage, you perform the movements at a slower pace or without heavy resistance.

Pre-workout recommendations
monkeybusiness via VistaCreate

Start slow

Whether you want to add some outdoor exercises or transition to a full outdoor workout, you need to feel strong and comfortable to get the desired results.

Indoor training is done in a controlled environment, but when you get outside the gym, you must consider a number of variables like the surface type, elevation, wind, and weather.

Don’t be disappointed if you cannot run one day because it rains or have to go slow during the summer days because it’s excessively hot. Start at a pace that is a bit slower than your regular exercise routine until your body gets used to working outdoors.

Once it adjusts to the new conditions, you can complete your usual workout routine or even increase the difficulty.

Use walking breaks

If you want to start running outside, you may need to take walk breaks you didn’t need on the treadmill. Just because you take a walk break, it doesn’t mean you failed at completing your fitness routine.

On the contrary it can help you perform better in the long run. It would be great if you inserted several 30-minute walk sessions into your fitness routine from the beginning to extend your workout and boost your strength.

Walks are also helpful on hillier runs because they’re more challenging than running on a low incline or flat surface. They’re also different from using the treadmill at an incline because you run on harder terrain.
If you decide to run around town, it would be wise to take walk breaks when exercising in crowded sections or the streets pose accident dangers.

There are not few the number of runners who got injured while training in the city due to obstacles on the streets. If this is the case and you get a personal injury while running outdoors, you can hold liable the local council.

When you live in the UK, you’re entitled to ask for compensation if you have an accident because of the local council’s negligence in caring for the streets properly.

The personal injury solicitors from the UK have the necessary experience and expertise to handle your case and provide you with the necessary assistance.

Use walking breaks
AllaSerebrina via VistaCreate

Plan the route in advance

Part of the appeal of working out in a gym is that it requires little planning from you. But once you get your training outdoors, you deal with various factors that make it more challenging to stick to a routine.

Therefore, you need to put some effort into making a plan and setting up a predeterminate running routine. You should walk the route you plan to run with a friend to ensure that you won’t get lost or end up running more than intended.

During the recon phase, you can also identify any hazards or obstacles you may deal with while working out and plan ways to solve them.

Plan the route in advance
Kzenon via VistaCreate

Switch up the surfaces

If you want to improve your strength and performance, it’s essential to incorporate a variety of surfaces in your workout. Only running on street pavement can be hard on your legs, so create a route that allows you to switch up the surfaces.

Add a park to your track to run on grass, dirt, and bridle trails and paths. Your body will take it easier to run on soft surfaces and you’ll recover faster from the effort.

Also, running in a park or on a trail is more entertaining because it provides you with exquisite views.

Switch up the surfaces
AndrewLozovyi via VistaCreate

Make it fun

The secret to sticking to your outdoors running routine is to make it exciting. Ask a friend to join you, or engage with a local group of runners and join their routine.

Make it fun
AntonShevchenko via VistaCreate

Don’t be afraid to make friends among fellow runners because they can provide tips and recommendations to make your journey easier.

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Meredith will assist you with your health and family problems. She is a professional therapist who has huge experience in the field of family health care.
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