10 Unique selfie ideas for Instagram and Facebook in 2023

Fresh and Cool Tips For The Best Selfies

Written by Kate Holmsy. Updated on guide for an amazing selfie

Instagram and Facebook are visual social networks. Selfie is a real hit on these two platforms and hasn’t lost its popularity over the years. People love taking self-portraits because it’s easy. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them seriously. There are many ways to make your selfies look bright and interesting.

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Then follow our advice.

You and your pet

Naturally, many users post images of cute pets. But why don’t you go up a notch? Place your cat, dog, or any other animal in front of you so it covers part of your face. Capture how you play with your pet.


The next time you are about to take a photo, use some decorations, such as a trendy cap or sunglasses. Otherwise, put on a new watch, your favorite bracelet, or a fitness tracker. Wear a pretty necklace or a scarf.

Face mask

In 2023, for obvious reasons, the face mask is a real trend that, according to scientists, may remain in our lives in 2024 too. Many people love this trend. After all, you don’t have to worry about makeup and how you look in the photo because half of your face is hidden by a mask. By the way, you can add this accessory to any of your selfies with the mask photo editor.

Face mask

Bright or weird makeup

If you have a lot of makeup at home, experiment with it. Take a close-up of your face – these photos always stand out in the feed.

Selfie inside another selfie

Take a selfie while other people around you are also shooting themselves with their smartphone cameras.

me and my dog selfy

Shadows on the face

The best shadows are at the first hour after dawn and before dusk. Use plants, curtains, blinds, etc. Move objects so that shadows fall on the face and body.

Tell about yourself

Instead of just capturing your face, pay attention to what you are interested in and how you can show your obsession through the photo. Consider including a few objects in the image that tell about you. Share your hobbies whether they are basketball, ballet, or painting.

selfy kardashians

Selfie from above

Take a photo of yourself lying on a bed, grass, sand, or any other surface. Pick a pose and style the hair in the frame. Add some objects like flowers, books, toys, etc.

Use reflections

There are many surfaces other than ordinary mirrors, which can give you cool reflections. You can try shop windows, watch glass or sunglasses.

Take a picture of your shadow

Such shots work better when the sun is behind you. Find a clear surface that demonstrates your shadow perfectly. If you want to be original, try diverse locations like a sandy beach.

What girls and boys should consider while making an amazing selfy

boys and girls picture


Most of all, girls are afraid to appear plump and chubby in the pictures. To avoid the effect of plumpness, do not pull your head into your shoulders – this will guarantee the appearance of a double chin.
Also, try not to photograph yourself from below.
In order not to look older than your age in the photo, try to give up bright red lipstick, artificial lighting and frowning eyebrows – all this visually ages your face in the pictures.


Young people are most afraid of appearing feminine and overly thin. If you do not have the desired muscle mass, try to give up photos in T-shirts with short sleeves – long sleeves, cardigans, sweater will become more suitable solutions.
It is not recommended to use “classic” techniques like crossing arms on the chest to “increase” the biceps. The body’s position should be natural.

Written by
Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs!
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